
Xue Ren and Water Ruler - A battle on the blue planet!

Xue Ren let out all his powers.

He was converting his divine wings too and combined all power was equal to five winged divinity. Xue Ren was growing and thanks to his ladies being divinities, his growth was astonishing... The ascension of two snow ladies, then getting more divinities under his banner caused Xue Ren's growth to increase neatly.

He had five wings, but every wing got convered into a raw power that burned his divine coat highly. A coat was also getting longer, so it was looking quite weird, but domineering as well with all the fire origins embroided on it.

There were also a few dragon scales which added a nice design.

All because Xue Ren just had that much fire origins.

"I will evaporate your whole world."

As soon as those words rang out, Xue Ren summoned his fire origins that were very strong creatures filled with goddess of life bloodline. One could say that their rank was that above divine or maybe just at the top.
