

"Come, I will help you walk." Ahsoka grabbed his right arm and put it over her own shoulders to keep Jack upright.

Jack had an internal injury he was rather bothered about not being able to heal in a short amount of time. He could feel the stinging pain running along his nerves and letting him wince out. Besides that, his left arm was still aching and felt broken.

No matter what illusion that was, he was really not getting away scott free from that encounter.

"Thanks. Never thought I will ever end up so badly wounded that I need you to keep me up.", he replied.

Hearing that Ahsoka pouted a little. Her expression told stories what she really thought about that. "Are you saying I am not reliable? Just because you are stronger in fighting you think you can do everything on your own?"

Jack chuckled a little. That also let him wince out again.

"Serves you right.", Ahsoka snorted and kept dragging him along.

Soon the two came back to the entrance and saw it shut solid with ice.

"We really didn't make it in time back.", commented Ahsoka.

"Sorry for dragging you into this.", apologized Jack because he knew if he was not unconscious and she had treated him with some first aid she would probably have made it out in time.

"What should we do now?", she asked.

"That's simple. But you are going to have to do it. With my body like this, I won't be able to pull out any strength." Jack was not lying. His body felt extremely weak right now. He noticed it after he did try to heal himself with the help of the Force.

"What is it you plan me to do?"

"We will just blast this wall with a telekinetic blast."

"No way! I am not that good to blast that away."

"Are you doubting your own power now? Why is it me that has confidence in your ability but you yourself deny it? You know that does not help your previous claim. Anyway, have confidence. I will help you and channel the Force through me into you. That should not take much out of me."

Even though telekinetic Force abilities could be done without movement or gestures of the body, Jack did find out in his training at the temple that with gestures the abilities did become more powerful.

It was as if the Force was like a child that needed words and mimic to really understand what one wants it to do. It also helped with the concentration and accuracy of said abilities.

And like he said previously his body ain't too keen on moving right now.

After Ahsoka nodded Jack went behind her and placed a hand on her back. Then he breathed deeply in and slowly out. "Concentrate. Do you still remember the weird dance I did while training? It helps to guide the Force and the resulting power increases."

"That is why you shredded your training dummy?", she asked back with a smirk.


"Got it. She closed her eyes and entered a martial stance that Jack taught her. Soon she started moving slowly with her eyes closed and performed some kata. Jack did move along her with his feet and channeled his energy into her.

Soon the surrounding air started to vibrate around them and collected itself into small liquid-like bubbles. These bubbles collected themselves around Ahsoka's hands and when she made a final execution of a powerful forward strike with both her hands the collected energy burst out from her and slammed into the ice wall.

It immediately cracked and splinted open, revealing the exit.

Ahsoka looked at the result and her eyes were wide open. She was so surprised at the result that she even looked at her own hands and back at Jack who was smiling at her.

"Nicely done. Seems like all the training was not wasted on you."

She snorted lightly in response. "As if that was all thanks to me. Just now I felt a warm flow of energy entering from the back. I know how to call upon the Force but with your help, it felt so much easier than normal."

"Warm flow? Is that how you felt? Interesting."

"By the way, you can stop channeling it now.", she added.

"I am not channeling anything anymore?", raised Jack a brow asking back. He even had put his hand back to himself.

"Huh? But why do I still feel that energy coming from you towards me?"

"Hmm?" Jack now got curious and tried to focus his Force senses on Ahsoka. He immediately got a reaction of warmth radiating from her towards him that was not there before. "This is...."

[Force Bond established with Ahsoka Tano - Excellent Compatibility. Benefits: +50% Force power in cooperation skills. 25% increased EXP gain when training together. Able to detect each other's presence from afar.]

"...Force Bond."

"Huh?", asked Ahsoka back now.

"Well, looks like we are going to be able to detect each other from a rather far distance now.", laughed Jack a little. He didn't expect that he would build a Force bond with her. He always thought it was something only people could establish when having a very important role in the heart of the person.

'Wait...Does that mean Ahsoka has gained an important place in my heart?' That let Jack contemplate. It would also explain why the figure in his dream looked like her. But that made no sense. Jack actually got somewhat confused at this very moment.

"Really? Hmm." Ahsoka actually started to grin brightly. "Then I don't have to worry that we will never see us again and you just disappear or something like that, right?"

"Hmm?" Jack looked at her bewildered. "What do you mean with that?"

"Nothing~. Now, let's get out of this cold cave. Look, we are even being awaited." She didn't answer his question and Jack only looked at her small back. He could feel her joyful mood now. But just for a split second when she said those words there was sadness.

It was as if she knew Jack would leave not only the order but everyone entirely someday. 'This girl...She is more perceptive than I give her credit...'

When he came back from his thoughts Jack could see a lot of the ice shards that their cooperation blasted of float in the hall they entered again. The one levitating them was the green elderly Grandmaster Yoda.

"Back, you are. Hmmm, trouble, you had?", asked Yoda and looked at the injured Jack.
