
Speed Dating

The next day was relatively calmer than my first day in Pewter city. Though that wasn't too hard to do.

With Joy clearing me for 'moderate' exercise I was able to rejoin my Pokemon in their training, but then she immediately tried to make me sit down when she saw what MY training consisted of. And apparently she wasn't too amused when I informed I WAS going light since I was not wearing my weighted vest this time, only my anklets and bracelets.

We did however pause our training when the tv in the arena lit up with the morning news, and showed Captain Jenny on it.

The first thing to come out of her mouth was an immediate apology to me and the Ranger Union for her subordinate's behavior, before the Captain then explained what had actually happened yesterday for everyone watching at home.

She then detailed as they played the footage someone took of my arrest, with my face blurred out thankfully, every single part where Officer Jenny had ignored every single rule of engagement and arrest they had. She hadn't identified herself, hadn't properly identified me, used excessive force against someone who wasn't even resisting, and then proceeded to abuse and slander me the entire way to precinct.

When asked what was going to happen to the offending Officer, the Captain stated that though they couldn't fire her for certain reasons, like what she told us yesterday, the Officer responsible would in fact be stripped of their badge and face numerous disciplinary actions.

After the interview ended we resumed our training, moving on to the sparring session, when Dawn, May, and Misty finally got up and joined us. They went through the yoga poses that Daisy showed them the day before, with me correcting them if they were doing one of them wrong, before moving on to train their own Pokemon.

From then until the end of training the only exciting thing to happen was Dawn's Budew evolving into a Rosalia, which everyone celebrated as they congratulated the rose-like Pokemon.

Once the training was over for the morning we went and met up with Daisy while professor Oak continued going over the data he had collected from Charmander. She and Vulpix had been working on putting together a small table from which we could sell the honey Riolu and Treecko collected from the Combee hive.

When I voiced my intentions to sell some of the honey Combee made, more so when she evolved into Vespiquen and started her own hive, professor Oak told me that I should register her as one of my breeder Pokemon since I intended to collect produce from her, like Miltank's milk. It was some advice I readily heeded since it meant I could always keep her on me, and free up a slot on my team for another Pokemon.

I then learned that Gary had also captured numerous Combee while he was in Viridian forest, but they were all males that couldn't expand their hive. Combee and I then promised that when she evolved and had a daughter of her own, I'd send her to the professor so he could have his own proper hive to study and examine. The professor even said that any honey they produced and sold would go to me, since he didn't need it.

And based off the sales I made from my little table like we were selling lemonade, the honey business would be VERY lucrative.

I kept a few jars for ourselves and to send home to mom, but the rest sold out within a matter of hours despite the relatively high price we put on them.

Though I say it was a high price, it was still lower than the only group that sold Kantonian honey. A group that a little bit of research told me was backed by none other than Giovanni.

It may have been just one of his numerous business interests, but I'll still enjoy undercutting and trying to drive them out of business after Combee evolved.

Once the last of the honey we had on hand had been sold, the girls and I closed shop and headed out on a group date to eat some lunch. Joy had readily gave us a recommendation on a nice diner to go to, though she appeared dispirited when one off the other Joys said she couldn't go with us. So I promised to bring her back something to eat.

After spending a few hours out to have lunch and look around Pewter a bit, the five of us returned to the inn where I engaged in another round of battles to continue my team's training.

This time I hadn't had to use Taunt on the other trainers since several of them had become determined to make me taste defeat, though they were unable to do so. If anything, they wondered how my own Pokemon were even stronger than they had been yesterday.

After battling with my team until it was almost time for curfew again, I was proud to see several of my Pokemon were learning and growing quite well in that department. Perhaps both literally and figuratively when I noticed Squirtle and Combee were already a couple inches taller than they had been when I caught them.

A nice and hot bath later, and I was going at it with the three girls yet again long into the night, while Misty peeked from a hole in the wall. She had to have known I could sense her there, along with the excitement she felt watching us fuck. But I also wondered how long until she broke and joined in.


"Alright! That's a wrap!" I declared while clapping my hands loudly to make sure everyone heard me, which they did as several members of my team collapsed to the arena floor tiredly.

Walking up to them, I then stated loudly, "listen up! This is going to be all today! I'm booked up for the remainder of the day, so we won't be doing any battling later on. Instead, take this chance to rest and relax in the inn!"

Though most of my Pokemon looked excited for a chance to rest, Riolu immediately barked at me, "Ri!"

"I just said why. Because I've got plans, and won't be here to battle." I told my partner once again.


"Well go ahead then if you want to so much."


And with that Riolu marched off to continue his own training, while I made sure my team knew not to get into trouble while I was gone.

After that I headed into a locker room nearby to shower after getting sweaty training alongside my Pokemon. There I could feel the eyes of every guy present on me, both because of how relatively famous I had become at the inn, and because of my body itself.

Though I just ignored them, I also made sure to hold my head with pride at my body and how much work I'd put into it.

Be amazed you peasants.

After washing myself off and dressing in nicer clothes, I quickly left the inn and made my way through the streets of Pewter until I arrived at a fountain where a certain someone was waiting for me.

"Hey! I hope I didn't keep you waiting." I told Dawn apologetically, despite arriving fifteen minutes early.

"No! I just got here myself!" Dawn quickly told me while shaking her head, though I could tell she was lying through her aura.

Instead of calling her out on it I offered her my arm and asked, "shall we?"

Dawn blushed as she laced her own arm through mine bashfully while saying, "yes..."

I then escorted her away from the fountain, and to our first stop over the next few hours.

The girls had decided last night to make today a date-day, meaning that I was going to go on a date with each of them one at a time. First would be Dawn, who I'd go out with around lunch, then May, who I'd spend the afternoon with, and the finally Daisy in the evening.

Misty was left out because she was still indecisive about becoming my girlfriend.

"You look beautiful." I told Dawn suddenly, making her blush again and fidget beside me.

"Thank you..." She murmured shyly, though one wouldn't think she was from her current dress.

Dawn was wearing a flowing yellow sun dress with white ruffles, and a pair of sandals while her hair flowed freely, without her usual hat.

"You look good too." She said after looking me up and down, taking in my maroon button down shirt, and black dress pants.

"Thank you." I said sincerely to her compliment.

"So where are we going?" Dawn asked after we walked the streets for a moment.

"A little place right up here." I told her cryptically, having already looked this place up beforehand.

I then directed her to a little store that had numerous dresses on display in the window, with a sign above it that stated in bold letters 'Butterfree's Boutique'.

Though I'm pretty sure Dawn was hesitant when she saw the price tags, she was soon captivated by the numerous dresses they had on display.

"They're so beautiful!" Dawn exclaimed, before I took her hand and pulled her inside while saying,

"Let's go find one that suits you!" Dawn however tried to pull back as she anxiously glanced at the price tags yet again.

"Ace.... I can't..."

"But of course you can!" Declared a mature and beautiful lady who magically appeared beside us.

She then gestured at Dawn's body and exclaimed, "such a beautiful and slender figure! It would be a catastrophe if you did not AT LEAST try on a dress or two!"

"I agree." I quickly said before Dawn could refuse. "And since I'm paying, we won't leave before my girlfriend has something that can dazzle even the most snooty Contest judge!"

Both Dawn and the proprietress' eyes went wide when they heard that, before the latter swiftly clapped her hands and two more women appeared.

"Ladies, we have a future contest STAR in our humble shop today. I expect her to leave here today with only the most dazzling of attire we have to offer! Do I make myself clear!?" She declared dramatically.

""Yes ma'am!"" The duo cried out before they seized Dawn by either arm, and hauled her away from she could fight back.

Once they were gone the madam turned back to me as she asked professionally, "Are you also looking for anything for yourself today sir? Or shall you accompany your future star?"

"There is one thing, then I need to return to Dawn. This IS supposed to be our date." I said, highlighting that I didn't want to take too long.

The proprietress immediately nodded in understanding as she asked me, "what can I help you find today sir?"

I readily explained the general idea of the item I was looking for, and the proprietress led me to a glass counter with numerous pieces of jewelry in it. She then removed a tray and held it up for me to examine the pieces on it.

"These are the items that would best match the description of what you are looking for sir. Each one hand crafted by a local craftsman, the best in the entire region."

Of that I had no doubt, as Pewter was considered the city of rocks for a reason. It made sense that the best jewelers in the entire Kanto region were here.

And I immediately found what I was looking for as my eyes scanned the tray, and I pointed to it. "This one. How many of these do you have in stock?"

After finishing my first transaction with the proprietress, I made my way back towards the changing rooms to meet up with Dawn and the attendants.

As I rounded the corner though, I halted as my breath caught in my throat from the sight before me.

There was Dawn, dressed up in an elegant strapless dress that went down to her ankles, with a slit that ran up to her thigh. It was dark blue in color, matching her hair, and shimmered with each of her movements to make it seem like the stars glittering in the night sky, or the sun glistening off of the ocean.

"H-how do I look?" Dawn asked hesitantly.


That was all that could come to mind.

Years of experience smooth talking women in my bed. And yet when faced with one of the women I loved, I was at a completely loss for words.

Dawn still blushed bashfully though at the compliment, before I finally remembered something.

"It's still missing big something though. Turn around and close your eyes." I told her once I could find my voice, which Dawn readily followed as she turned to face the mirror and closed her eyes.

Once her eyes were closed I stepped up behind her and pulled one of the items I'd bought from my bag. I wrapped it around her neck lovingly, brushing her hair out of the way before fixing the clasp in place.

"Ok. Open your eyes." I told her once it was in place. And when Dawn did so, there was a beautiful amber stone necklace hanging from her neck.

"Ace!" Dawn exclaimed as her fingers came up to brush it lightly.

"It's my mark." I whispered into her ear. "My promise to each of my future wives."

Dawn gasped as she leaned back into my embrace, using my body to hold herself up as the true meaning of necklace sunk in.

I had learned early on that in this world men didn't propose with expensive engagement rings, but rather with any trinket significant enough to proclaim their love. Most used rings, while others use other pieces of jewelry, and some even used actual Pokemon.

For my girls I decided to use amber pendants since I was so affiliated with the color, from my eyes, to my aura when I activated it. That was why I had bought the entire collection of amber pendants the store had, five of them, to give to each one of my future wives.

There was one for Daisy, Dawn and May, as well as one for Misty once I smashed apart her shell, and one more left for for any women I met on my travels that would join our family. And if need be, I also got the name of the jeweler who made them if I needed more in the future.

For a time Dawn and I simply enjoyed the other's presence as we entered our own little world, with the proprietress and her attendants watching on excitedly.


After I gave the pendant to Dawn she ended up trying on a few more outfits for future competitions, of which I bought three for her. I bought the elegant dress, a suit that she could wear for the more 'cool' category contests, and a more cutesy dress if she didn't want to go for an elegant or cool look.

And while Dawn tried to complain about the cost of the outfits, I insisted since I was the one taking her out today. And while the dresses and necklaces did take a sizable chunk out of my funds, I still had more than plenty after everything I'd saved up until now, especially with all of the battles I'd been winning the last two days.

After leaving the boutique, Dawn and I then went to a small cafe to have lunch, where we also got a large parfait to split like normal couples.

Of course, our time alone together couldn't last.

After having our lunch with dessert I escort Dawn back to the inn with the bags from our shopping in hand, before departing yet again to meet up with May.

Unlike with Dawn though, I met May near the Pewter city central plaza. And there I was stunned to find her similarly attired in a red dress with frills, while her hair was braided instead of her usual twin tails.

"Did I make you wait?" I asked the cliche line yet again, despite being a few minutes early this time as well.

"No! I just got here!" May exclaimed, though I could tell she too was lying. Just how eager was she and Dawn for our date?

"So, where are we going?" May asked as she obviously tried to deflect her early arrival.

Instead of answering, I just took her by the hand and said, "come on!"

From the central plaza I led May through a couple streets before we arrived at a location where numerous people were selling goods from tents and stalls outside, a bazaar-like market.

"Oh wow!" May exclaimed as we slowly walked past some of the stalls around us. "This is like the market of Lilycove city back home!"

"Except they don't mostly sell fish and produce here." I said to her comparison, though May barely seemed to hear me as she excitedly looked around.

And while there WERE stalls selling said items, the vast majority of them seemed to be selling stones of various types, as well as other high value items that could be found in and around Mt. Moon.

While we looked at the various things they had for sale, I noticed a few desirable items one particular merchant had that made me stop and point them out to May.

"Hey, isn't that a moon stone?"

May immediately honed in on the stone I was pointing out to her, from which I could sense through my aura a type of energy I had long since learned came from genuine evolution stones. So I knew it wasn't a fake.

"Ho much for one of those?" May asked as she pointed to one of the three moon stones on display.

"Oh pretty lady! I usually charge around twenty thousand poke for a single stone, but for you today I'll offer a special price! Fifteen thousand poke instead!" The merchant declared, as if he were giving May a great deal.

The price was three times higher than one would usually get for an evolution stone, but then again it could also be considered fairly good for a moon stone.

Other evolution stones, such as fire, water, leaf, thunder, and ice stones were fairly common if you knew where to look. They often formed in areas with dense concentrations of their respective energies such as forests, tundras, wildfires/volcanoes, power plants, and lakes/the ocean.

Moon stones on the other hand were incredibly rare, to the point where people regularly traveled to Mt. Moon and a few select other locations throughout the world where they were found to search for them.

"We'll take all three." I readily stated to the merchant, who gaped at me in surprise before stating,

"Of COURSE good sir! Would you like them wrapped? Or?"

"I'll take them as is." I stated as I handed him the money, before collecting the three stones and storing two of them away, while also giving one to May. "For Skitty. Right?"

May nodded as she accepted the stone, before taking my hand and nuzzling up to my side as she whispered, "you didn't have to do that you know."

I nodded as I told her, "I know. But it's the duty of the man to spoil his wives."

Though I could feel that she didn't wholly agree, May didn't say anything as we continued walking around the bazaar.

We then spent the rest of our date wandering the bazaar, looking at each of the different stalls and the items they were selling. May bought herself a few different items and accessories, as well as a few things to send home to her family.

As for myself, other than a couple of crepes one of the venders was selling, I only bought a few more items that caught my eye. Amongst which were some multicolored stone spheres that I could feel a type of energy coming from.

When I asked the venders who had said stones they just said they looked nice, so I bought them for a fairly good price to investigate later. A couple of them were quite literally rainbow stones with a strange symbol on them, while others had a similar symbol with different colors shimmering in them.

On my and May's date went, until it was time to call an end to it as we headed back to the inn.

The entire way back May was practically skipping while holding the amber pendant I had given her that matched Dawn's. But when we arrived in front of the inn she stopped me from going any further, and stated seriously,

"Now you go and meet Daisy, you hear me!? Also, Dawn and I give you permission to stay out all night if need be. Now go!"

And with that, I was unceremoniously shooed away from the inn, leaving me confused as to why that had happened. I could tell May was up to something though her aura, but unfortunately I couldn't read minds...yet.

Fuck you Arceus! I'll get psychic powers one day!

Until then I could only figure out what they were planning the usual way, and went to where I was going to meet up with Daisy.

This time the meeting place was at the north western edge of town, making me think that she had planned a picnic for dinner, and that was why was May stated I could stay out all night.

What I was NOT expecting was to find Misty standing where I was supposed to meeting Daisy, fidgeting nervously with a basket in her hands as she stood there.

"Well this is a surprise!" I exclaimed as I approached her, making Misty jump slightly as she noticed my approach.

"A-Ace! Y-you keep me waiting!" Misty declared, though I could tell she was only snapping from how nervous she was. After all, I was early this time as well.

"Well in that case, let's get going then." I told her confidently, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her close enough that I could practically hear her heart thundering in her chest.

We exited the city and entered the woods beyond, obviously not going into the Viridian forest, where we wandered for a bit before I asked Misty, "so where are we going? You DO have a spot in mind, right?"

It appeared only then that Misty realized she was supposed to be leading me, as she declared, "of course! Follow me!"

She then stepped out of my embrace to take the lead, making me smile wryly since it was obvious she was just trying to hide her embarrassment. But that was ok. As long as Misty wanted to act like that, then I could just admire her ass in her incredibly tight short shorts as she walked.

For a time neither of us said anything, either about where we were going, or about why I was on a date with her instead of Daisy. But soon I learned the answer to the former as we passed through some vegetation, and the scene of a small pond being fed by a waterfall greeted us.

"I found this when I came through Pewter before..." Misty said shyly, before adding, "I haven't shown this place to anyone else..."

I then surprised her by taking her hand into my own, before telling her quietly, "it's beautiful."

Misty blushed from my observation, before she embarrassedly pulled her hand from my own and took off towards the small beach while exclaiming, "Race you there!"

I took a second to smile wryly at her antics, before taking off after Misty to the beach. She didn't manage to get very far before I caught up, and scooped her up into my arms in a princess carry.

"What are you doing!?!" Misty shrieked from embarrassment, though I didn't put her down until we reached the sand, where she hit me on the chest with her dainty fist. Thankfully it was fully healed by this point.

"Don't do that!" She exclaimed while turning away from me.

"Sorry, sorry. I just felt like carrying you." I said with a smirk, making her huff in annoyance.

By this point I knew well enough to not keep pushing Misty, yet. So as she began setting out the blanket and such that was in the basket, I quickly began to strip out of my date clothes.

I didn't bring anything to swim in, so I decided to go in the buff as I took off everything and took off, making Misty look up when she heard the water splash.

"Hey! Wait for me!" She exclaimed while loosening her overalls, and peeling her yellow top up over her head to reveal a bikini top underneath. She then peeled her tight shorts off to show a matching bikini bottom underneath, before rushing to the water to join me.

For a time we swam through the water, diving in the search for water stones and other treasures until it began to grow darker. And then while under I looked up to see Misty swimming at the surface in the last of the evening light, her body crystal clear to me under the water.

Deciding to be a bit mischievous, I swam over to her without surfacing and took her foot in my hands, surprising her, but not as much as when I planted a light kiss on the top of it.

Misty jerked her foot at the sensation, but I held her firmly in my grip as I planted a second kiss on her ankle. Then another on her calf.

Slowly I moved up her leg with my kisses, up her thighs until I came dangerously close to the place being hidden by her bikini. And while I was tempted to kiss there as well, I resisted the urge and instead kissed her belly.

I then trailed up her abdomen and between her breasts, before my head finally broke the surface of the water as I kissed her neck.

"You jerk!" Misty yelled at me the second I appeared, still fighting to get away, but I wouldn't let her. Instead, I concluded my kisses by pulling her close until our bodies were pressed up against one another, and sealed her lips.

I could feel Misty's shock at the action as I stole her first kiss, as evidenced by how awkward she was during it. Though she did stop fighting it as I held her close and tightly enough to where she couldn't 'escape'.

I don't know how long we were kissing, but by the time we had separated Misty was breathless, which I considered quite the achievement after seeing how long she could hold her breath for. And while I expected her berate me, curse me, or just flat out hit me for suddenly kissing her, she instead asked shyly,

"Why are you naked?"

I had to fight down a bark of laughter at her question, instead flashing a wolfish smile at her as one of my hands went to her bikini covered butt, and gave it a squeeze.

"I think the better question is, why aren't YOU?"

Then, before she could even try to stop me, my hands went to the strings holding her bikini in place and pulled, undoing the knots and making them come loose.

In an instant Misty was swimming naked along with me, and before she could swear at me for doing so I sealed her mouth yet again, pulling her against me a second time so that our naked bodies were pressed against one another.

While our previous kiss had been one of love and affection, this one was a kiss of passion and desire, which I was leading Misty in. My hands roamed her body, one firmly gripping her by the ass, marveling at how contradictory its soft yet firm flesh was, while my other hand moved and down her back.

Misty meanwhile had both of her hands go to MY back, tracing the scars along it with her fingers before one came up to run through my wet hair.

My hand then traveled down from Misty's butt to her thigh, pulling it upwards so that it could wrap around my waist, making me the one keeping us both afloat in the water, while I pointed something hard and hot in the chilled water between her legs.

"Ha!" Misty gasped when I prodded her special place with it, breaking off the kiss as she looked at me incredulously.

"Don't tell me you don't want it? Not after all those times you've peeked at me and the others going at it." I told her teasingly, making Misty blush as I confirmed she had been caught.

I then sealed her lips in another kiss, before continuing our previous momentum as I thrust my hips forward and parted her lower lips with the head of my cock.

There was a slight gasp from Misty as I explored her virgin depths, which turned into a pained groan as I slowly tore through the barrier that stood in my way, and buried myself to the hilt inside her.

"It's all in, Misty." I whispered in her ear, though it appeared she couldn't hear me as she was adjusting to having such a thing inside her.

I did however get a reaction out of her as I began to pull out, leaving only the head inside before thrusting the entire thing back into her.

It was a bit awkward in the water at first, but soon I started working up a rhythm that Misty began to contribute to as we both began to move our hips.

We were alone in the woods, I had made sure of it as we hiked out here. But if someone HAD stumbled upon us at all that night, then all they would've seen was a tomboy mermaid with her human lover as we made love in the waning moonlight.


It was still early in the morning when Misty and I returned to town, after another round or two when we awoke. And a short while longer before we returned to the inn where the others were waiting for us knowingly.

"So. How'd it go?" May asked mischievously, as if they had played a successful prank.

"I'd say it went well." Dawn replied as she pointedly looked at the amber pendant dangling from Misty's neck, making the tomboy blush from embarrassment.

"Well, now we have another sister to add to the mix." Daisy said as if she were lamenting the fact, though I knew she was just messing around since she had more than likely planned for Misty to take her place last night.

I took the brunette's hand gently as I told her, "don't worry. I'll make it up to you before we leave town." I then kissed the top of her hand as if to seal my promise, making Daisy giggle as she commented,

"I'll also be expecting my own pendant."

I smiled wryly at the comment, a bit saddened I couldn't surprise her with it anymore like I'd wanted to.

As she and the other girls then tried to grill Misty and I about the night before, Joy approached us accompanied by professor Oak, and stated seriously,

"We just got word from the city Gym. Brock is back!"

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts