
Connecting with Beth

She took out her phone.


She was speechless.

'Hello who is this?' Alex was puzzled. It was a blocked number then a thought came to him.

'Beth? Is it you?'


Alex stop breathing afraid she would hang up.

"I did not know?"

'It's my fault honey. Sky told me what you were feeling and I thought we could hang on for a few more days. I'm sorry'

"You really bought us a house?"

'No, I bought us a home to raise our family. One that we could share with our friends and family.'

She stayed silent for a moment.

'Honey, please come home. I need you, I am not whole with out you.'

"Send Sky to the Plaza Place and only him. One hour, then I will decide if I will meet with you."

She hung up and his heart sank lower.

He stared at the phone for about 15 minutes. He then called Sky.

"She called. She wants to meet you at the Plaza Place in forty five minutes. Can you make it."

"Why don't you go instead?" Sky asked.

"She said after she meets you she will decide if she will meet with me. Please Sky, go meet with her. I'll wait outside just incase she will see me."

"Ok, see you in about thirty minutes." Sky hung up and took James to the main house with Mary. He then traveled to the Plaza Place where he met up with Alex.

"How did she sound?" Sky asked.

"Sad. Please do your best to convince her to talk to me." Alex was shacking with fear that he has really lost the woman of his dreams over a stupid mistake.

"I'll try?"

Sky walked in and went to the frount desk. "I was asked to come meet a Elizabeth Poe. I'm Skyler. "

"Yes, Mr. Skyler room 316 go on up."

Sky then sent Alex a text. [316]

He went up the elevator and knocked on the door.

Beth opened the door. She was thinner then she had been in a while. She looked like she has not been sleeping. The last time he seen her like this was the first time he met her in that alley many years ago.

Beth had him come in. "It's good to see you" Beth closed the door and he pulled her in for a hug.

"Did you know about the house when I talked to you that day?"She said not moving at all.

"Yes, Jewels and I were moving into a guest house on Wednesday that week." He let her go and looked into her sad eyes.

"Why, knowing I thought he was leaving me, did you not say something?"

"He asked me not to. My word is all I have Bunny."

"..." Beth did not know what to say. After everything she had been through this past year, her doctor said she had PDST, Post traumatic stress disorder. He wanted to put her on medication and have her join a support group but she just shut herself away.

She walked over to set down and Sky followed her.

"Bunny, Alex still loves you. The house has guards and servants. Mary and Alexander, Jack and Sarah, and even Jewels and I have our own homes on the land so we can be near you. Alex had a big party planned to surprise you."

"Sky, I'm sick. I am scared all the time. in the past year I have had to save and kill and fight. After having the twins I got worse. I don't feel worthy of any of you."

"What did the Doctor say."


"I can see that. With meds and support you can get past all that."

"Are you sure if Alex knew I was no longer strong, he would want me?"

"I am sure. Julie wanted me and I came through it. PTSD was part of my problem too. I go to a great support group. I also struggle everyday with feeling not good enough and nightmares. What happened to me almost killed me."

"You never said anything."

"It was my cross to carry not yours but knowing you and Julie loved me and would stand by me got me through the hardest part."

Beth sat there as Sky told his story to her and she realized that she was not alone. Soon Sky stood up and said, "You need to talk with Alex please. He is waiting down stairs."

"Ok, send him up."

As she waited for Alex to cone she went through many emotions and caused herself to have a panic attack. When she did not answer the door Alex opened it to find her in the middle of the floor gasping for breath. He ran over and pulled her into his lap.

"Breathe baby, take long deep breaths." He rubbed her back and kept whispering in her ear.

Soon Beth was back to breathing and the attack was gone. He sat there in the floor cradling her in his arm. She held his neck and started crying into his shoulder. She missed the feeling of safty his embrace would bring. They stayed that way till she had cried herself dry.

She then let go and together they walked to the bed room. She unbuttoned his wet shirt. Beth had forgotten how it felt to be near the man she loved.

As she pulls of his shirt she slowly starts kissing his chest. He just closed his eyes and felt his wife make her way to his lips.

Soon she was kissing him and used her tongue to open his mouth and he intertwine his tongue with hers. This ignites a passion and he pulls her dress over her. Quickly he shed the rest of his clothing and she did the same.

They spent the next hour in each arms not saying a word. Nothing really needed to be said. They were together and that was all that was needed.
