
The Sunny Dragon Descends

( 1 hour prior to the robbery - Magna's POV )

Magna was currently hugging Yang from behind while cruising through Vale on her custom motorbike she lovingly named, Bumblebee.

"Yang, why am I here?" Asked Magna.

Yang lightly chuckled, her hair waving in the wind as she replied, "Your gonna help me get some info on my mom! Uncle Qrow said that you know the guy I'm going to see!"

Sighing, Magna couldn't help but curse Qrow. Not only did he want to get some rest for tomorrow but his latest cluster was dangerous, even if he managed to control it with dust.

However, it wasn't all bad. When he unlocked this certain cluster, Magna almost exploded with joy and excitement as his otaku side tried to rear it's head.

This certain cluster contained the memories of the 'Lion Sin of Pride', Escanor. Funnily enough, Escanor's cluster had only one ability.

The glorious power of Sunshine.

With it, Magna slowly became stronger the higher sun was in the sky. Not only did his body grow in size and muscle mass but his aura reserves grew as well.

It came as quite a surprise to Magna when his aura reserves grew, though he was thankful for it due to the fact that any of Escanor's abilities took up way too much aura.

Luckily, Magna found a way to manage his forced transformation. Somehow, by eating ice dust, his body wouldn't transform unless he willed himself to. Though his aura reserves still grew and the effects only lasted 24 hours.

Anyway, Magna and Yang came to a stop in the shadier part of Vale. Looking up, Magna sighed as he said, "Your looking for Junior, aren't you."

"Yup! Apparently, he knows where the Branwen tribe set up camp." Said Yang as she hopped off Bumblebee.

Magna hopped off as well and followed behind her as she made her way through the back alleys of Vale.

Halfway there, Magna became suspicious of her since she hasn't stopped once to check if they were going the right way. Then it hit Magna as he grinned and said, "You've been to Junior's before, haven't you Yang?"

She stopped in her tracks and had the decency to blush as she nervously chuckled, "W-well, Junior is the only club owner who serves me alcohol. Anywhere else and they ask me for my ID."

Nodding, Magna said, "Yeah, that's Junior alright. As long as it won't come back to bite him in the ass, Junior would do just about anything for money."

Truth be told, Magna has been to Junior's before. Qrow tends to drag him to the club when he wants a drink and Magna got to know the man behind the bar.

Junior was pretty chill for a mob boss. His lackeys, however, were rather simple. Heck, most of them didn't even have their aura unlocked and had no formal training whatsoever.

"We're here~." Said Yang in a singing tone, pull Magna from his thoughts.

Staring at the large warehouse door infront of him, Magna was about to say something when Yang grabbed him by the arm and dragged him inside.

The first thing that greeted Magna when he stepped through the door was the blaring sound of music and the smell of alcohol and sweat.

Everywhere he looked, he saw people drinking and dancing. He also noticed a pair twins dancing on the dance floor.

Yang continued to drag him through the dance floor, all the way to the bar. Flipping her hair out of her face, Yang tapped the bar top and grinned, "Hey, Junior. How's it Yanging?"

Junior, who stood behind the bar while wiping a glass, rolled his eyes as he said, "Blondie… I thought I told you that you weren't welcome here."

Magna looked over at Yang, raising his eyebrow as he said, "Wait, you never told me you were banned from here?"

Yang blushed as Junior turned to him and smirked, "Yeah, she ended up drunk a week ago and got into bar fight. Took days to clean up and my bank account became a few zero's lighter."

"But enough of that. Why are you here, Magna? And with blondie, no less. You usually only come round with that dusty old drunk."

Seeing red flashing in Yang's eyes, Magna silently grabbed her wrist as he smiled, "Yang here is a friend of mine. She needed some info on something and her uncle, the dusty old Qrow, tipped her off to you."

Magna was actually a little surprised that Qrow told her that Junior knew about her mother's tribe but he knew why he did.

Raven has actually been keeping in touch with not only himself but Qrow as well. She explicitly told them that while she didn't want them taking Yang to her directly, she would talk it out if Yang came and found her.

The Branwen twins had talked it out with each other and Qrow convinced Raven that what she did was wrong and that Yang needed closure.

Anyway, Magna and Yang carefully eyed Junior as he glared at them while scrubbing a glass. After a few minutes of silence, Junior sighed, "Fine. Because you asked Magna, I'll tell blondie all I know. However, it'll cost you."

Magna smiled as he pulled his wallet out and said, "How much?"

To his surprise, Junior shook his head and pointed to the dance floor. Or more specifically, at the twins he passed on the way in.

"You know, my nieces haven't stopped talking about you ever since you saved them." Smirked Junior, "All I ask is you hang out with them for the night. Do that and I'll tell blonde here everything she wants to know."

Yang's eyes turned a bloodthirsty red as her aura almost exploded out from her body. However, Magna quickly held her back and said to junior, "Is that all you want? There's no hidden agenda or something?"

Rolling his eyes, Junior sighed and leaned towards the pair, "Look kid, I'm going to be brutally honest with you. My nieces don't have any friends around their age and their upbringing… wasn't the best."

Looking over at the twins, Junior's eyes softened as he continued, "They don't complain about it or anything but the only people they talk to are the patrons of my club or my lackeys. And that made them… for a lack of better words, awkward."

"I'm just worried that they wouldn't know how to act around people their own age. How would they go about getting a boyfriend? Or getting married? They might end up with one of the sacks of shit that come through here and that scares the absolute shit out of me."

Here Junior's confession, Yang cooled down as she gave the man an understanding nod. Even with Magna's intervention, Ruby still ended up becoming an awkward and shy girl.

She was fine around people she knew but when she meets new people, she acts like she's been hit over the head with a silly stick.

She becomes awkward and quick to fawn over her weapon in hopes that the person she's talking to likes weapons almost as much as she did.

Luckily, Magna and Emerald managed to curb some of her awkward tendencies.

Looking over at Junior, Magna was silent for a few seconds before sighing as he said, "Fine. Tell Yang all she needs to know and I'll hang out with your nieces. But I can't stay all night cause I've got something else to do tonight."

"I'll take it. I know how important the first day is, considering I used to be a huntsmen myself. Now go talk to my nieces and I'll give blonde what she wants. However…"

Suddenly, Junior reached over the counter and pulled Magna towards him until he was a few inches away from him as he whispered, "No touching my nieces, alright? I'll ignore it if they touch you first but the moment you touch them, I'll shove a rocket up your ass. GOT IT!?!"

Magna didn't feel threatened at all due to Escanor's cluster affecting his sense of pride. However, he wanted to relieve the man of his worries as he pulled himself away from him and said, "You have my word, Junior. I won't touch your nieces inappropriately."

Junior stared at him for a few seconds before nodding as he waved his arms and growled, "Then get to it. If they want anything, just tell me and I'll get a bouncer to send it over.

Magna nodded. Hoisting himself off his chair, Magna slowly made his way through the crowd towards the twins. Yang's eyes were still red as she watched Magna walk towards the twins.

Turning towards Junior, she saw him grin as he said, "So, blondie… what do you want to know."


As Magna made his way towards the twins, he signed as he thought to himself, 'I don't actually know that much about the twins… They were barely shown in the anime so…'

Suddenly, Magna was forcefully brought out of his thoughts as a dainty hand landed on his shoulder, "Miltia, isn't this the boy who saved us from those drunk assholes a few weeks ago?"

Another voice spoke from his side as an arm snaked it's way around his arm, "Melanie, I think your right. Hey, what's a guy like you doing in a place like this?"

Turning around, Magna came face to face with a pair of twins. One wore a white dress with a cyan tint while the other wore a red dress with a black sash wrapped around her waist.

In each twins hair was a unique hairclip. The one in white had a white flower motif while the other had a large red feather surrounding by smaller white and red feathers.

Coughing into his free hand, Magna wryly smiled to the twins and said, "H-hey… I'm just making sure a friend of mine doesn't get herself arrested."

The twins followed Magna's eyes and smirked when they saw Yang.

"Babysitting the blonde bimbo?" Said Melanie as she pushed her body against Magna.

Miltia let her hands wander around Magna's torso as she leaned in close and purred, "Why don't you just stay here with us. I'm sure we would be better company then… her."

Magna, uncomfortable by their insistent flirting, gently pulled himself from their grasp as he smiled, "I'm sorry ladies but I've been friends with Yang since I was 8 so there's no way I'm gonna ditch her. But I don't mind getting to know you two."

Melanie and Miltia huddled together under Magna's confused gaze and started talking.

"Mel, this wasn't supposed to happen. Didn't those ladies say that all you had to do to get a man's attention was to push your assets against them?"

"That they did, Tia. I'm as confused as you. Maybe he's gay?"

"Wanna ask?"


Breaking apart, Melanie turned towards Magna and asked, "Are you gay?"

Magna's eyes twitched, "No. I guarantee that I'm interested in girls."

The twins huddled up once again as Melanie said, "He said he's straight."

"Then why did he pull away from us?"

Magna couldn't take it anymore as he coughed, gaining the twins attention as he said, "Maybe it's because I don't know you girls that well?"

Melanie and Miltia jumped in shock, pulling away from each other. After a few seconds, the twins managed to calm down as Melanie glared at him, "Eavesdropping on a private conversation is so not cool."

Miltia didn't share her sister's glare but nodded, agreeing with her sister. Magna rolled his eyes and sarcastically said, "Yeah, cause chatting about someone infront of them is 'private'."

Melanie's glare faltered as they both blush. Seeing this, Magna sighed, "Look, just because you pushed your… 'assets' against me doesn't mean I'm gonna start fawning over you. Instead of doing that to get my attention, how about we just sit down and talk?"

Miltia looked over into her sister's eyes as they fell silent for a few seconds. Magna couldn't help but chuckle as he mused to himself, 'This must be the famous twin telepathy…'

After a minute, Melanie turned away from Miltia and stared at Magna, a curious light in her eyes as she said, "Do you wanna, like, chat? With me and my sister?"

"Sure," Said Magna, sitting next to them as he smiled, "What did you girls wanna talk about?"

For half an hour, Magna and the twins tuned out the blaring music and the thunderous cheers and screams from the dance floor as they talked.

Well, the twins did most of the talking as this was the first time they could talk to someone around their age.

Magna, however, was delighted to just listen, occasionally adding in his comment here and there. Just as they were talking about a few restaurants around Vale and Atlas, Magna felt someone tap on his shoulder.

Looking over, Magna saw Yang impatiently tapping her foot on the ground, her eyes glowing red as she huffed, "I'm done, Magna. Let's go."

Magna shrugged and moved to get up when two pairs of hands latched onto his arm and pulled him back into the seat, falling against what seemed to be a very soft and warm pillow.

Well, he thought it was a pillow until an arm drapped over him as Melanie's voice purred, "Don't go yet, Magna~. The nights just getting started."

Another hand snaked it's way onto his lap as it started trailing up and down his leg as Miltia pushed herself against him, "Why don't you ditch the dumb blonde and hang with us? We could have a very~ fun~ time~."

Yang's aura exploded as she roared, "THAT'S IT! YOU SLUTS BETTER TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN OR ELSE!!!"

The building shook as the music playing in the background suddenly got stuck on loop. Annoyed, Yang pumped her fist, causing Ember Celica to transform on her wrist and fire.

As the DJ booth exploded, Junior jumped up from behind the counter and roared, "Blondie! What the hell!?! I told you everything I know and this is how you repay me!?!"

Without warning, 20 thugs holding swords charged towards the burning blonde. However, Yang's anger was through the roof as she drilled her fist into one of the guards before proceeding to use that guard as a weapon.

The thugs screamed like little girls as Yang bulldozed through them. Once the thugs were down, she turned towards the twins and screamed as she leapt at them like a flaming meteor.

The twins nodded to each other as Melanie leapt towards Yang to intercept. Miltia, on the other hand, tapped Magna's cheek as she smiled, "Why don't you sit back and watch the show. My sister and I will be back before you know it."

Suddenly, Melanie came flying towards them and crashed into Miltia, pushing them both onto Magna. With his face buried deep into a fleshy valley and his hand cupping another, Magna was stunned as the twins elected to let out a sensual moan.

Junior glared at him with bloodshot eyes as he roared, "No one touches my nieces!!!"

The man ditched his rocket launcher and bolt towards Magna. Before Magna could defend himself, an aura clad fist drove into his face.

However, Magna didn't even move a centimeter as the heat in the club doubled.

"Uh oh…" Muttered Yang as she slowly tried to back away.

Gently brushing Junior's fist away, Magna gave the man a bored look as he softly said, "My turn…"

As Magna reeled back his fist, Junior felt that something bad was about to happen yet his body couldn't move a single inch. Suddenly, Magna's fist gently connected with his chest.

Pain. That was all Junior could feel as he hurtled through the air, through the bar and through the wall into another store.

He didnt stop however as he keep flying through said store until he burst through the other side and slam into another store's wall.

The twins snapped out of their shock as they shot towards Junior as they screamed, "Uncle!"

Magna blinked as his bored look disappeared. Looking over the destruction, Magna put one and one together as he sheepishly grinned, "Hahaha… My bad?"

Needless to say, the thugs didn't take well to what he did to their boss. They launched themselves at him, only to be swatted away by Yang.

The pair suddenly found themselves back to back as Yang chuckled, "If only all sunday nights ended up like this, then they'd be my 'funday'. Get it?"

Magna gagged, "You could definitely do better Yang."

Yang clicked her tongue and muttered, "Everyone's a critic…"

The pair brawled with waves and waved of thugs. Eventually, the twins returned with renewed vigor as they gracefully attacked the pair with perfect teamwork.

Heck, Yang couldn't even land a hit on them while Magna was reluctant to actually hit them. After a few missed attacks, Yang angrily growled as she exploded towards the closest twin, Melanie.

With a deafening warcry, Yang maneuvered around Melanie's attack and drove her fist deep into her stomach.

The twin wearing white collapsed to the ground in tears as she painfully emptied her stomach contents on the ground.

Luckily, Yang moved back before the throw up could get on her back. Watching the girl throw up made her reluctant to fight the white dressed twin any further.

"Mel!" Screamed Miltia as she ran over to her sister, dropping her bladed claws as a worried look appeared on her face.

Just as Magna was about to move towards Melanie to check if she was okay, the door flew open as 10 police officers flooded into the room.

"FREEZE! NO BODY MOVE!" Said the man who appeared to be the lieutenant.

A thug ran in after them as he pointed towards Magna and Yang, "There they are officer! They're the jerks who destroyed my bosses club!"

The lieutenant eyed them as he roared, "Arrest them!"

The officers nodded as they quickly detained Magna and Yang. The blonde bombshell almost tried to break out but Magna quickly stopped her as he explained that doing so would make her a criminal.

Once they were comfortable inside the police car, Magna broke the silence between them as he grinned and said, "I didn't know I was 'your man' Yang? Why is that news to me?"

Yang tried and failed to stop herself from blushing as she turned away and said, "I-I was just spouting nonsense in the heat of the moment."

Magna smirked as he murmured, "Sure…"

Yang suddenly slammed her cuffed hands into Magna's stomach as she said, "Nice try, hotshot! But you won't be getting one over little ol' me."

Magna didn't really feel the hit but he acted like he did to appease the blonde as he hissed, "Yes ma'am."

Before Magna could sit up, Yang's hand grabbed Magna by the balls as she said, "I think you mean, 'Yes sir!'"

Magna gulped as he spluttered, "Y-yes sir."

Just as Yang was about to reply, her hand felt around his crotch and she froze. Magna was blushing up a storm as Yang looked at him, then back to her hand.

After a few minutes of her switching between looking at her hand and at him, her face became as red as her eyes when she's angry as gulped, "Yang that's long…"

The rest of the ride to the police station was quiet as both teens suddenly found themselves unable to look each other in the eye.


"…Then, when we got to the station, the officers questioned us on why we were at a bar and why we started a brawl. After that, they just told us to wait while they contact our parents." Said Magna as he finished explaining how they ended up in the police station.

Obviously, he left out the part about what happened in the car. They didn't need to know that and he was still quite embarrassed about what happened.

Both girls stared at Yang with a deadpan expression before turning to Magna with the same expression.

After a few minutes, Ruby sighed as she poked Yang and moaned, "Yaaannnggg… you have to stop destroying clubs. This is like, the forth one this year!"

Luna's eyes widened slightly as she said, "But we're only a quarter of the way through the year!"

"Exactly!" Screamed Ruby, "But she's somehow managed to destroy four bars in this small amount of time."

Yang nervously chuckled as she said, "Don't forget the two gyms that I'm now banned from."

Magna gave the blonde a deadpan look as he said, "You're banned from two different gyms?"

"Yup…" Yang said nervously, "They were holding a few sparring matches between gyms and one of the guys managed to pull out a few strands of my hair. I… kinda went berserk and showed them why I'm the 'Little sunny dragon'."

Magna, Ruby and Luna all facepalmed as he said, "We need to work on your anger issues."

Yang couldn't really say anything back as she nervously chuckled while fidgeting with her fingers.

Suddenly, the door to the police station flew opened as Taiyang, accompanied by Magna's parents, Emily and Joshua, barged inside and roared, "Where's my little baby!?!"

The parents instantly locked onto their children as they raced over. Magna couldn't even move a single inch as Emily instantly appeared infront of him and hugged him deep into her chest.

Taiyang, once he was close enough, noticed Ruby as he asked in worry, "Ruby? What're you doing here? Please don't tell me you were arrested as well? Not my innocent little cookie monster!"

Ruby blushed at her dad's actions as she sped towards him and closed his mouth, "Daaaddd! Be quiet! I didn't get arrested! Luna and I helped stop a robbery!"

While the parents were fussing over their children, Glynda stepped out from the office as she said, "Miss Rose, Miss…"

"Sköll," Smiled Luna, "Luna Sköll."

Magna smiled at the white-haired wolf girl. A few weeks after Emerald's kidnapping, Emily and Joshua had offered to adopt the twins, which they happily agreed to.

However, Argo and Luna took on the names of their mother and father as their last names instead of Emily's or Joshua's last name. Luna took their father's name, Sköll, as her last name while Argo took their mother's name, Hati.

Glynda nodded as she continued, "Would the two of you please follow me into the questioning room? Someone important would like to have a word with you about your antics."

Ruby nervous rubbed her arm as she walked into the room while Luna quickly gave Magna and her adopted parents a hug before following behind the nervous little red riding hood.

Once the pair were gone, Magna and Yang turned to leave when a hand landed on their shoulders. Both teens flinched and shakily turned back, only to be greeted by their parents.

Taiyang's forehead seemed ready to burst with all the throbbing blood vessels while Emily was glaring at Magna as her aura angrily flared around her.

Magna and Yang could only sit on the ground as their parents berated them until Ruby and Luna left the interrogation room.

Both girls had happy smiled on their face as they flashed everyone a look that said, 'I know something that you don't and I won't tell you~'

Magna, however, didn't really care as he knew that they happy because Ruby was accepted into Beacon early.

Instead, he prepared himself for tonight because he had a promise with a certain amber-eyed huntress that he had to keep.
