
Chunin Exam Part 2 begins

Edited by_Dark_Spider

Looking at the blank white page on the backside of the question paper every Genin had a surprised face not understanding why is it blank?

'So it was truly blank from the beginning as I remembered but the way of confidence Ibiki-saba be Sensei were showing is truly admirable. 

I for once thought I might have mistaken and remembered incorrectly and missed the content beforehand.' Kazuna thought looking at the blank page with a nod and taking a lesson he needs to have more confidence in himself instead of listening to others.

Looking at the surprised face of the Genins, Shikaku chuckled before announcing "You all have passed the first part of the Chunin exam."

Upon the announcement, the Genins felt happy that they have passed however the confusion they had didn't disappear instead it increased a few digress as Shikaku clarified the process as he can already understand why are they looking at him with a confused face "You guys must be thinking why have you passed when you have yet to answer the final question?

Or why is there no question? 

Am I correct?"

After receiving a nod from the Genins he continues "You see the real intention for the 1st part of the exam was not to check on how much knowledge you have because to become a Shinobi you don't need to have a lot of knowledge.

It is enough if you have a basic understanding of what to do and what not to do.

For a mission, we need to take many unexpected risks but we always need to be prepared for it.

And this part of the exam is to determine how much determination you have and how long you can persist. 

If you have understood my explanation it's time we finish the 1st part." the moment Shikaku finished his explanation he vanished from his spot in a puff of smoke.


Not understanding the reason for Shikaku's sudden dissipation without proper explanation everyone looks at Ibiki for an answer. 

Although Ibiki understood the reason for Genin's questioning face, however, he didn't feel he must explain and kept silent as if he was waiting for someone.

While everyone is getting impatient they heard a bored tone from the door and turning to the side they saw a man with a Sunagakure headband walking in the room while announcing " From the difficulty of the exam that Shikaku-san had put based on his students I am surprised there is still over a dozen team left here. "

"It would have been even less than this number if it wasn't for a certain overconfident someone." said Ibiki while eyeing Kazuna.

"Is he one of Shikaku-san's students?" in reply to the Sand Jonin's replay Ibiki just nods as the Sand Shinobi continued "So his student has truly made t is far and from what you say he is a remarkable one but my test is different from yours and I hope his students are as good as he has claimed them to be.

Else I will be disappointed."

"I am also curious." Ibiki said with a nod as he looked at Kazuna while thinking what the kid might have learned from the 3rd Hokage even if he believes the 3rd Hokage is a good teacher for he is the teacher of the Sannin and the 4th Homage himself however Kazuna is just a kid. 

"Anyway it is about time I announce the 2nd part of the exam." the Sand Jounin said with a nod as he turns towards the Genins before announcing " Hello everyone my name is Baki and I am a Jonin from the Sunagakure.

I will be the examiner for your 2nd part of the Chunin exam. 

Now let me explain to you the rules for the 2nd part of the examination.

As the 1st part of the exam is over it is time for the 2nd part of the exam and you need to go to the Konoha front Gates where you will find your Jonin instructors who will provide you a scroll and it will either be earth or a heaven scroll.

Now for this part of the exam, you need to get both of the scrolls and arrive at Sunagakure in 7 days.

Also, remember you will receive only one scroll from your Jonin instructor so you need to get another scroll from any team who might have heaven scroll. It is not important if you defeat the owner of the scroll or steal it just getting the scroll is enough.

Your time started this morning and it will be over when the sun rises 7 days from now on.

Good luck."

The moment Baki has finished his explanation everyone looks at the others in the room and quickly starts running out while fighting with one another just to get out a fist and have a head start except team Shikaku that is.

When the classroom is deserted they finally decide to make their move and walk out slowly as if they don't care about this race but they are just preserving their Chakra and stamina for the race and battle they might have after recovering their scroll that is.

Because if they were to waste it now to fight a useless battle it won't be worth it for the greater good.


After a few minutes of running and jumping over the buildings of the village Kazuna and his team finally lands at the village Gates and greeted the guards before storming out to where Hana smelt and Kazuna sensed Shikaku's chakra.

"I have an earth scroll for you and remember you are not allowed to open the scroll in the way and you need to hand it over to Baki of Suna when you arrive at the gates of Sunagakure. 

Do you understand?" Shikaku asks with a serious face looking at his students who give a nod as he continues "Good luck on and let's meet you at Sunagakure. I hope you live up to my expectations."

"We will do our best. "3x.

"Good now go."

I think after the Chunin exam it will be high time I explain and build Kazuna's personality and character properly.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts