
God System Tiers

[Tier 1-3]: The lowest ranks in which the God System can only use a restricted amount of 5 powers. These powers are chosen by random and cannot be chosen by the system user. You must gain levels to gain higher tiers. Tier 1-3 God Systems usually start at [Level:10]

[Tier 4-6]: The middle rank of God Systems and you are given 10 random powers.

[Level: 50]

[Tier 7-8]: The upper echelon known as the Royal or King Tier. Lelouch and Issei at this tier.

[Level: 70]

Tier 9: Gods. Humans like Silver are in this tier. Another example is someone like Superman or Naruto. This tier is considered the peak of God Systems.


[Tier 10]: Only known system user- Drakos Dragonstorm. A Legendary and All-powerful tier which is able to slaughter gods and destroy universes. Tier 10 God Systems are impossible to control. In any case, the God System itself will eventually consume the system user.

Unknown Tiers: A Tier that ranks higher than Tier 10. There is no record of a Tier 10 God System user. And if there was. Then the universe would have been destroyed ages ago.

There are also star ranks. 1 Star - 10 Star.

[Power Measurement]

All God Systems are measured with Battle Power and God Power. [§]= Infinite

Battle Power is lower than God Power. However, there is more of it. God Power is overall cultivation and raw power that one God System has. Note that every power Drakos has a §x of any power of the original. His Overgeared System can also evolve as well and it has an infinite void in which can carry an infinite amount of powers.

Current Battle Power of Drakos: 100,000,000

Current God Power: 10,000,000

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