
Gossipping the Big Boss

Two female employees came with their food and joined Finland and Ruth at their table. They introduced themselves to Finland as Susan and Priyanka, from the Legal Department. They seemed eager to follow Ruth's conversation about their boss.

"Oh, God... Ruth just texted me that Mr. Schneider is eating on the 30th floor... I couldn't believe it, so I came up to see it for myself..." Priyanka said in response. "It's unusual - he doesn't usually eat here, huh...?"

"Maybe he's too busy to eat out, so it's more practical to just come here," Susan said.

"I told Finland that this is her lucky day," Ruth said, "She is the new employee, and I told her that for people at her level, the chances to see Mr. Schneider was very slim... But now, only on the first day of work, she has the opportunity to see him... "
