
Under attack (8)

~ Croatia ~

Marija and Nick are watching a four-second long video they received from the team that infiltrated the Beach house.

The camera is shaky how the person is walking, and they can see the dense foliage. "I'm almost there…" The male voice was heard from the speaker. "I can see the roof of… What the…?" There was a growl and the camera suddenly rotated, and the video ended.

"What the hell?" Marija frowned while looking at the last millisecond of the video. It shows a black panther (aka Atlas) pouncing toward the camera with mouth open, deadly fangs clearly on display.

"What do they have there, a ZOO?"

Nick smiled dreamily. "Black panther. How fitting for Sarah. I always thought of her like a tigress, but now I believe that black panther is much better."

Marija rolled her eyes. Nick's infatuation with Sarah is nauseating.
