
Why are You Here?

Xue Yi Ming entered his car and drove into the city. Because this client was one of the VVIP, Xue Yi Ming had no other choice but to make a trip personally to see what had gone wrong. While he was driving, Xue Yi Ming gave a call to two of his technicians to meet him on site.

Because the traffic was pretty good, Xue Yi Ming arrived at his Scarlet, in twenty minutes.

Scarlet was a high-end club where most affluent and influential people hang out. Therefore it was vital for him to come over and make sure that everything went back as usual before trouble brew.

When he arrived, Shang Xin, the owner of the establishment, greeted him at the entrance. "You don't have to come personally," she said with a smile on her face. "Your technician arrived as soon as we filed a report."

Xue Yi Ming laughed. "You are our VVIP client. Of course, I will have to make an appearance."
