
The day

Chapter 662


The pain that he felt that day was too deep that it is making Shin Jiao look through the sky unable to think of anything anymore. He's been like this for a couple of days already and Qin Lou is too worried to do anything.

Although when he sees her, his expression would change, and that he would regain his composure. However, once he is alone he would go back to staring at the starry skies while caressing the crystal hanging on his neck.

Qin Lou already knew what had happened in the hospital that day and she was saddened by what had happened. The feeling of powerlessness, she already felt it before and she knew how hard it is right now for Shin Jiao to accept the fact that fate has taken Susan away from them.

But what could they do? Although Shin Jiao already showed her the first step, yet the enemy is far stronger than they could ever think of. That's why they felt really hopeless and crestfallen.
