
Oscar wants an explanation (2)

Elanor was super-excited to see the printouts from the ultrasound and she squealed in excitement when JoAnna told her that she can keep them.

JoAnna had to stand up and tighten the t-shirt around her belly to show the bump which is now visible. OK, not really-really visible because it actually looks like she ate too much junk food and got bloated.

"They are about the size of lemons…", JoAnna said while rubbing her belly. "Ah, my bridesmaid dress for Ellie's wedding will need to be altered."

They spoke until late in the afternoon and JoAnna offered everyone to stay for dinner.

"Is Sophia going to join?", Elanor asked with sparkles in her eyes. "If she is coming, can she bring Lia?"

"Sophia is not feeling well.", Sarah responded.

Elanor was concerned. "Is she sick? We should go and visit her."
