
Disgusting vile human

He was driving so fast, he drifted at nearly every turn we took. Not to mention at the speed we've been driving you would think I would have seen another car by now, but all I see is trees and nature for miles. It's like were in the country side or something. But I've got to admit it's nice to be out again, I havent been out in a long time. Its so nice to feel the sun on my face, I wish i could roll down this window and feel the wind against my face and smell the fresh air.

I feel tired again though, I must be exhausted from last night. I don't want to think about that though, it only makes me feel horrible and sick. I just need to remember that what I did protected my family, and that by no means was it my choice or even my fault. It was this disgusting, vile human sitting next to me fault. I swear no matter what it takes I'm gonna get revenge on him, no matter what!

I suddenly feel a breeze against my face, but my window isn't open. The sun roof is open, when did he do that. ugh I'm getting tired again, maybe its because the smell of the fresh air is so calming. Its so soothing, and smells so clean compared to the city air I've always known. Before long I found myself drifting in and out of sleep. I don't want to fall asleep, I need to stay awake I don't trust this asshole......

Someone's touching my head, "hhhhhmmmm" I slowly open my eyes, its Tora, he's gently stroking my hair. I guess I fell asleep again, "mmmmm, I fell asleep?" I said as leaned up straight, and stretched. "Ya, come on. We're here" He stated as he got out of the car. I turn my gaze to see just where here is.
