
Ron's 21st birthday (5)

Back in the area where ladies gathered around Samara…

Samara collected contact information from the ladies present and promised to send samples to all of them.

After this, Sarah went to find Aiden and to check how they are with the schedule for the event, and other ladies dispersed as well, leaving Ellie, Emma, JoAnna, and Samara.

Ellie spotted Jasper who was standing nearby with Mathew.

Mathew was in Chicago and he planned to spend some time with Grayden, but then he saw that Angelo is there and at the last moment Mathew decided to attend Ron's party. Mathew knows Ron and he would rather be anywhere else than to hold a candle for Angelo and Melissa.

"There is my husband!" Ellie exclaimed and nudged Samara while gesturing toward Jasper. "Now you can see that he is more handsome than Charlie."
