
This is just insulting...

Now it was the next round, Xiao Qiangwei against another ugly guy, however he was not fat like the other one, he was actually well-built, however his face was something else…

Both of them arrived at their seats and put their hands on their consoles, then the announcer started talking.

Announcer: Well, here is the semifinals, at one side there is the dark horse, Xiao Qiangwei! Who has shown capabilities that no one ever dreamed of. and part of the mysterious group『』.

While at the other side… Open your eyes and pull your ears! It's really him! The champion of 3 tournaments of the game! The pride of our nation! Akira Orimura!

Everyone that spectated the previous tournaments started to cheer for him, forgetting about Xiao Qiangwei, Akira turned towards Xiao Qiangwei and extended one hand from his consoles while holding a smile on his face.

Xiao Qiangwei shrugged and held the man's hand, he felt a pull and saw the man getting near, and his smile turned into an evil one.

Akira: I'll make return you to your homeland crying, little chinese…

Xiao Qiangwei raised an eyebrow… Definitely, this guy was racist, and extremely arrogant.

However he gave back his own smile and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: You will not touch me…

And then, while he looked on the man's eyes, with his senses he saw the man putting a USB key on his hard drive, and turned to his own gaming seat.

Xiao Qiangwei just ignored it for the moment and got back to his seat before putting his hands back on the consoles, like he said before, he will not be touched, he will acquire a flawless victory while embarrassing him.

They picked up their avatar and waited for the countdown, when it reached 0, the avatars started moving, however the only one's commands that were working were Akira's ones, while Xiao Qiangwei's commands were doing everything alone, strangely, his avatar dodged every hit of his and counterattacked.

Xiao Qiangwei had an idea about what will happen later so he just moved his hands according to the sequence that the USB key put on his computer to make it so that no one would get suspicious, probably Jibril already found out about it but he didn't care.

And so, in 20 seconds, Xiao Qiangwei won the first round, suddenly, he felt a change on the system, there was a copy of the datas that were in his computer, which got in Akira's computer.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'So that's how you want to play it… Fine, however, you will not touch me…'

Basically Akira wanted to be more famous from making 2 flawless victory after he lost one time, showing that he 'could' play incredibly good when he wants.

And the last hit would be at the end, when Akira, not only will he be arrogant about his victory, but will blame him for using a cheat, which was the USB key.

Xiao Qiangwei entered in the game system with his Immortal Senses, and erased any trace of the program, meanwhile he used his Time stop to freeze time and picked out the USB key, then he reduced it into nothing.

Finally, he stopped freezing time and prepared himself for the fight. The countdown reached 0 again, and the game started, but this time Akira's avatar wasn't moving, and Xiao Qiangwei used this opportunity to start one of the most vicious combos ever seen before.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'punch, kick, kick, jump, kick, kick, kick, kick, down, punch, jump, punch, punch aaaaand special!'

His avatar started a special animation, in this game, each character has an animation when does a special attack or a condition is done.

And since Akira picked up a girl avatar because he thought it was strong, well… Xiao Qiangwei literally stripped her with a palm attack, and let her at 1% of health.

Akira: W-What?!

"Finish him"

Xiao Qiangwei: And let's end this with a big boom…

Then, he pressed a series of buttons, and his avatar started to make his attack, Xiao Qiangwei's avatar grabbed the naked woman's face, and… Ripped it off?

Nymph/Sohara: What the hell?!

Meanwhile Mikako was looking at the screen with interest, it seems like this type of game was of her liking…

Then they saw his avatar throwing away the face, leaving a skull instead of her face, after that, he grabbed again her forehead while putting his pinky and thumb on her eyes, making a hole, and then he broke the skull too, revealing the brain and leaving her jaws untouched.

After doing that, the dead avatar fell down and he picked her jaws and put a foot on her chest and another one on one of her legs, before pulling the entire head off.

And for ending everything, he threw the head away and made the middle finger on the screen, as if disrespecting the opponent.

Everyone were surprised from the sudden violence Xiao Qiangwei shown, this was just like raping the opponent's partner in front of his eyes while the partner enjoyed it…

Akira got out from his seat and pointed a finger to Xiao Qiangwei while yelling.

Akira: He cheated! He obviously cheated!

Xiao Qiangwei: … You shouldn't point others with the fingers you want to keep, and besides, how can I cheat if you did nothing on the second round?

Akira: Y-You… I know how you cheated! You used this USB ke...y…

He looked on the hard drive of Xiao Qiangwei but there wasn't any USB key, then he pointed at him again with an angry face.

Akira: You hid it in your pockets!

Xiao Qiangwei: Hah, you can't even acknowledge that I utterly trashed you. I told you before, you can't touch me.

Akira raised his fists, incredibly angry, however Xiao Qiangwei just backed some steps away, dodging his fists.

Xiao Qiangwei: Jibril, don't kill him.

Jibril: Yes!

She stood up from the sidelines and walked towards Akira from behind, he didn't realized yet that Jibril was behind him, when he felt an hand over his shoulder and turned around, finding Jibril's other hand going towards the hand of the same shoulder she touched, and dislocated it.


Then Jibril, with her smile on her face, put back the bones of the arm where they should be, causing another blood-curdling scream coming from his mouth, everyone else twitched at the scene, and swore to not be on Xiao Qiangwei's bad side anymore, it is obvious that he was the one wearing the pants on the relationship.

The announcer looked at everything with a surprised face before he said with a trembling voice.

Announcer: W-W-Well… It is Xiao Qiangwei's victory… T-The next match is between Jibril and B-

?: I refuse to play with someone like her! I'm leaving!

Then an average guy left the building, and the announcer sighed.

Announcer: A-Alright… Then the finals will start, Xiao Qiangwei against Ji-

Jibril: I give up.

Announcer: H-Huh?!

Everyone was surprised from her words, and the announcer asked.

Announcer: C-Can I know the reason? I understand the man that left before, but you?

Jibril: It's because I could never hope to win against Qiangwei, I've known him for some months, there are only 2 people that can possibly defeat him in a game, and they are part of『』, I am still far away from beating him…

Xiao Qiangwei smiled, and patted Jibril.

Xiao Qiangwei: You didn't need to surrender, we could still play together.

Jibril: If you give me the permission to speak freely, I am not that type of person that would participate into an impossible fight.

Xiao Qiangwei chuckled, and said to the announcer.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, you heard her, I am the winner.

Announcer: Y-Yeah, and Xiao Qiangwei won the tournament! Normally his reward should be inferior at the previously said one, however since he defeated the previous champion in a brutal manner, he will get the entire thing! 'And I don't want to get away with a broken body…'

Everyone stood silent, making Xiao Qiangwei raise an eyebrow, then suddenly, everyone started cheering for him.

Spectator 1: That was epic!

Spectator 2: Xiao Qiangwei! Xiao Qiangwei! Xiao Qiangwei!

Spectator 3: Wait a second, I know him! he's the winner of the Yo-Yo Catching Showdown at the festival!

Xiao Qiangwei grabbed Jibril's hand and waved at everyone else with the other while walking out from the building, meanwhile Jibril was following him without speaking a word, then she looked at the hand that was grabbing hers, and let out a small sweet smile.

Jibril: 'I think I am starting to understand more the word Love…'

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

General_Paragoncreators' thoughts