
First Appetite

Outside the casino, Ben became very euphoric. "Hahaha, we really made it! Damn, that's a lot of cash we got." He was smiling like a little kid that got the thing most precious thing he ever desired. Looking at both his friends he already had something in mind. "With this money, we could take it easy for a long time, right?"

Jack grinned now. "That depends on how luxurious you want to live. For a basic normal life that is a very good amount of money. But to actually live a very good life you need more than that."

While Jack was saying that to him he also checked the coinage of a credit coin.

He let himself be paid out with some small change so that the money was not on just a single credit card. That would stay like that until he gets himself a banking account. Not that he actually needed one with his inventory being the most safeguarded place for the money.

But just for his friends, he needed to open a banking account so that they had access to the money as well. In the end, it was not just his money and he was not going to be a walking purse as well.

After checking it a little bit he saw a bright 10 on its one side and one the other one was a person. Jack did not know the person on it but that didn't matter. The coin was a Republican coin.

"And these credits have a very fluctuating value. Actually, they are very much in decline at our current times. In a way, it is ironic that we still get credits on Nar Shaddaa and ain't being paid in minerals and the likes. What year is it again, Dave?", he continued on after his examination.

David took a little datapad out from somewhere around his chest area and connected himself into the interstellar news network. Also called the HoloNet News.

Browsing through some information he nodded in confirmation. "Somewhere around close to the clone wars. I think it is 25 years prior to the battle of Yavin. So my guess is we got 3 years until this little conflict starts to go into an all-out war. There is news scattered about the Separatist Alliance here and there. And there is old news about the conflict of Naboo.", said David and immediately knew what Jack was on about.

Ben sighed. "You guys are getting nerdy again... Well, if credits are losing their value, shouldn't we change it into another currency? A better one?"

"That is the problem. If many organizations start to develop their own currencies it would become a farce to see through the jungle of them. Space is large. So go figure out what is worth more than the other. What we can do right now is spent our money as fast as possible on valuable things that either have a use or can be traded later. A better ship, for example, would be a nice investment.", explained Jack to him.

Ben thought about his words for a little bit. "Now I get it. So that is why you asked about the timeline? If my guess is correct, then right now the credit is the only currency around besides materials. You are thinking the war is the start of a massive decline in its value..." He finally realized something.

"Not only thinking. It is a fact.", commented David. "The Separatist Alliance will be printing its own money after this conflict goes into a war. Why would they rely on the currency of the enemy?"

"How should I know? Because they are dumb? Well, doesn't matter. Then let's invest it in a nice home on a nice planet and a ship like Jack said would also be nice. If you are right about us having 3 years then we have enough time.", Ben answered and his euphoric mood vanished somewhat after this whole conversation. "But a galactic war, huh? So star wars..."

Jack nodded at his words. Yes, there would be a war soon. Would there even be places calm enough to live on? Just thinking about the Death Star made him somewhat dismiss this option. But then he shook his head to get his thoughts back on track.

They arrived back at the little droid and Jack tapped the little blue ball. It came out of its sleeping mode.

"Welcome back, sir. Please follow me.", the droid chirped in its mechanical voice.

The trio followed the droid and Jack felt something weird after some time passed. He looked back and saw a guy following behind them. Ben also looked in that direction after noticing Jack his behavior.

"Are we being followed?", he asked and furrowed his brows. Placing his hand at his blaster he was ready to draw it. Jack nodded and also had his hand on his own blaster.

Seeing his friends becoming so alerted David also fiddled around his clothes. He also got a weapon somewhere.

But right at that moment someone already stood in front of them with a weapon ready to fire. "Don't even bother. Hands off the guns.", ordered another alien that flanked them while they were distracted to their backs.

"Shit...again?", murmured Ben and slowly put up his hands up. Pulling out his weapon would just be suicide at this moment.

Jack did the same but he was also staring at this guy and concentrating. Knowing what Ben meant with his words Jack became angry and he swore he would not end up the same way as last time.

´Terra! Please distribute 10 points into INT and 5 into WIS - Now.´

[Done. Be careful.]

Hearing her confirmation he also felt a remarkably cooling sensation in his mind. His body and mind felt rejuvenated to some extent.

The alien behind them slowly came closer and when he finally stood near them he also pointed his gun.

"Those credits are ours now. Hand them over.", said the robber behind them.

"Why are you doing this? Can we not talk about this in a more civilized manner?" Ben tried to get a negotiation started but just failed.

"You ask why? Do we even need a reason? I think our little friend here is a first timer. Did you forget you are on Nar Shaddaa? Winning that much money will only get you into trouble. Now, hand over the money! We still give you little punks the chance to keep your measly lives.", answered the robber in the front.

"Fuck...Jack, give them the money, alright?", said Ben now to his friend Jack that should have the money. He already submitted to them. Maybe it was because he already died once in such a situation or maybe he thought it was the better outcome than being shot that lead to him not getting aggressive.

"No...", answered Jack.

"What?", both Ben and the two robbers became surprised that he would deny them.

"Then don't blame us for this now.", said the robber but before he could shoot there was movement from the trio. Jack outstretched both hands from his body. Each one went to one of the robbers - one forward and one back

The robbers both froze and were lifted from the ground. A sudden realization surfaced on their faces and they had an ugly expression while their movements were hindered by an invisible power.

Jack just Force pushed them into the wall after lifting them up. He used as much power as he could and both of them cried out in pain while hitting the wall. They were not dead after the impact but groaned out in pain and breathed heavily.

Looking at them with squinted eyes Jack was hesitant on killing them. He was not sure on that matter but his answer came when one of them tried to grab his blaster again and shoot. Before he could succeed Jack got angry and pulled his own blaster and shot him straight into his head. So much for leniency.

Still feeling numb in his heart after realizing he killed a person he stared at the blaster in his hands. The other robber was also somewhat shocked that his partner was dead and tried to use this chance to retaliate as well. But another shot hit his hand that held his weapon and it was sent flying somewhere. It was Ben this time who used his blaster.

"Shit...", said the robber and tried to flee. He didn't make it far because right at that moment he decided to bail a blue electric staff hit his sides and he was electrocuted and stumbled to the ground.

"Where do you think you are going, you piece of garbage?", asked an angry Jawa. Not that this robber could understand anything he said.

"Jack, are you alright?", asked Ben in worry seeing his friend standing there in a daze. He knew what he was thinking and he himself wondered why he could just shoot and feel nothing.

There was no answer at first and David was just about to hit again to electrocute the last guy to his death. David was actually hit by this event even harder than them. Last time he couldn't do anything but now had the chance.

"Wait...", interrupted Jack him and David stopped and looked back. He saw Jack approaching him and the last robber.

"Let me...Handle this.", demanded Jack now and looked somewhat crazed. After he arrived in front of the robber he holstered his blaster. He just kicked the guy on the ground and went on top of him. He pinned him beneath himself with his knees and started beating the shit out of him with his fists.

Every fist was harder than the first. And through the smashing and rapid movements the little hood that Jack wore unsnapped and fell off to the side. Now both of his friends could see the sadistic evil grin on his face.

David frowned seeing him doing such an action. Especially after he saw him in such a mental state. He didn't seem like himself. "Jack?", he asked but no reply came.

Jack didn't stop and started getting more furious with his hits. One could hear the sound of bones breaking and blood splattering on the ground until the robber looked like a mashed potato. The guy had already drawn his last breath a long time ago. Now he was just a sack of flesh that Jack beat out his frustration on.

Ben stopped Jack his punches when he grabbed one of his wrists and hindered any further movements. "That is enough, mate. Look, he is already dead. I know how you feel but get a grip of yourself!"

Silence was slowly creeping in. But it did not last for long because Jack soon started laughing maniacally.

Feeling creeped out by his friend and even getting goosebumps from it. Ben let go of him and distanced himself a little.

"David, say something too." Ben tried to get help from David to get him to his senses.

"Is this him losing his control?", asked David back and was getting nervous himself.

But right at that moment Jack stopped and stood up slowly. He also picked up the hood with his now bloody hands. It was hardly seen because of his crimson red skin color but some of it still dripped down to the floor.

"I am alright...Let´s keep moving...", said Jack to them and tapped the little blue droid to lead to the shop.

Ben looked at him and then leaned sideways to David. "Is he really alright?"

"I think so...At least more so than a few seconds ago.", answered David.

Ben only shrugged and followed Jack.

´What just....happened, Terra?´

[...You became slightly intoxicated by the dark side, Jack. You should increase your WIS more to amplify your resistance to the pull of either light or dark. Both are extremes with negative side-effects if you can not control them. You may very well lose yourself.]

´Shit...I thought I could handle that better...I should be careful. That I already lost myself while I am still so weak in my connection to the Force...´, thought Jack.

Walking off David looked at the bloody corpse. Then something twinkled and he got surprised.

"What is that?", asked David. Both Jack and Ben looked back after hearing his question. They only saw David picking up a set of small blue armguards that looked like bandages.

"He dropped something...", said David somewhat confused while examining the item.


[Jack: Level Up, True Force Being: Level Up, Level Up, Level Up, Massassi Body: Level Up, Massassi Carapace: Level Up, Force Telekinesis - Lift, Push, Pull Level Up]

Alright, discussion time. Should I treat the HoloNet as a pure cable-like platform (like television was before the internet.) or should I modernize it into an actual Galactic Holo Network that works the same as our internet?

Anyway, I gave David a little bit of a plot device here to connect to the HoloNetNews while they are in the Hutt territory space.


Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts