All I know is that I'm currently eleven. Which means 'that' happened seven years ago. If I'm the same age as I was from my world. That also means I haven't hit puberty yet. Those where the days. I know. No acne, not worrying about what others think; I didn't have to take a shower every night, amongst many other things. My face is a little to happy and Lilith notices. "That's the second time in like two seconds what is up with you today?" She wriggles her hands in confusion. "Sorry." "Okay, but seriously we are going to be late for our first day if we don't head in right this second." So 'that' happened on the first day of school. Wait a second theoretically speaking couldn't 'that' have happened at any time during the school year. I don't remember too much about the magic used, but I hope she was able to send me to the correct day.
I take a deep breath and follow Lilith through the massive gate. The first thing I notice is a humanoid water fountain in front of the main building entrance. I think back and I don't recall ever seeing this fountain or the inside of the school to be precise. Actually, I don't recall the school in general. Besides the time Lilith was about to kill me. That ponders another question. How come, since my memories were erased, I recalled that moment? I don't mean to jump in on your pondering, but somethings weird with your body. Well of course there is I haven't hit… No not that. I mean we don't have full control over it. What!?
After my conscious tells me that my body, I was controlling moments ago, starts to walk on its own. What the hell? I can still feel and use all the other senses else just fine. The problem is I don't have any mechanical control. My body forces my head to look around at all the spectacles. The first thing I witness is a couple of older guys messing around with fire magic. My eyes sparkle in awe and I can feel emotions others than the ones I'm experiencing for myself. June, I believe… I figured it out, too. Because I'm reliving my locked memories, to see what happened without interfering with the outside, I'm nothing more than a VR player looking at a video another person posted. I can see everything like I'm there, but in reality, I can only go and sense what the one who made the content did. Then why was I able to interact with Lilith? Whew this magic goes right over my head.
I'm still watching the guys messing with fire magic. One of the guys throws a fire ball to the other, but the one receiving it misses and the fire ball goes right for a row of bright green bushes. I turn to where the fire ball hit. The bushes engulf in flames. I hear a commotion where the guys are. My head turns again, and I see a grown man yelling at them. I presume this guy is a teacher because he cast a water spell to put out the fire and then drags the guys into the school. My attention gets quickly drawn to the right of me. "Excuse me, are you two first years?" A short bald guy, wearing a lapis blue magician robe, and round silver rimmed glasses asks.
I try to respond, but to no avail. My mouth will not move to my command. This is annoying. Tell me about it. I can feel my younger selves' emotions. The emotions are anxiety and stress. A spitting representation of how I was through my whole school career. I can feel the younger me debating between a million options to say. If only I could tell me how I need to stop overthinking everything. Even if this is the younger me from another world, I believe we are still the same deep down. I feel a response coming on, but Lilith beats me to it. "Yes, sir we are." She says politely. "Splendid! If you two could, would you mind standing in front of the water fountain; with all the other first years." He gives us both a cheery smile and points us to the water fountain where, I would say, at least two-hundred kids are. "No problem; Teach." That went from formal to unformal in zero to sixty, flat. "I hope you two both have a wonderful year. Sorry I couldn't chat with you young ones longer, but I have pressing matters to attend." He gives a slight bow and vanishes right before our eyes. Another set of emotions come on; anticipation and excitement. Our minds are synchronized with those. However, once those emotions settle down a new set appear; jealousy and frustration. That's odd. Why did he feel that?
I turn to Lilith and she says, "Wow, June, was that not the coolest thing you've ever seen. He just used teleportation magic, the highest type of traversal magic there is. Geez if all of the teachers are that strong then this is going to be an amazing school year." She jumps up with her arms up in excitement. "Heh-heh this really gets my magic juices flowing." I see a scary look in her eyes. "What about you June? Doesn't this get your magic juices flowing." My body looks down and puts its hand behind my head and rubs nervously. "That's funny Lilith. You know I'm not good with magic. I even failed the magic entrance exam with the lowest score. To be honest I only got into this school because I'm of noble blood line and all the other schools are filled with commoners. So, I'm not cool or strong like you Lilith." This doesn't answer her question directly, but it does mine. He was jealous because the teacher was able to use a high-grade spell.
She stares at me with concern and then changes topics. "June let's go over to the fountain and meet our fellow classmates." My body nods in agreement and starts to walk over to the fountain. The whole way over my younger self and I are fixated on the humanoid part of the water fountain. I can feel a sense of accomplishment from my younger self. What made that… Oh I see… Now that I take a good look at the fountain it looks exactly like the teacher we just spoke with. The statue was short, bald, wore a magician robe, and had the signature round silver rimmed glasses. The only difference is the color; not like it matters, since it is a statue. After I figure out for myself who the statue is made after my body speaks up. "Hey Lilith, doesn't that statue look an awful lot like the teacher we just spoke with." She looks up at the statue and says, "You know what June, for a magical failure you sure are observant."
Emotions surge through my body and I feel my cheeks turn a deeper shade of red. No, no, no, this can't be. Dammit the younger me loves her. This will make things harder for me when I go back. "Thanks." I reply with a flushed smile. Before my body can get Lilith's attention, she wanders off to meet with the other students. I feel an increase in anxiety and tepidness. Crap, younger me, we're already going to be weaker than everyone so please tell me we talk to at least one person. I hope I didn't get picked on. If 'that' doesn't take place today. My head looks in all direction, the younger me, trying to find a group that looks like it will be easy to fit in with.
My eyes set on a boy standing alone. I notice him reading over a piece of paper. He looks like he's 'in the zone'. Curiosity gets the better of my timid self and my body heads over towards the kid. Come on don't mess with the kid can't you tell he's busy. My body doesn't listen and continues over. "Um… H-hey I noticed you're alone too. So, um, I'm June; nice to meet you." I get we're socially impaired, but this is just plain cringy. The boy looks up from his paper and my eyes home in on a dark blue ribbon on his lapis uniform. I believe I haven't seen that ribbon on any of the other students. This could be a sign of superiority. Which would explain why he's alone reading.
"What do you want? Can you not see I'm preoccupied with something of the utmost importance? I don't need to be bothered by a mere kid who scored below me on the exams." How would he know… I see… He must have gotten the top exam scores. What a prick. Yep a spoiled noble kid who thinks he is above all; another stereotypical anime cliché. I feel a new set of emotions; sadness and embarrassment. I feel water well up in my eyes. Come on please don't cry. Too late. Tears start to pour down my face. My eyes are clouded over, but I can see a look of seniority from the boy. This kid is a jerk through and through. He really does play the snobby noble role well. I ignore the correct remark by my conscious. The snobby kid speaks to me again. Dude why are we still standing here. "Look at this sorry excuse for a noble. Crying over trivial matters. Get out of my sight before your inferiority infects me." He looks back to his paper and shoes me away with his left hand.
My body wipes its eyes and we head toward a section near the fountain where no one is. I plop down on a plot of grass and sob away my sorrows. Sadly, this was also like my school; elementary and early middle school years. Getting worked up over every small thing. I stay sobbing for about two minutes when the ground starts to shake. Huh? My body gets up and tries to locate Lilith. I scan the area, but before I spot Lilith, the impossible happens. The water fountain, all the kids were around, transformed to stage with chairs lined up from left to right. The grass in front of the fountain disappeared and in place bore two-hundred plus chairs. Wow, magic is amazing.
All the kids dispersed from where the transformation was taking place. It all happened in an instant. Everyone was in awe even me; both of us. Teachers start to head on stage. While the teachers are filing in, I spot Lilith and head over to her. "Lilith…" "June wasn't that amazing!" She interrupts me with a burst of excitement. "Yeah it was, if not a little scary." The latter part of my mouth said in an inaudible whisper. Lilith doesn't go into further conversation and heads to the front row of seats. I follow at a leashes length and manage to get the last seat in the front row; and a seat beside Lilith. As my body sits down, I notice a glimmer of light come from my left arm. My eyes flinch to shield from the bright rays. I barely notice it, but there is no doubt, this is the silver bracelet with the green orb; the seer used to perform this magic.
I didn't even feel it on my arm. I wonder how long I've had it? Before I can ponder this thought all the teachers finish filing in and one of them come up to a podium; the one who spoke to us before. On the podium is a purple glowing crystal. The teacher speaks into it, "I welcome all of you first years. I am honored to have every one of you hard working kids. Trust me you should all give yourselves a pat on the back. You all are the five percent who got accepted into the prestigious academy." My body sinks down a little. I presume I'm the only one here who got in without passing the exam. He continues, "You are all very gifted and I hope you'll be able to grow and become efficient with your abilities here. And I know you all can through hard work and dedication. Now I know you don't want to hear this bald man speak anymore, so let me introduce the student who got the highest score on the entrance exam; Liam Shavlik.
I here whispers from around me. A boy behind me says, "Did you hear?" A girl responds, "Hear what?" The boy speaks again, "Liam Shavlik got a perfect score on the exam." "What, really!?" The girl sounds shocked. I feel the younger me growing resentment towards Liam. I don't blame my younger self, that guy is an arrogant prick. These emotions fade quickly, and I watch as Liam reaches the podium. He speaks, "Before I begin my speech, I would like to thank the head master for giving me an introduction." He turns towards the head master and bows.
The bald man, with the round silver rimmed glasses, cheeks turn bright red and he gives a chuckle. Wait he's the headmaster? I was not expecting that. I can feel the same reaction from my younger self. "To everyone I want to express how much of an honor it is to be in front of you all, and to give this speech. Don't worry I won't drag this on either." He gives a quick look to the head master and resumes speaking. "I know all of you want to start out training as quickly as possible to become great wizards and witches. Believe me I also do. So, I hope all of us can get along and have a safe, but prosperous school year." He gives a bow and heads off to one of the seats on the stage. That speech was… A load of crap.
I feel my younger self yearning for Liam to get taught a lesson. That might be the only real difference between me from my world and me in this world. This version is less remorseful. The head master goes back to the podium. "Let's give a hand for Liam Shavlik." The air trembles from the sound all the students make from clapping. I on the other hand cover my ears and don't give him the satisfaction of all the claps from every student. The head master uses his hands to calm everyone down and resumes to speak. "This concludes our opening ceremony. All of you should have gotten a card when you walked in to inform you of who your teacher will be." I feel confusion and anxiety rise again. That's right I don't remember receiving anything of the sorts.
My head looks towards Lilith and is surprised to see how confused she is too. It's honestly a funny spectacle. She's patting down her whole body to try and find something that isn't there. My head looks behind me and I realize that everyone is either patting down their entire body or looking at other people to see what they're doing. One of the students yells on top of all the commotion. "Hey, head master, none of us received anything like that when we came in." Everyone goes silent and looks towards the short bald man. He taps his chin in confusion and then, without giving a second thought, snaps his fingers.
I feel a slight weight in my right hand. My head looks down and there is a card with all my information on it; birth, height, eye color, skin color, gender, and the class I will be attending. My eyes widen in surprise. I also go in a state of surprise. Not because of the magic used to perform this feat, but the information on the card. All of it down to my eye color is the same as in my original world. It sure did take long enough to figure out that we're the same piece of ugly trash from our original world. My conscious tells me harshly. It might be true, but you don't have to put it so harshly. My conscious goes back to being silent.
Every student goes hysterical over the magic just used. I can barely hear Lilith mumbling about how powerful the magic just used was. More emotions come on; bewilderment and, again, jealousy. Man, why couldn't I have gotten transported to another world where I'm over powered. My thoughts are hindered by the sudden turn of my head. My eyes lock on with deep black storm clouds with lime green lighting coming towards the school at an alarming rate. I look back towards the stage and hear the teachers, along with the head master, speaking amongst themselves. They must be planning to take us to our classes soon because of the storm coming up. My head looks back towards the storm clouds again. Emotions surge in from the deepest part of my heart; a strong sense of fear. Don't tell me he's still scared of storms. Suddenly my eyes squint and I notice a humanoid shape in the clouds. What, no way. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. But if I noticed that, wouldn't that be a cause of fear? Or could this be a hallucination caused by my fear? I continue to debate as the lightning becomes more abundant.
The teachers are speaking faster, and their bodies look frantic. I look back to the unnatural pace of these storm clouds. They're close enough that I can see a female silhouette in the clouds. I feel the wind picking up and the sun gets hidden by the deep black clouds. The students are still stunned about the magic that was performed. Even Lilith is still mumbling to herself. I keep looking back and forth between the storm clouds and teachers. Trepidation takes over my body as I look towards the black storm clouds with dark lime green lightning shooting down every second. I start to wonder about it myself. Not only is it weird that I see a female silhouette, but the speed in which the storm is approaching and the fact that there is no thunder accompanied by the lightening.
As I have this thought I hear a crackle break the sky; thunder. The crowd goes silent and looks towards the rapidly approaching storm. The teachers rush off the stage, and the head master goes to the podium. He gets to the podium and starts to speak in a calm manner. But I can tell he is hiding something. Does the approaching storm have anything to do with the teachers' mannerism? I still feel the fear foreboding in me. "Students if you would, please head to the teacher with the corresponding letter on your card." Letter? My head looks towards the card and notices an "S" on the corner. My head then turns to the teachers and each one of them has a letter above their head in different colors. From left to right: Class D/yellow, Class C/orange, Class B/purple, Class A/red, and finally Class S/blue. I feel a sense of safety, since the teacher for Class S is closest to me.
My head turns to Lilith and I see that no one heard him. All the students are still talking with each other at a ridiculously loud sound. My head turns back to the head master and I can see him bout to speak again. "Stud-" Before he can get his words out an ear-piercing sound with a massive shockwave hits the middle section of the seats. My head turns for a quick second, just enough, to see some of the kids get struck by the green lightning. Then the shockwave that followed knocked everyone from the chairs. Chairs along with students get flown to all areas of the front of the school. My body gets blown along with my chair and I end up on the chair.
There are a few seconds of darkness and then my eyes adjust to the horrors of students frantically scurrying for help and my ears are filled with the screams of the students. My arms push me up and I regain my ground. The first thing my eyes look to is the massive hole in the center where kids and chairs were. I also see a few kids lying on the ground scorched from the lightning. The emotions from the younger me are extremely strong; sadness, worry, and above all fear. My head turns to look towards the outskirts of the crater. I can see that the shockwave did more damage then the initial impact. I see students under chairs with their limbs twisted in unnatural poses. I can't take the sight of the dead kids any longer. Just as this thought surfaces my body jumps off the stage. I land with a thump and before I can go to one of the teachers, trying to regroup all the kids, I see a girl with golden-brown hair. Her body is completely compacted in the chair. Bloods surrounding the outskirts of her body. I can see where her back snapped, as the bone is sticking out where the chair folds. The strongest emotion yet comes up; nothingness. I feel a deep void of empty emotions.
Not crying, my body robotically walks closer to the dead girl's body. My mouth moves, "Lili-th, please… That can't be you right? Lilith you can't leave me like thi-." I stop mid-sentence as I hear a voice from behind me. Above all the chaos of students screaming and teachers yelling. I hear one nostalgic enough to fill the void and make the younger me cry. My eyes unleash a flood of tears and I barely get out, "Lilith…" Before my body can say more, she gives me a comforting embrace. My heart races with utter warmth. "June, we have to get out of this storm. Let's go to our teacher."
I ask a question before she can pull me away. "But I'm sure we're not in the same class." She gives me a, "That's what you're worried about look." Then says, "June that doesn't matter right now. The teachers are just trying to get us out of this freak storm." Freak storm? Isn't this the incident known as that…? Or don't tell me… This is just the start of it, and everyone thinks it's just a natural disaster. She grabs my hand and runs over through scrambling students and teachers trying to get every kid out of the storm. Wait, why aren't the students in the school concerned with us at all. Shouldn't they be hearing the chaos?
The scrambling teachers still have their designated class letters above their head with the corresponding colors. As Lilith pulls me through, my body stops. "June what are you doing we have too…" She suddenly stops and look to where I'm looking. My eyes are focused on the head master. He looks serious and concerned. Not only about the dead and injured students, but about the real cause of misfortune; and what will accrue. I see his mouth move swift and shallow. Is that a chant? How come I haven't I didn't see one before? I let my thought drift as I watch in contempt. He lips stop moving and he brings his arms up. His arms are above his head and then he lets it down in a circular motion.
His body is ingulfed in a radiating golden light. The light shoots from his body and into the sky. The once lightning-stricken ground is free. The lightening ceases, but it's not that. The lightning is nearly hitting the golden shield, that is covering the whole school like a dome. I look back down at the head master and to my dismay I see everything, but relief plastered on his face. Lilith looks in amazement and grabs my hand as we watch. I gaze at her face glistening in the flashes of light coming from the lightning, being deflected off the shield like dome. My physical and mental heart skip a beat. Ah, crap, could it be I'm slowly falling for her too. Hey conscious you sure pick the worst times not to put any input.
I'm forced out of my trance, from Lilith's grip. We resume to head towards the teachers. We stop near a small group of kids and I see a blue hue coming from atop the teacher's head. "June we're hear. Sorry if this isn't your teacher, but it should be fine with the current circumstances." My body nods in confusion. Not from her statement, but from the fact that she is in Class S too. The teacher is frantically trying to calm the student's nerves. While he is doing that, I ask Lilith, "Lilith are you also in Class S." She tilts her head and replies, "Of course I am… And what do you mean about 'also.'" Her eye brow goes perks up. "Um…" My body decides explaining won't do much good. I open my chest pocket and pull out the information card and point to the top right corner. She gasps and says, "No way. How did you…? Only the top ten of us are supposed to be in this class."
My eyes grow wide and my eyes take a quick scan of the surrounding students. Now that I look this class does have the least amount of kids in it. I suppose the other kids automatically flocked to their classes when the tragedy struck. Just as I have this thought I hear a sizzling sound. My head robotically turns to look up and I notice dots coming down on the golden dome. When did it start to rain? The same emotions as early return with a vengeance; worry and fear. I'm not the only one that notices as other heads look up in dread.
The rain is coming down as loud as hail during a tornado. Each time contact is made on the golden dome, microscopic holes start to come through. As the holes open the rain starts to make its way in. A student screams in agony as one drop of the mysterious rain falls on his exposed face. When I hear his scream, my head turns to look at the grotesque scene of his skin peeling off piece by piece. It started from his fore head and quickly dissolved the skin. Then it spread to his entire face. All I could see was blood and muscles mixed in with white bone. His voice is growing fainter. Why isn't a teacher helping him? Why are his peers ignoring? Is everyone in shock?
I scan for teachers and notice they are caring over other students. I look at the head master and I notice he is concentrating with sweat pouring down his head. He must have to keep deep concentration to hold the dome. But if this acid rain is coming through how long do, we have till he loses it. I'm certain that this is just the beginning of 'that'. A strong bugh-dump comes from my heart. I can feel a strong sense of wanting to help the suffering kid. Am I going to…? I can't finish the thought and let go of Lilith's hand. "June…!" Lilith calls out to me. I ignore her and go forth to the kid. While I'm running my head takes a quick look towards my left arm. I'm bewildered to see the bracelet glowing a soft green hue. I'm forced to ignore the strange occurrence and keep running towards the screaming kid.
I push pass kids shocked beyond help and manage to arrive at the kid. I stand right in front of him and say, "I'm h-here to help…" The kids agonizing scream drowns out my voice. I finally get a good look at his face. It is indescribable. My body freezes in fear and I watch as he withers in pain and finally his body goes limp and he falls over. I couldn't even see his eyes go lifeless. His eyes were melted from the rain. My body snaps back to reality and I run back the way I came just as fast as I got there; with the screams of the surrounding students behind me.
I make it back to Lilith and she says, "June look." She points above the dome. "The rain has stopped." I look up and see she's right. My mouth moves, "Do you think the storms over?" She shakes her head in disagreement. "I believe if it as over with the head master would have already released the shield." I'm about to comment on what she says, but she continues. "Look he is concentrating just as hard as when it first started." Anger and fear are now raging within me. My head looks down at the shattered grown. In my peripheral vision I notice the silver bracelet growing brighter.
Lilith looks at my left arm and makes a comment on the glowing bracelet. "Um June… When did that bracelet of yours start glowing?" I keep looking down oblivious to the outside world. My emotions are in a whirlpool of chaos. My head lifts and looks at the golden dome. The has been ceased and the lightening has know stopped. Before my mouth can move to let out a sigh of relief; thinking it might be over. I see an accumulation of green balls of lightning coming together. My eyes widen and I see the biggest ball of lightning imaginable. It lifts beyond the clouds and then a fierce sound comes over us. I take a split-second look at the head master and he's muttering with immense speed. A bright lime green light beyond compare comes crashing down on our only protection; the golden dome. I watch as the golden shield shatters and another powerful shockwaves heads right for us. We have no time to react and right before the shockwave hits us the head master puts his body in front of it.
The head master is pushing against the shockwave, enveloping the whole school, with all his strength. I know he's going all out because he's yelling at the top of his lungs. The shockwave pushes him back, he pushes right back. Watching feel as if years are going by, but before I can blink, they come to a stale mate. The head master takes the impact of the final blow from the shockwave and crashes to the ground with tremendous force. Where he lands is a small crater. I'm speechless beyond all compare.
There is a moment of complete silence and the clouds part a little from where the shockwave was pushed back. When the sun peaks out the students, as well as teachers, cheer. In the mist of cheering the head master musters enough strength to stand. He looks at all of us and yells, "What are you all doing! This is no where near over! She has come, Vallah has returned!" The students are too loud for some of them to hear. But I hear every word out of him. Vallah? Is all that goes through my mind, when out of nowhere a rod of lightening strikes the head master down. He turns into ashes right where he stands.
Where the head master once stood, stands a ghostly pale woman. She is wearing a dress that has black tentacles wriggling around her body in her entirety. The tentacles are covering her effulgent chest and her svelte thighs. Her apparel leaves little to the imagination. My body is petrified with fear of dying. However, all I can think, is how is that clothing practical at all. The clothes are bound to have little defense. But I guess even evil people can wear impractical things. Even though I thought that only showed up in fictional fantasy.
A girl breaks the tension with an ear-piercing scream. My head doesn't move away from looking at Vallah. She doesn't lift a finger before a bolt of lightning incinerates the screaming girl along with everyone around her in a five-foot radius. The students out side of the kill zone scatter like a school of fish fleeing from a shark. I see an evil smile come across Vallah's pale face. Once again, without lifting a finger, she sends a bolt of lightning. The only difference is this lightning split from its original source and incinerate multiple students in an instant. Most didn't have enough time to react, before they breathed their last breath.