
As Good As Adopted

編集者: EndlessFantasy Translation

Auntie Mao became exhausted after all the talking. 

Ye Yuwei got up and tucked in the blanket properly for Auntie Mao before leaving the room with Gu Juexi. She felt that something was not right—not about the past of her mother-in-law, because she knew that Auntie Mao wouldn't make up story like that. 

She just couldn't tell what was not right. 

Ye Yuwei saw her two kids quickly stand up and Wen Jie was trying to block her sight when they got out from Auntie Mao's room. 

"What did Auntie Mao say…" Wen Jie was held into Gu Juexi's arms tightly before she could finish. 

Wen Jie was surprised, and patted on Gu Juexi's back gently. "What's wrong?" 

Ye Yuwei felt bitter when she looked at her mother-in-law's smiling face. She looked up and forced her tears in. 

"The things that you gave up for me, I will take them all back for you—everything," Gu Juexi said softly beside Wen Jie's ear. 
