
Party at the Smith family villa (8)

Everyone present knows that Aileen accused Emma of fooling around, and they came with expectations to see Charlie's reaction when he catches Emma cheating. However, the only thing they saw was David with the maid in Charlie's room. If this didn't happen during such an important event, no one would care about it. But because it started with a story that Charlie is being cheated on, the incident is graver than it should be.

What they don't know is why was Aileen so confident, and how Emma ended up here.

About fifteen minutes ago…

Zula and Emma were walking down the hallway and Zula noticed that Emma's condition is getting worse. She suggested taking Emma to her room.

Emma rejected. "Not my room. She wanted me to go there…"

Zula thought how that makes sense. But all other rooms are taken, and they need privacy. Well, everyone should be at the party. Zula used Eve-lens and confirmed that the room on the right is empty. "Let's go this way."
