
Lesson learned!

This time it was Luke's turn to call them together.

"Gather around please! I know you are all interested in your results but that will have to wait until after the final session! For now, rest up a bit and get ready for your next run."

Jayden took this moment of rest to go to his father.

"Jayden!"dad called out to him. "Why were you driving like that the first session? Even if you aren't used to the track and kart yet it should have not been that bad right? And then in the second session, your driving got miles better! Why the sudden change?"

"I did what the instructors told us to do dad! First, get a feeling for the kart and track. That's why I was driving like that! I wanted to figure out how far I could push. That way I would know the karts limit. That made it easier to drive the second session where speed was not the most important. I tried to drive as smooth and constant as possible and I think I did well."

Other parents and their children that had also came over listened in. They were surprised to find out his reason for driving that way. "So that's why" dad said. He knew Jayden wouldn't suddenly lose his skill in driving. Knowing the reason now dad was relieved.

"Well rest up a bit and get ready for the final session!" dad said.

After a short 10 minute break, it was time to start the final session.

"So remember, try and get the fastest lap possible in this session! Do keep an eye out for cars around you when you are not on a fast lap. Try and safely get out of the way of faster cars and don't forget to drive safe! Accidents occur easier when you are pushing the limit! Being fast is useless if you can't keep it on track!" Luke said

Those last words Luke said left a deep impression on Jayden. "He's right!" he thought. "I can push for the fastest lap time as soon as I go out but if I crash ill be left with nothing"

He went back to the number 99 and got strapped in. Thinking about how to best go about this final session.

"I'll just try and replicate the feeling I had the last session and go from there. If I can increase my pace while still keeping my own driving style then it should be all right" he thought

They were then sent back on track for the final session. Jayden wasted no time trying to find his former rhythm. It took him 2 laps to get back to his optimum pace. The problem with this was that he would now have to up his pace. This is because his former pace was all about consistency not getting the best lap time.

He was not worried though. He knew he could still go faster than this. He would now go about increasing his pace by slowly pushing the margins each lap. Braking a bit further where he felt he could risk it. Getting on the throttle earlier out of corners. Taking more speed through the corners.

He was doing all this while still managing to keep his smooth driving style. Jayden kept pushing his limits and managed to keep it smooth by relying on his impressive concentration. Doing this his lap-times kept improving. When he thought he reached the limits of his driving style he planned and slowing down the next lap. "I won't be able to go any faster," he thought.

Other drivers ho had reached there limit started making mistakes. They spun when exiting corners or slid off the track braking too late.

This only reinforced Jayden's decision to back off but then something happened that totally shocked him.

It was the driver in the number 48 and the other boy Vincent. They were driving bumper to bumper approaching a fast left-handed corner. Jayden looked at them and noticed that they were barely braking. Just enough to get the front of the kart gripping so the could turn in. They kept the revs of the engine high and steered the kart while keeping a mild slide.

Jayden couldn't believe his eyes. They were keeping up a far higher cornering speed but the most important thing was the exit. Since they kept their engines revved up they exited the corner like a rocket! Way faster than he was able to.

This felt like a bucket of ice cold water being poured on his head. He had no idea you could drive a kart this way.

"No wonder I can't beat the fastest time's on the track at home. They must be using this style to drive" he thought.

Thoughts of slowing down were no longer on Jayden's mind now. He knew there was not a lot of time left but he tried his best to keep up with them. "If I can just stay behind them I might learn a bit more," he thought.

Sadly for Jayden, there was not enough time. They were too fast! Before he could learn something the session was over!

Figuring out that he would not be the fastest hurt Jayden's pride a lot. He was always used to being the fastest child and always received praises from his parents and other grownups.

After everyone parked their karts in the pits, they got out and went to see the instructors.

They were nervous and excited at the same time. What would there lap-time be? Did the pass the practical part of the examination? How would the compare to the others?

Jayden's mind was also filled with questions but the one bothered him the most. "How did they learn to drive like that and could I do the same?"

While Jayden was pondering these questions instructor Melvin came forward.

"First of all let me start by saying I was pleasantly surprised by all of your performances. I can let you know right now that you all passed the practical part of the exam!"

This was met with loud cheering from the drivers. It was like a weight fell off their shoulders. They could now focus on the theoretical part of the exam.

Not all drivers were cheering tough. Those that were still waiting for there results. They wanted to know their lap times. Jayden was one of these drivers.

"Now I'm sure you would all like to know your results? You will be called in order from fastest to slowest. So if Stephen could come with me and Melvin?" Luke said.

Stephen was beaming with joy and went over to follow Luke and Melvin.

Jayden wasn't feeling good right now. That's because Stephen is the driver for kart number 48. The same guy he thought he would easily beat.

"I shouldn't have been so full of myself! Everyone here must have some experience karting. It's not like I would be fast just because I go karting twice a week. Some of these children have their own kart. The must be able to go karting a lot more often than I ever could!" he thought.

This would be a major turning point in Jayden's early racing career. He now knew never to underestimate someone ever again!
