

My jeans are not a scratching post

My feet are not your prey

It's somehow surprising such a little one

Could cause so much pain

My heart was not your target

But here I am.

A tamed woman

With a Cat-ting rod in hand

My keyboard is not your playground

Spare my microphone please

My sleeping legs are not your napping place

oh well, I'll leave you be

The chair that I just left

Is not your place to sit

The textbooks I'm staring at

Are not your Throne-to-be

My hair does not need grooming

You don't need a playmate at 4 in the morning

I'm just in the bathroom no need to meow

Oh jeez, where'd you go now?

No matter what I say

No matter how I teach

You're still trying to prove me wrong

You're lucky you're so cute

You're lucky I love you

And I'm so lucky to have found you
