
Dinner in Las Vegas (9)

Sarah gathered Nala, Zula, and Imani at one spot in the back of the garden and informed them: "Anna will perform few surgical procedures and she asked me if one of you wants to assist her."

Nala, Zula, and Imani immediately raised hands enthusiastically, indicating that all three of them are interested.

"It will be tomorrow, so if you are in, you will stay overnight.", Sarah added.

Nala lowered her hand and Zula's was halfway up.

Sarah smiled. "That means Imani."

"Sarah I want to stay, but overnight…", Nala whined while looking in Haru's direction. "I mean… if there is no one else, I would do it, but since there is someone…"

"Don't worry about it, I understand.", Sarah assured Nala. "This is optional and up to you. If you are not interested, someone else will do it."

"But I am interested.", Zula responded. "It's just that…"
