
The prisoner (2)

~ Austin, Morgan's family villa ~

Harriet is in the basement. She is locked in there since that disastrous dinner with Lukas White. Harriet knows why she is back here, but how she arrived here… she does not know.

Harriet remembers a maid bringing in her room a long red body-hugging dress with a high slit on the side. "Madam said that you should be ready by 6 PM."

Harriet obediently put it on and sighed at the V-neck opening which is too low for her taste.

Before Harriet left the house, both of her parents made sure to bring out the point how the goal of that dinner is to make Lukas like her.

They sent her to the restaurant with a driver and two bodyguards. Now that she thinks of it, she is confident that those men were not there to protect her, but to make sure that she does not escape.
