

The river Styx flowed through the kingdom of ghosts . The king was doing a morning ritual in the river Styx .He saw the golden basket and brought it home .He had a daughter named Amira.

She was the supposed heir of the ghost kingdom . Soon the king realized that the infant he had found was no normal baby , it was the famed Krystal .He took her back to his palace . He knew that this child could at no cost be offended. If she were to lose even a strand of her hair God wouldn't let go of the Ghost Kingdom. He ordered the servants to clean up the best palace they had and let Krystal move in as soon as possible. Krystal woke up later in the afternoon. She realized and adapted to the changes in her surroundings quickly. In her dream she had a divination which told her to stay where she was when she woke up and adapt to a life there . She tried asking why but she woke up instead of getting an answer. Since she was adorable, likable,smart and honey tongued she was accepted by the staff and the rest of the kids very quickly. The king had a daughter named Amira . She was given the name Amira by the late empress of the kingdom.Her name meant ruling princess. As her mother had passed away a few hours after her birth she was very sensitive regarding her mother's topic. She also hated anybody calling her names as she felt that it would be the same as insulting the only thing her mother had given her. The first time Krystal met Amira , she was a five year old kid with the mentality of a teenager [ thanks to all those manga's] while Amira was a seven year old but, was brilliant in all aspects be it studying , fencing, sports or winning the people's heart Amira had excelled them. She was training to be the heir to ghost kingdom.

Amira and Krystal had an awesome bonding from the very first day. They would play tag and have lessons together. Krystal was a quick learner and turned out to be more of a brilliant person than any of the scholars in the kingdom. The king started to be more interested in her and pampered her a lot more than before but he subconsciously neglected his daughter. Amira felt ignored she felt jealous of Krystal. She calmed herself down by thinking that this wasn't Krystal's fault it's all her dad's fault. One day Krystal and Amira were playing with a good friend of theirs Dria. When they were playing hide and seek dria was the catcher . She found Amira first and yelled " Gotcha " and that's when she saw Krystal peeking from the same direction Dria had come from. She thought Krystal and Dria were cheating and had colluded to catch her first so that Amira would have to be the catcher in the next game. But, what she did not realize was it was her jealousy that turned into raging anger and caused her to overthink things. She blamed them for doing it on purpose and the three of them began arguing . Amira refused to hear their explanations. Dria finally had enough of explaining herself and turned around to go back. Amira raised her hand to hit Dria in a fit of rage . Krystal caught Amira's hand and stopped her in time. Revolted by this Amira tried to hit Krystal. Krystal dodged the blow and twisted Amira's hand partly behind her back. Amira cried out in pain. Hearing the cries of the kids the attendants came over rushing by their side . The king came there and after hearing the whole story he told Amira to apologize to Krystal and Dria. He tried to explain it to her by saying that before becoming a good ruler she must become a good person and a good person doesn't wrong other people. She refused to listen and hit Krystal blaming the entire incident on her. The king realized that the consequences of Amira' actions were too grave. They may have already angered the wrath of god .

He immediately banished Amira from his kingdom to the mortal world in a mortal body. Though the king did this to protect Amira ,she was broken, in despair and was enraged to the point she wanted to kill Krystal [which she would never be able to do].When the decision was made many commoners revolted . The king either silenced those people , imprisoned them or banished them. Amira's soul dissipated onto earth and was born into a normal mortal family .She was no longer heard from.
