


As the Academy is going to assign a squad and Jonin instructor for every one graduate student of the three-man Squad today no students but the new graduate students got the chance of entry so Naruto and others are doing whatever their heart desires.

"What is this kid doing here? " Izumi Uchiha (Itachi's Girlfriend) asked with a confused face when an orange-haired kid stood outside their classroom.

"He is almost the same age as my younger brother. " Hana Inuzuka (Kiba's elder sister) said with a curious face looking at the kid but soon she recognized him and exclaimed in surprise "Hey isn't he one of those two boys. "

"Yes he is and I think he is called Kazuna Uzumaki. " Izumi gave a nod looking at the kid who is standing at the door.

At that time Kazuna who just arrived asked politely looking at Takashi–sensei "Can I come in Sensei? "

"Yes, you can come in and take an empty seat you like Kazuna–san. " Takashi replied with a smile looking at Kazuna while thinking 'Damn that Iruka for not informing me that the Fox kid is being fought by the lord 3rd or I could have also got better treatment from the Hokage after showing acting good in front of the kid that might have given me a better treatment in my pensions. '

"Thank you sensei. " Kazuna gave a nod while walking in the classroom and taking the first empty seat he is closest to not disturbing the other students in the room.

Hearing the conversation between Kazuna and Takashi-sensei and his good behavior Hana couldn't help but say in anger "They restrict kids from playing or talking with them because they don't have a parent and might teach others bad things but my younger brother Kiba is far no his behavior is too bad and I think if Kiba we're to play with him he might be a bad influence for Kazuna. I need to teach menace to Kiba from now on. " (R.I.P Kiba)

"I think he should be on the same course as Itachi–kun's little brother because last time we met Itachi–kun told me Sasuke is angry because of him but him being here with us makes me surprised and the shinobi head protector of his.

Can it be possible he has passed the examination and got graduated early as Itachi–kun? " Izumi finished with disbelief in her eyes.

"Is there a need for asking when the truth is right in front of you or do you think only your boyfriend can get early graduation? " Hana said with a smile looking at Kazuna.

"Hana, don't tease me. " Izumi asked with a red face when Hana called Itachi her boyfriend.

"Alright alright I won't but it is certainly amusing you getting red every time I mention Itachi–san to you. " Hana gave a chuckle looking at Izumi's face which is now red in shame.

"Which team do you think he will be assigned to? " Izumi asked with a smile after shaking her head.

"I am not sure, however, I would like him to be in our team if he is as talented as Itachi–san besides he is actually and I want to hug him so much. " Hana comments with a smile.

"Hey, you have a little brother back at home too you know. " Izumi quickly corrected her friend.

"Don't talk about Kiba although he is at the same age as Kazuna however he is nowhere as cute as him besides he always does strange things I am really worried about his future. " Hana explained shaking her head.

"Next squad will be squad 3 and the members are going to be Izumi Uchiha, Hana Inuzuka, and Kazuna Uzumaki.

Please go to room number 07 to have an audience with your Jonin instructor there. " Takashi–sensei informed with surprising everyone in the whole room but the most surprised no correction shocked ones are no one but Izumi and Hana the two girls at the very back who were checking out the little kid from the very beginning and Izumi couldn't help but exclaim in a surprise "Look what your mouth brought us, Hana now that cute boy of yours going to be part of our team. "

"What do you mean my cute boy Izumi? " Hana asked with a red face acting annoyed however she also didn't expect her words to become si true and so soon however she still took another glance towards Kazuna in the distance.

"Look he is leaving already. " Izumi exclaimed in surprise when she saw Kazuna standing up and leaving after saying something to Takashi–sensei.

"Let's follow him. " Hana proposed standing up in a hurry as she pulls Izumi by the hand.


==== =====


Outside the classroom…

Walking out of the classroom after saying my goodbye to Takashi–sensei I decided to go in the direction of the first floor of the Academy where the O7 classroom is located, however, before I can turn at the corner I felt the same feeling I was feeling ever since I entered in the classroom a while ago which caused me to leave after asking permission from Takashi–sensei before the particular time.

'I need to wait and see who is pursuing me and what they want from me? ' making a mental note in my head I stood at the corner of the hallway and very soon two shadows came into my sight and from the shadow, I immediately recognized the two of them 'It is precisely the girls who were staring at me from the moment I entered the classroom and they are even following me right now.

So I was right all along they were the ones no the girl with red marking on her face is the one who is giving a weird gaze at me. '

"Damn it, Hana you gave the Sensei a reason to shout at us and he even screamed at us when we have become a Shinobi of the village after graduation.

I never expected to get screamed at by the Sensei on the day of the graduation.

Here I how much independence I am going get after graduation and there will be no one to scream at me but you gave him a reason.

I hate you. " the girl with long brown hair in a ponytail with bangs framing her face and onyx eyes reminds me of Sasuke she might be an Uchiha and she has a mole under her right eye complained to the other girl with an angry face.

"You can't blame me for that Izumi, it was the sensei who allowed Kazuna to leave before he completed the list so… " Hana–san explained with a wronged tone arguing with her friend Izumi–san with a serious face however before she can finish her explanation Izumi–san cuts in "So you got impatient and broke the rules and followed behind your cute little boy. "

"The reason why Takashi–sensei allowed me to leave the classroom is that I don't know any of you so I was getting uncomfortable and asked for his permission however he wanted me to wait for you guys however I refused and explained I will wait for the two of you so he agreed for me an early leave. " when they finally took a turn I explained with a serious face.

**Aaaaa~ **

Huh! Why are they screaming so suddenly as if they had seen a ghost?

"You had almost scared us to death. " Izumi–san shouted with an angry face and her eyes turned red with 2 tomoe in her eyes that must be the famous Uchiha dojutsu called "Sharingan" rivaling the Hyuga "Byakugan".

"Did nobody ever tell you not to do that kid? " Hana–san who has already gone on her four asked with an angry face.

"Sorry? "

Now that you know who is going to be part of his squad does anyone have an idea who will be the Jonin Captain.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts