

While they ate, there was a sound, knocking on the garden gate. Kendra stood up and went to open, she was not expecting anyone right now.

But on the door were Golruk and his wife. Kendra was kind of surprised but didn't show it on her face. She calmly let them in.

"How comes you are so early. Don't you sell stuff today?" asked Kendra while thinking about the mountain of pots they made.

Goluk and his wife smiled and entered. They saw that the two children just had lunch so tehy felt a bit ashamed.

''Come in. We didn't have time to eat before so we just made food now. I hope you will not refuse to eat with us. I am not a bad cook.''she offered them the food. It was left quite a lot and she felt it is better if they tried it. If tehy like it, the workers could eat that.

They taught about it for a moment and accepted her offer. They didn't have time to eat.

The potato soup with vegetables is quite filling and when tehy tasted it they were so surprised.

''What is this soup. I never had anything like this before,'' said Goluk's wife.

''Its called potato soup.''Kendra sent Isaa to bring potato.''Its made from this plant. I just got it and will try it out while working. I think it's quite filling, isn't it?''

They nodded in agreement. Filling indeed.

''How comes you came right away. What about your pottery?''she asked Goluk.

''There was buy out this morning. Someone from icehouse came and bought all the pots, so we are free for the next few days. By teh way, I found enough workers. As you pay enough some of my family will come and even the coachman and his son will come to help. For that amount it makes sense.'' he said while still stuffing potatoes in his mouth.

Kendra felt happy. She taught it is better if they prepare the earth now. She will make try out with some potatoes now for fall, winter. She hopes that they will work. If not she will try to make fall potatoes with dry wheat straw. Usually, people use it for beds or for animals, but that straw can be used as well for winter potatoes. She read that in some book and wanted to try it out. But now it's mid of summer so she will just do it with earth and she will water it from well.

She explained to Goluk and his wife what she wanted without telling them the original idea...Well, for now, she should try it out. She continued to talk to them about where and how it should be done.


In the same time in Fintan's ice house, Cian was waiting for his uncles return and felt uneasy. How should he explain everything? His great-aunt looked ta him and was wondering why is he so giddy.

At last, he heard his uncle's voice ordering people around. The two of them came out and saw Fintan with a bunch of his workers taking out hundreds of pots with a different kind of sizes.

Even his mother was looking at him with big eyes, thinking what does he need such thing for.

''Fintan, my beloved child. I know I am indeed a quite weird old woman, but did you hit your head lately? What do you need so many pots for?''she looked at him while pointing at multiple carriages full of earthen pots.

''Mother, let's go inside, I will explain it all. Let's not talk here,''he said while looking at passing people. So many eyes were on them. Most people would have a bunch of pots at home but he bought hundreds of them. It was quite a sight and people were curious about what does he need it for. Just as curious as his own mother.

He looked at them and just ushered the two curious ghosts inside the store. He took big steps and went to the back of the store where their office is. Before going there he asked a few of his workers to watch the store and not let anyone disturb them.

When he closed the door of his office he turned to his mother and Cian.

''Mother, Cian, I made a decision to sell not only ice cream. I plan to gather the fruits that are free and make jams,''he said while looking at their puzzled faces.

''When Kendra told me about jams,''he paused and looked in deep thought.''She specifically emphasized that I should gather many people and get the fruits in the forest and everywhere as they are free. Do you know what happened?''

They didn't know of course so they shook their heads. Then they sat down as they knew this is going to be interesting. Kendra always gets good ideas.

''You know that Kendra told me to get fruits for fruit ice cream?''he looked at them and they nodded.''But at the same time, she emphasized that I should gather the fruits and get jams. I went to buy fruits and they are so expensive that even if make our own ice and milk we wouldn't have any gain as it is just too much.''

He told them the prices and explained to them that no matter what, they need to make their own jam. The old lady looked seriously. If they bought fruits, they would have eaten a loss. Wait, Kendra said...She turned around and looked at Fintan with huge eyes.

''Fintan. I think that child is just to good for us. He told me to buy more land and replant as many fruit trees and bushes for future use. She told me to tell you about it as soon as you come back.''

Fintan smiled and nodded.

''Yes. Transplanting makes sense. If we have our own fruit trees and bushes then we don't have to worry about supply. We can as well give some money to all the kids that want to get coins to help us gather fruits in forests around the town. We will spend some money but it is worth it.''he said while contemplating about so many things.

''That is not all. That boy seems to have some issues. He asked us to pay her as much gold we could gather and he will give us full rights over the idea and recipes.''said old lady while looking at her son with half closed eyes. If this boy dares to rip off that children, she will break his back. She already had the broom in her hands already imagining them running around while she hits him at his head and yells ''stupid idiot!''.She snickered evilly while looking if he would dare. (Author's ramblings: This woman just wants to beat him up...it seems she thinks it fun).

Fintan had no idea what kind of crazy thoughts his own mother had and shook his head.

''I am not so desperate and evil to use two children to make myself rich. But it seems that Kendra needs money.Hmmm.We do have enough money to give to the child. But I still plan to put aside at least 1/4 of the earned money and keep it safe for him and his sister. What do you think about it?''

His mother was happy he didn't do anything wrong and at the same time bit disappointed as she lost the chance to beat him up. He was always a good boy, but for an unknown reason, she wanted to beat him up, but had no reason to do it...sigh, what's wrong with her?

While they talked about business , Cian sat beside them and contemplated how to tell them everything. He taught they love him anyway and will be happy for him. But a bit of nervosity was still in him.

''Kmm,khmm.'' he started to cough nervously. As they turned around and looked at him he still was nervous and almost choked at his own spit. They looked at him and Fintan hit his back with his big sturdy hand and almost kicked out all the breath he had in his body.

''Are you fine? Can you breathe now? What's wrong?'''said Fintan looking at this scrawny boy with a worried face. He was after all his own family.

''I don't know how to say it.''He was still trying to breathe. Fintans hit stopped the coughing, but his breathing as well.

''If something happened, just tell us we will do our best to help you,''said Fintan while looking at nervous heap in front of him.

''Don't glare at the child.'' snapped his mother.

''You ... don't argue ...it isn't anything bad...I think...''said Cian that now got hiccups.

They looked at each other and waited until he calmed down a bit.

''Actually, you know the reason I am here. I can't live like other children of our tribe. We usually hide the ability to resist the fire out of fear that some weird people would use it against our beliefs.''he said while starting to calm down his breathing. They nodded and waited that he continues.

''Yesterday we went to gather some fruits. Near his house outside there is a hole with water.''he started talking and taught about the best day since he came back.''Kendra knew you had ice powers as it seems.''

Fintan looked at him and nodded.

''I told her the truth about our tribe.''he already rose his hands.''I know I know. I shouldn't have, but it seems like I can trust him. So I told him. Kendra was worried about me so I told him all about my birth and our tribe and everything.''

Fintan and old lady didn't get angry or anything, they felt the same with Kendra as Cian did.Trust.So they just accepted that Kendra knew about their tribe secret.

''We were swimming and Kendra asked me this and that. Then he made me go down into the water. To the bottom of the hole.''he looked at them with a growing smile.''When we went there he looked at me and I found out that I can breathe underwater. My ability is water not fire as it seems. I can breathe inside the water. When we came up he told me that he already assumed when I told him that I feel quite comfortable in the ice house.''

Fintan looked at him and turned around. For him to make ice he needs water. So he had his own well. He is using hidden well, given by the Lord and under his permission. He opened back door and went into one room that had nothing else just hole in the ground. He looked at Cian, grabbed him by his collar and threw him inside and then he jumped after him.

Cian first got shocked but he let his body flow down in the water as he saw his uncle jumping into the water after him. He didn't want him to get worried so he swam upwards and they floated in the water staring at each other. Fintan got closer to Cian and by the slight light that fell out the door, he could still see the gills on Cian's neck.

He started smiling and gave him a bear hug. This means this is the reason why Cian couldn't be near the fire. He as dual elementalist was fine but if you are pure water than fire is deadly for you. But that means as well he can go and visit his family on the volcano with help from him. If he uses the ice to cool down Cian's body...

They swam up and came out of the water and at that moment even his great aunt could see gills. She was happy for him. Now they knew at last why he was so sensitive to fire. Finally.

''I will take you later to the sea. We have bought one small island not far from here as a resting place for our family as it has hot water on it. I will take you there to swim in the shallow waters. We need to find out how deep can you go inside.''said Fintan while jumping out the well with Cian in his arms.

The water slid down their body but they didn't care. Its summer and water didn't harm them, in a way it did them good.

Cian chooses not to tell them about Kendras and Isaa's ability. He felt that it's better not to tell. He might earn himself big beatings from Kendra if he does that. Accept that, they are his friends, he will keep their secret.


In Lord's office, two people were waiting to talk to the Lord that seemed to be thinking about something and smacking his lips.

''That ugly thing...''he looked at those two people with cold eyes,''did you find it anywhere else or does just that kid has it?''

''We plead for forgiveness my Lord, but no matter how much we looked around we couldn't find it. It seems you have to wait till that kid successfully grow some of them. It seems he is ready to prepare the land and he will probably make first tryouts soon.''said older man while shivering lightly.

Since the lord tasted that ugly plant he was hungry all the time but can't find why. After a while, he realized it's because he was craving that ugly thing how he called. But that kid clearly called it potato.

''Go check on him from time to time. I have the feeling some of the nobles seem to have noticed the two children. And find someone who can guard the fields. I need them to be safe. All, children and ugly things.''He turned around and ate a peace of fruit as he craved food lately really badly.


At Kendra's house, the three people were busy counting the vegetables. She had enough for two days of food and lots of dried. The two people helped her cut the vegetables that were for drying and rest they left in the two big baskets they used last time.

Tomorrow the peopel will be already on the fields in the early morning, so Kendra chooses to take one older blanket in her basket. She will take some eggs and dark flour with her and the two older people will take vegetables. They still have some jam in the house by the stream and some seasonings. So they just took some basic stuff.

Kendra told Goluk to prepare some bowls but he said it was all ready. She let them water the plants with water from one of the pots. Soon she will take these plants all out as well as she plans to get out the city and stay by her sea cave for a while.

She looked at the house and reminded herself that this is still not the end destination. It was just a place where they could start and grow their powers for a short moment in their life. She should not get too attached to it and she needs to explain Isaa as well slowly. She is after all just small child. It is easy to get attached to something at that age. She looked at Isaa while holding her hand. She hopes that this child will have a happy childhood. She must become stronger to be able to give this child a happy life...and she wants to be happy...and lazy...

I just felt like...here is my gift for today :) I hope you like it

JennyScreators' thoughts