
Chapter 10

*Academy Initiation Day*

Although I was born a year before the nine tails attack, it was too late for me to join the academy so I had to wait for next year, by that I mean the year where naruto, sasuke and useless pink haired girl are in. I study with them. God, I love you.(Sarcasm) Luckily I got more time to work on my punching, kicking and especially on my weapons throwing. Sadly I did not get

I joined the crowd and listened to the hokage give a speech. It was boring as hell when suddenly their was loud and obnoxious shouting "Jii san, hurry up. I wanna go and study some cool ninja moves." God, who would be idiotic enough to.... Never mind. Who knew that fool could be strong enough to defeat the guy with fucking rinnegan. The hokage stopped for several seconds before saying something to some guy who then dispersed into smoke. After that a loud yeah came from that voice before it got quite and finally the hokage continued with the speech. THough everyone was quietly whispering about it with each other.

"Hey, what is your name.? My name is yamamoto isogai" Said a kid standing next to me. "The names Mukai Hizashi. Who's voice was that." I asked even though I already knew the answer. "It is that orange kid that our parents don't like" He said without any animosity or dislike in his voice. "Oh don't you hate him? After all our parents don't like him." I asked after all I was curious about his answer.

"just because my parents hate him, doesn't mean I have to but my parents specifically said to not talk to him so I will just do what they told me and not be friends with him." Yamamoto said. I liked his answer, after all he is only abiding what his parents said besides not like he is hating him. Besides I am doing the same thing as him.

"So, wanna ditch this boring speech." I asked him. "I would love to but I don't want to miss this chance to listen to the wisdom of the great hokage." He said seriously. "Sure, if you are staying so am I besides Its not fun if I ditch this ceremony alone. this is not gonna take long since we are still children." I know I am correct since I was saying with my 24 years of experience including the 5 years in this life

"Alright everyone I would like for everyone to go to their respective classes." The hokage said before slowly walking to some place.

I hope everyone remembers the chapter releasing days. For those who forgot two new chapters are released on Saturday, Wednesday and Monday. May or may not change. I think I already changed it a bit.


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