
House Serkar Confronts the Enemy

And while warm tears welled up within Hejin's eyes and trickled down his cheeks, Gulistan shook her head.


 "Brother, I'm doing this for your own good. Don't you think this is far too convenient? Within the Ancient Crystal World, how many forces can sneak into the Northern Khan's palace to brutally injure him, kill his wife, slay the bodyguards you arranged, and kidnap the princess, all on her coming of age ceremony?


 The Celestial Church doesn't have that much free time. That leaves us with the Hidden Forest's tribes, the Zenith Ants, and the Jade Dynasty. Of the three, the Hidden Forest's tribes have no cause. We can directly eliminate them. As for the Zenith Ants, I'm afraid they wouldn't stop until the entire palace turned into a blood feast.

