
Myrth: Chapter 137

Chapter 1166


After taking care of the situation in the ruined town, Xin Ja is now on his way to the fortress. His motorcycle whiz through the path and soon reaches an open field. So far he has not met with anyone on the road and the open field is a great sight after traveling through the forest for a while.

The motorcycle is quiet and does not produce too much noise and only the slight sound of gears could be heard. Xin Ja soon saw fresh traces of wagons crossing the open field and entering the edge of the forest.

"Hmm… They may be survivors of the war…" he thought as he quickly speeds up and soon enters the forest path.


Xin Ja steps on the break of the motorcycle as it slid down the dirt road.

This is because… right in front of him he saw wrecked carriages. He can even see some dead bodies lying on the ground. The dead bodies are both that of people and beasts.
