
Rose's Feeling Starts To Change

Rune chuckled when he saw her reaction. Yes, this was a really big secret that would become big headlines on news sites if the media ever found out.

"Do you know 'L'?" He asked Rose.

The girl nodded. "Of course, I do. Who doesn't? She is very famous and talented. What about Elle?"

"Well... she is my sister-in-law, because my brother London is married to her," Rune explained. He waited to see the change of expression on Rose's face after he dropped the shocking news.

He was satisfied with her reaction. Rose's mouth was agape when she heard the fact.

"No way!" She pressed her lips. "They are never together...! How could they meet and get into a relationship and get married???? This is so shocking!!"

"Well, I'm telling the truth. My brother and L got married around 15 years ago," Rune added.
