
Sarah's birthday (10)

They watched the sunset over the cove. It was a beautiful sunset, for the ones who watched it.

Sarah was resting in Aiden's embrace, and enjoying company of her friends. These six people around her, that she considers friends are the only ones that so far didn't betray her trust. Aiden is not in this group; he has a separate place in her life.

With these six people, she can smile and relax. With Nick included that makes it seven, but he is not here now. Sarah wondered if Nick will come tomorrow to their hideout, or maybe day after tomorrow. Another question that popped in her head is if Nick was sincere as a friend, or was he acting nice only because he was interested in her. There is a chance she will never find out an answer to that.

As the sun went below the horizon, they started a bonfire and seated themselves sporadically around it.
