
I won't kill you

Katia took Karl's hand and pressed it to her own cheek. Her mind flew to 60 years ago when she first met Karl. They were still teenagers and shared the same interests. The two were inseparable after the two families attended a party at the royal palace.

After Katia moved to London, she and Karl were able to spend more and more time together. However, her relationship and friendship with Carl ended after she met and fell in love with Caspar. For the sake of the man, she had to leave her family and friends.

Ugh... all her sacrifices were in vain, because after decades, Katia finally realized that the man didn't really love her.

The thought made her chest feel tight. Her tears dripped without her realizing.


Katia gasped at the sound of Caspar's voice, but she cleverly refrained, not turning her head.

"Hmm... you are here… What do you want?" Katia asked in a flat tone.
