
Spa Treament

Rose looked at Rune for a good one minute, trying to understand what he was trying to say. Why was he so certain that time would not be an issue? Did he know how long would it take for one person to get over a heartbreak?

Rose wished she had the man's confidence. However, she didn't want to keep him on a string, just like what Pierre said about a relationship earlier.

That's why she preferred to be honest. If Rune had made his intentions clear.. then so should she.

"Thank you for your kind words," she whispered. "I hope it won't take too long though."

She touched his cheek and then tilted her face and kiss Rune on the lips.

The man was in a daze because of the unexpected kiss. Before he could get a hold of himself and returned the kiss, Rose had let go of her lips and walked away.

"See you later," she said, waving her right hand, without looking back.
