
Please don’t trouble yourself because of me


Xiu Mei broke the hug to check the message. This was the special tone she set for Feng Jianyu's message.

A tiny smile appeared on her lips as she opened the message, soon blush settled on her cheeks, accompanying the smile. Zeng Shihong's eyebrow rose up by his little granddaughter's reaction.

Been there, done that… During his time it was his beloved wife's love letters that used to make him smile for no reason. He was sure it must be something from that Feng rascal.

She glances up from her phone making a pity face, "It's really late. I should leave now"

"I know you are ditching me for that Feng guy. Must you go tonight? I want to spend more time with you" Zeng Shihong tried to get up and she instantly helped him with his walking stick and walked along.

"Some other time! He is waiting for me outside the estate" She pulled her lower lip inside right after saying this.

"In that case, I should meet him. Call him inside"
