
Big ***

"That one must have hurt a little if I have to say so. " Looking at Shikamaru and Choji on the ground with a small potato on their head I said with a chuckle as the rest of the gang also started laughing at their misery.

"It's all your fault for leaving her alone Kazuna? " complained Choji in anger as he looks at me.

 "If you have taken care of her back then she wouldn't think we tricked her and left her alone back then? " said Shikamaru in dissatisfaction.

"Look man I was busy with something and didn't have time to do as you have asked. I never agreed with your word of taking care of Iro–san. " I said with a chuckle as they stood up while rubbing their head because of the pain.

"Wait a minute. " finally understanding that I am indeed not a lie Shikamaru and Choji had formed to make a fool of her, Iro San turns at me with surprise while asking "You are real and they weren't deceiving me all along. "

"Why would they deceive a cute girl like Iro–san? " I asked with a confused smile as I asked her.

"Do you think I am cute? " Iro-san asked with a shy face turning towards me.

"Yes, I think you are quite cute Iro-san. " I said with a smile looking at her shy face.

"Thank you and you are also quite handsome Kazuna-san. " Iro-san told me with a smile looking at my face.

"You are right that I am. " I acknowledged her words knowing she was right even though I don't say it out loud I am more handsome and amazing than anyone of my age that can not be denied.

"You will never change Kazuna. " Shikamaru commented with his signature board sigh as he shook his head.

As I was having a conversation with Iro or Ino as she corrected me while we were speaking I felt cold and unfamiliar emotions coming from Hinata making me surprised because this is an emotional situation I have never felt before from anyone.

While Ino-san is giving out the same emotional feelings Hinata gives whenever we are alone and having a training battle among the two of us. 

After that, I got to know she has already met Naruto in the past and is quite surprised to find out about the different colors of our hair and eyes as well as the fact I am a little bit taller than my brother.

As we were done with our introduction time, we finally started our investigation for anything or anyone that needs our attention with an extra/temporary member in the Konoha defense force.

At this time we have caught a cat who was stealing from a fish market but later we found it was taking the food to its family as I bought some cat food for it and its family.

In this small time, we also found a man with long spike white hair peeking at the girl's bathhouse and told the elder sisters and aunt who helps me take a bath whenever I am at the bathhouse.

(Rip Jiraya)

As a result, I got thanks from them and the guy got punished by them.

And finally, right before the sunset, we saw a grandma having trouble carrying her stuff and helped her reach her home.

Finally, after that, we returned to our respective home.


Uzumaki apartment.

Returning home I cleaned myself with Naruto before going to our room to have our discussion.

"I am really happy you are back brother. " announced Naruto with a smile as he looked at me.

"I am also happy you were doing good at Neji's home. " I replied with a smile.

"It wasn't that good without you. " Naruto said with a sigh as I can feel just like me he was also missing me, his only family member and brother.

"So how was your life in the Hyuga clan compound? " I inquired of him with a serious face hoping they haven't done something they will regret.

"They are some good people if we don't count some of that main and side family who are looking at me the same way as the people of the village. " Naruto said with a serious face as he looked at me.

"Don't care about them because once we are strong they will look up to us and their way of staring at us will also change at that time. " I said with an angry face but didn't explain the reason why the villagers hate us is due to the Kyuubi that is sealed within our body in fear of putting pressure on him.

"You are right once we get acknowledged by theme and become the Hokage no one will give us that hateful glare. " he has also understood the harsh reality of the world and now it's time I ask him about the most important thing "Brother how is your progression in the transformation jutsu progression? "

"I have not only mastered the jutsu but even created one and using the jutsu I have not inky defeated Iruka sensei but even the old man wasn't able to stand against my jutsu. " Naruto announced with a proud smile looking at me which made me not only surprised but also shocked.

Defeating Iruka sensei with his small chakra is one thing but the old man is a monster whom I am not sure if I will be able to defeat even with a sneak attack so how is it possible for Naruto to create a jutsu that he has created and that is to say it is based on the transformation jutsu if all jutsu that I know of.

"You must be kidding? ``That is the only thing cake out of my mouth looking at him.

"No, I am serious. My jutsu is amazing, and once you see you will believe it. Do you know? " 

Why is he so confident? Did he create some kind of super amazing jutsu that lets him transform into something big and strong and looking at him I demanded with a serious face "Why don't you show it to me? "

"Then here I go. " Naruto said with a smile as he started making hand signs and finally said after he is done with it "Sexy Jutsu. "


"They are bi~ig. "

Do you think having the story from another person's perspective such as Ino, Hinata or Naruto will be interesting?

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts