
Meeting with league officials

Waking up to knocking at my door. I rushed outside.

To be greeted to the site of three men were business attires. The one in the middle gave me a glance.

"Hello how may I help you."

As he took out something from his pocket I took a glance.

It was a business card showing the official sign for the Pokémon league.

League official 1:Professor John we are here to inform you that you need to have a meeting with mr good show.

"Can you tell me what for."

League official 1:I can't tell you all I can say is that it is an urgent request from the league.

"All right what is the location,date and time."

League official 2: It will be located in blackthorn city.The time will be at five-thirty am in one week.

"Alright will living arrangements be taken care of."

Without saying anything I was handed a card. Inspecting the card it's had the league official logo on it in gold while the rest of the card was black.

League official 3:This is a black card with this you have a balance of a million dollar when conducting business with the league.

League official 1:The more you work your way up the higher the league will make your pay and with that comes greater rewards.

With the the three agents called out there respective Pokemon.

Three white flashes came as three bird like Pokémon came out giving out there respective calls.




Taking a good look at each one of the them I saw they each were well trained.

As if the system was reading my thoughts the stats of each Pokémon popped up.




Move set:

Wing attack Twister

Fly Aerial ace




Move set:

Gust Brave bird

Slash Fly




Move set:

Steel wing Body slam

Ice beam Flamethrower

Looking at all of the Pokémon I saw that were respectively strong enough to give my torterra and blazeken a run for their money if they were to fight.

But tyranitar will dominate them. It takes at least two more Pokémon of their level to stand a chance against tyranitar.

Waving my hand to them I was watched each member take off I went back to my own business in the lab.

Working on my current project the dex glasses. They are a pair of shades that let you check the lvl and stats of your Pokémon.

So far all I have come up with is the design of the glasses. It is built like a pair of Tom Ford shades.

But in the future I plan on putting in a build in Pokédex. It will be able to check all the stats of Pokémon be able to tell egg moves and check their condition.

After working on it for about two hours I got a bit frustrated about not being able to advance any further.

Giving up I went outside to check on the Pokémon before I took my trip to go meet the league officials.

Walking through the water biome I looked over all the water Pokémon to make sure they were okay.

Seeing Mudkips and piplup playfully having water fights.While their evolve counterparts marstomp and prinplup relaxed in the shade while keeping watch.

In case anything got out of hand. They were ready to step in and protect.

Looking around even more I saw feebas swimming in the pool next to the magikarps. While also hearing the milotics humming a beautiful melody that many are not blessed to hear.

Right before I was about to walk to the next area to check on sceptile and them I heard a loud boom. Looking over in direction I saw smoke began to rise up into the air.

"What is going on!"

Running over to the area I saw it was two gyarados fighting. They were looking angrier and angrier by the second.

Suddenly a beam charged it both of their mouths. They prepared to fire hyper beams at each other.

Reaching for my belt I began to get ready to call out my Pokémon. Before I heard a voice in my head recognizing it as slowking.

'Do not worry child I got this.'

Out of the blue I saw slowking appear. As his eyes took a blue hue to them.

Recognizing it as psychic I saw both gyarados get lifted up into the air as they were slammed into the ground.

Not enough to seriously harm them but just enough to knock them.

"Thanks for the help slowking."

'No problem child it is my job as this biome leader to protect this area.'

"I just came by to tell you that I will be gone for the next week or to. I would like to ask you to take care of the area while I am gone."

'You wish is my command it shall be done.'

With that slowking faded back out of sight.

"Now that this is over let me go visit the next area."

Taking a walk towards the jungle I looked around to check on the Pokémon in the biome.

Seeing treecko practice their skill sets on trees. While the adult sceptiles sat back and watched making sure they were not hurting themselves.

Walking by they gave me a nod of acknowledgment as I waved towards there direction.

Deciding to visit the newly built combee hive. I walked over but made sure to keep some distance as to not anger them.

While their in the process of making honey.

Taking a look I saw they flew into the nest while their leader vespiqueen checked over them.

Seeing that everything was okay. I decided to check up on the center of the forest.

Walking into the center I was blessed with the of the beatific serene lake again. With the giant tree in the middle.

I assumed the center of the forest was special. Due to the Pokémon born here typically being special in variety of ways.

Such as how dracon dragons was shiny. Looking around I could see a few shiny Pokémon.

Such as the treecko that was standing across from me. But that wasn't the only thing that made it special.

It was the son of the current forest leader. Speaking of the forest leader I saw sceptile standing a few feet across from me.

Walking up I waved at sceptile.

'Good morning john I can sense that have come here for a reason.'

"You are right as always sceptile I have come to inform you that I have come to meet up with you. To inform you that I will be gone for 1 to 2 weeks max."

'I will look over the forest for you seeing as it is already my job.'

"There is one more thing. Can you tell me anything about the new biome leader."

'All I can tell you is that the leader is a very powerful Pokémon. It is rumored to have defeated a tyranitar and Beartic in a two vs one fight.'

'To earn his trust will not be as easy as mine. You will have to defeat him in battle.'

"Ok I will heed your warning. Thank you sceptile for the advice."

And with that I made my way to the new biome.

Making my way up the mountain. It began to get colder as I worked my way up.

Seeing powerful Pokémon on my way to. Such as a tyranitar wandering around the area.

Also even some abomasnow lazing around in the snow. Finally making my way to the top.

I saw a giant charizards standing at the top. Looking at me the charizard let out a huge roar.

Flames coming out it's nostrils as I could feel the heat reach my body. Some of the snow even melted around it.

Feeling confused as to why a charizard was here I called out to the system.

Bzzzz bzzzzz

....Host the charizard seems to have wondered here. I recommend that you send out tyranitar as torterra or blazeken will not be able to handle him.....

"Can you tell me his stats system."

Bzzzz bzzzzz




Move set:

Flamethrower Overheat

Seismic toss Brick break

Fly Ice beam

Walking up a few steps I already knew what charizard wanted.

Throwing out tyranitar I initiated the battle.

Battle start:

Tyranitar rush in with and ice beam. A blue beam built up in tyranitar mouth as he shot a beam at charizard.

Charizard being fast but not fast enough was still hit in the wing. Leaving it incased in ice.

Thinking I performed a critical move I cheered but surely I was wrong.

Charizard body began to heat up. As flames began to cover his body.

In a few seconds the ice was melted and charizard was ready for battle again. Rushing toward charizard let out a powerful flamethrower.

A current of flames was let out as it rushed towards tyranitar.

Seeing that it was going to hurt tyranitar badly I told him to use earth power. A giant rock was lifted out the ground as it stood in front of tyranitar.

The flames were only blocked for a few seconds. Until all of the sudden the rock was melted through and tyranitar was hit by flames.

Yelling out to tyranitar to see if he was ok. I got a nod in approval.

All right let's get serious tyranitar. Rush in with a point blank hyper beam.

Running toward tyranitar got up to charizard and hit him with a hyper beam.

Continue on with seismic toss. Lifting up charizard tyranitar slammed him into the ground repeatedly.

After this went on for a minute tyranitar let up. Charizard was bruised in multiple places but still ready to fight.

Letting out a roar charizard fires a powerful ice beam at tyranitar. To slow to dodge tyranitar could do nothing but take the attack.

Frozen in place tyranitar didn't have a choice but to take the next attack. Picked up of the ground tyranitar was hurtled in to the air.

Charizard showing a impressive display of strength slammed tyranitar on the ground with all of its might.

A crater began to form in the ground from the force of charizard slamming tyranitar.

Watching as tyranitar stood back up shakily. I knew he was about to be done for.

Calling out to tyranitar I told him to use tri-sphere.

A mixture of blue red and white beams began to form in tyranitar mouth. As they took the shape of a sphere.

"Do it now tyranitar!"

Watching as the sphere set sail it raced across the land towards charizard.

Charizard seeing the oncoming threat surrounded itself in a sphere of fire.

Smoke began to rise and the wind began to blow. As me and tyranitar looked to see the outcome.

After a few seconds it cleared up to show a unscratched charizard ready to battle still.

Watching charizard charge up a flamethrower I knew it was over.

Watching as tyranitar fainted I was ready to walk away and accept defeat. Until I heard the sound of someone speaking.

'Even though you haven't defeated me I shall acknowledge your presence young one.'

"Wait what do you mean I lost."

'What I am saying young one is the you have passed the test to earn my acknowledgement. But come back when you are stronger.'

'I would like a decent battle once in a while.'

"Alright it's a deal. But I have to tell you can you I will be gone for one to two weeks."

"Is it possible for you to watch over this area until I return."

'Yes I will watch over the biome as that is my job as the leader.'

With that I went back to the lab to prepare for my journey.


Kj5513creators' thoughts