

Master Talya snorted and muttered more then loud enough to hear, "Still up to your parlor tricks Gustavo? Spineless Worm."

There wasn't so much anger in her voice as there was annoyance and she did not look as if she was suddenly guarded or prepared to face a dangerous foe. In fact as Gustavo gave a disarming smile and acted as if he didn't hear the jibe as he moved on Azaire got the feeling the two were maybe friends or friendly rivals more like.

"First however I'll have to ask you to drop the spell you place around here as it is doing damage Tally. I promise to keep your charges protected while we have this discussion but you know I cannot allow the desert to suffer any longer."

Azaire and the two royals shared looks of confusion and surprise. When had Master Talya cast some big spell to hurt the desert and why hadn't they seen evidence of this?

Azaire studied the newly arrived sand wyrm (or at least assumed one considering he showed up as if representing the others) and wasn't sure what to make of him. He was tall looking to be maybe 6 foot and he had a swimmers build with mostly lean muscle that could easily be mistaken as skinny or pole-like when wearing clothes that weren't skin tight. He was wearing the bottom half of a toga that came up to his knees his top half was shirtless.

He was as yellow as the other four with the same milky white eyes. So definitely a sand wyrm, and that combined with his, wild ebony black devil may care hair, and his goatee that looked like someone cut out one of those old cartoon villain goatees that were a perfect triangle and pasted on his chin....and the matching mustache....he definitely gave off a questionable aura but the easy smile and gentle behavior seemed to counter balance that.

So long story short this wasn't a guy who was simple to figure out at all.

Azaire shook away his thoughts as he realized Master Talya and Gustavo had been staring at each other intensely for a full minute as if engaged in some silent argument. Titania and Jared next to Azaire seemed to be a bit worried too but they stood by impassively as if waiting for something.

"Ugh, fine it's a deal then!"

Master Talya's outburst nearly made Azaire jump out of his skin it was so sudden but luckily he was good at keeping his cool. Titania looked over his way as if sensing his confusion and discomfort. She sent a reassuring smile to him as he Azaire felt Jared who'd also noticed squeeze his shoulder encouragingly.

"We'd better sit then since this'll be a long conversation."

Master Talya tapped her feet and a huge perfect square table rose slowly from the sand in the middle of the campsite with enough chairs for everyone there except one person. Before anyone could wonder who Jared grabbed Azaire and plopped onto the biggest seat made to accommodate him...or them it seemed. While everyone else took a seat with the sand wyrm's on one side and Azaire and his companions on the other.

Master Talya looked as if she was currently chewing something sour when she finally spoke again. "I will drop the spell now and I'm trusting you to keep your word! If anything happens to them..."

Gustavo held up a hand as if in peace interrupting her. "They'll be fine I swear."

As if this appeased her Master Talya waved her hand and suddenly a rush of power shattered and another power replaced it! It was ancient seeming and to Azaire it seemed very irritated. There was another flex of power this time obviously from Gustavo, all of this happening seconds from each other and suddenly things started to make a little more sense.

A thick sheet of sand seemed to cover the entire surroundings beside the a protective circle around the camp. But unlike Master Talya's protective circle, other then it be nowhere near as big considering none of them had seen this was what the desert was really like for miles out, Gustavo's circle seemed more natural as if it was a safe space personally created by the desert instead of smothering the desert's power.

"Poor guy you must have felt so smothered, " Azaire muttered under his breath and the desert's irritation quickly turned into satisfied joy at someone acknowledging its misfortunes. A warm desert breeze danced playfully around him as if finding a new friend.

Azaire felt eyes on him studying him closely and realized everyone was staring at him. He'd forgotten everyone here were cultivators and most of them inhuman so their senses were much better then normal and capable of overhearing him but their gazes all seemed a bit intense for just him muttering weird nonsense to himself. Master Talya and Jarred looked worried and they kept looking back and forth from Azaire to Gustavo who had an intrigued look on his face, and Titania looked surprised and seemed to hide a bit of worry of her own in her eyes.

"Ahem I suppose we should get down to business then? Tally and I discussed and decided it'd be best to give you the long answer since you'll have to hear it from her anyway what with her being your Master and all. So to respect that she's going to start by explaining the origin of this all and what she's ready to tell you about her part in it then I'll pick up the story when it gets to MY area of expertise....sound good?"

Azaire didn't really get a chance to answer as Master Talya jumped right in as if in a hurry to get it over with.

"It all starts with the Four Forbidden Lands:"

"Everyone thinks that these four areas that surround the human kingdom and separates them from the other main races are lands of death made to consume those that dare to enter without a very high level of cultivation. Some even assume they're places were the gods his their secret treasures before the great ascension. However the truth is much more mysterious. As these "lands" are as alive as other cultivators and magical beasts and the truth is they do hold many secrets....."

Master Talya took a deep breath and looked around at everyone to ensure her words were understood. At the avid attention she received back she continued.

"....However those secrets are guarded jealously and besides those with the strength to resist the places were each lands power isn't as powerful, most cannot survive because most go looking for secrets that don't concern them and treasure they have no right too and the lands fight back. However each land have their exceptions and the greatest example of an exception is Keepers!"


Titania questioned Master Talya unashamedly interrupting.

Giving a sharp smile instead of getting irritated at the interruption Master Talya explained a bit.

"Keepers are a group of people with some common ground between them that serves the lands and take care of the lands..."

"Who are they being taken care of for?"

Azaire could feel a timber-like rumble against his back as Jared interrupted next. Looking up at the giant he saw him scratching thoughtfully at the five o' clock shadow Azaire hadn't realized had grown on his face so quickly.

'When did that get there? Why hadn't I noticed before?"

"....A complicated question but I'll answer best I...."

Azaire realized he'd gotten distracted from the conversation by the Giant prince's rugged style he just noticed. Shaking his head clear he tuned back in, in time to hear the explanation.

"They say there once used to be a god who ruled this world and the four lands were once his seat of power. Then he mysteriously vanished from this world....."




After letting the dramatic silence stretch sufficiently Master Talya continued letting a silly smile slip onto her face as her apprentice Azaire rolled his eyes at her antics.

".....but there is a Prophecy! It states that someone will inherit these lands again along with this world...some say they'll be a reincarnation of the past master....some say they'll be the kin....some say they will be completely unrelated or even have a master and disciple relationship."

"Whatever the truth the past master left behind keepers for each land to tend to them...and each keeper carries their own family,sect,group, etc. that follows them in doing what it takes to protect and safe keep their land."

Master Talya stared deeply at Azaire for a moment, biting her lip as if she couldn't decide whether or not to share something.

Azaire remained silent and did not look expectant or inquiring, he knew that either she would tell him or she wouldn't. It was her own choice and he respected it no matter how it made him feel. After only a brief moment of indecision Master Talya spoke again.

"........I just so happen to be one of those keeper's."

Hey Guy's! Remember that surprise? Well it's finally time and I specially worked to have enough time to write up five chapters for y'all to go with it, But I was only able to complete four. The fifth chapter should be out tomorrow or within the next few days though.

If you're wondering what the surprise is I'll give you a hint. It involves judging a book by it's COVER.

That was terrible I know. But hope you guys like it. Without further ado, here's your chapters.

StormGodlingcreators' thoughts