
Don't overexert yourself

~Montreal, Canada~

In the hotel suite, Felix is getting last few things from the living area to pack into the suitcase.

Sophia is resting in the bedroom.

"Are you sure you are OK?" He asked her for who knows how many times already.

"Yes. I feel sleepy."

Felix was worried. Sophia was always energetic, this is unusual. It's early for sleep. "Anything else? Headache? Fever? Nausea? Rash? Fainting? Loss of appetite? ..."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Can you stop reciting side effects from some commercial for medications? I'm just tired. I think that today drained me, that's all."

Felix sat at the edge of the bed and gently stroke Sophia's head. "We can stay until tomorrow. So you get rest... do you want that?"

"At this point, that sounds like a good idea." Sophia closed her eyes and felt that she is drifting off to sleep. "What will you do?" She mumbled.

"I will watch over you." Felix settled into the bed next to Sophia and embraced her.
