
Sarah's birthday party in LA (10)

Most of the guests moved toward the tables in the garden area when smell of a barbecue spread through the air making everyone hungry, even the ones who thought they are full of all the snacks they gulped down through the afternoon.

A group of twenty-something people was still around the rink, mostly bodyguards and few kids who were eager to compare skills with the outsiders, but the others succumbed to the irresistible scented invitation of meat, fruits and vegetables which sizzled on the six oversized grills.

Emma was next to Charlie with Tiffany and Mike at the same table and they munched on their food while observing Jarred and Mrs. Ronin.

Emma, Charlie and Mike keenly watched Jarred get fresh-off-the-grill chicken kebabs for Mrs. Ronin, and she accepted them with a smile. Then Jarred served her variety of salads, and she didn't refuse any of those either. Both of them were smiling and chatting about something which made Mrs. Ronin laugh occasionally.
