

Eisen stepped out of the door to his bedchambers, and immediately saw Kiron standing in front of him, "Welcome back, Grandfather. It seems like everything worked out quite well." The Half-Dragon said with a soft smile on his face, and Eisen quickly nodded his head in response.

"Seems so. Thanks for watching out for me this past day." Eisen said with a smile, "So, do you like my new look?" 

Kiron slowly looked Eisen up and down, trying to see the difference in Eisen's demonic form compared to what it was before. They were rather big differences, so he didn't have to look for too long, "Well, you certainly look less like a 'Monster' than you used to, now that your skin is no longer made of rock and flames. You look more like... Well, the 'Demon' Race, actually."
