
Why Is he here?

it was kinda painful but it was nothing compared on what I had to encounter before..

I washed everything while i ignored my heart.. it wad aching so badly..

its my first day in this department And I didn't even have friends ..

I should ignore everything.. Just keep ignoring nothing will hurt if you ignore

I want to escape the reality..

I should stop pretending I wasn't the good girl that they all knew

I was never the good girl.. I looked on the mirror and fixed my glasses.. My eyes were puffy. my nose were turning red Why is my life suddenly being miserable

should I just accep my defeat?

That rang and echoed through my mind making me close my eyes and I heard the bell rang

I decided to ignore but a couple of minutes I walked slowly while dealing with the pain.. the pain that he caused me.. I walked on the 2nd floor 3-J my second subject..

I opened the door revealing everyone new to my eyes I didn't know them.. but they looked at me not on my face they looked straight on my bleeding hands.. and arms.. I looked down and I said with all my braveness "Sorry I'm late.." I was still staring down..

But then someone was walking towards me and that guy was suddenly lifting my chin up to look at him I then met his eyes.. those familiar brown eyes that made me feel secured and safe before..

Why is he here?
