
Lift off into adventure and beyond

"Josie?! Are you there!?" asked James in a panic. Josie snapped out of her daydream.

"Damn it! I was having a dream! It was getting good." complained Josie as she collapsed onto her sofa. The general had only left a couple of seconds ago and Josie wouldn't respond to anything James said. Only mumbles like 'monster' and 'off guard' came from Josie during that period.

"We need to decide what to do, remember? If we help these people we can get going earlier and stop the weapon from reaching this planet with time to spare." James reminded Josie. It took a while before Josie fully snapped out of it and got back on track.

"Yeah, I remember now. But can we really trust them?" said Josie, trying to think of a another way.

"Come on Josie, all you need to do is tell me what to say and I'll tell them. It's as simple as that."

"Yeah, but I have another idea that just might work. They said they did a scan on you and it showed TWO energy signatures, right? Which means we aren't fully connected and are still two different entities. If we can find a way to separate then I can work on the ship and you can train or whatever else. The only question is, how exactly do we separate ourselves?"

"Well, going on a limb here, if we're connected so that I can use your abilities, there must be some force keeping us together. Maybe, the rule of opposites attract applies here. All we'd have to do is make our energy the same and they'd repel each other."

"You know, that just might work!"

The next few minutes were very confusing. With neither of them knowing what to do, it ended up being a trial and error type experiment. The first challenge was to know how to make them the same. The idea came around that if they could see their energy side by side it would be easier to adjust accordingly. The next step wasn't so easy to work out. Ideas of meditating back to back or in front of one another came about and asking if emotions played a part in it as well. All this lead up to a final test. By focusing on both their own energy as well as the other's at the same time, they were able to see them roughly side by side, two orbs. James' energy was smaller and more frantic whereas Josie's was larger and controlled. They compromised by having James gain more control and Josie contained her energy til it was roughly equal. Suddenly the two orbs of energy started to spin and get closer together until they collided and let out a blinding light.

"Ugh, did it work?" moaned James as he recovered his senses. He was back in the ship repair room and the general, soldiers, and many others rushed into the room. They all gasped.

"I don't know you tell me?" replied Josie and James looked to where the onlookers were looking to see Josie floating above the ground. She was still wearing here gear and vest but this time she was semi-transparent and was paler.

"Josie, I think it did." said James as he got to his feet and looked at himself to see if he was the same.

"She's...a ghost!" said the general as he cautiously stepped forward towards Josie. He put out a hand as a gesture for Josie to shake it but was greeted with a slap that passed through his head.

"You @#!£)*& !£%4#@>?, you nearly killed us when we where trying to help you!" shouted Josie in disgust. The general staggered back and the guards pointed their guns at Josie.

"Oh wow, are you going to shoot me?! Well if you haven't realised by now I'm a ghost and those bullets will go straight through me like corn. So unless you'd like to shoot the thing behind me and have bullets flying everywhere I'd suggest you don't shoot." explained Josie.

"Fascinating! Another ghost! And this one is from another planet!" exclaimed a scientist. From the accent, it was clear to be Felicity Richter and she pushed her way through the crowd of people at the door. She was tall and thin with rectangular glasses and brown hair tied up in a tight bun. She wore a black skirt that went to her ankles, a red sweater and a loose fitting lab coat filled with pens and pencils.

"What do you mean 'another'?" asked James but Felicity ignored him completely and had her eyes fixed of Josie who was still floating in midair. She was getting scared of all the people in the room who looked at her with faces of fear, amazement, and mostly confusement.

"I need to go out for some air." said Josie and she turned, flew forwards and out through the ceiling with out resistment.

"I think that went pretty well if I do say so myself. At least she didn't end up like 2964a. God that was a mess and a half." joked Felicity but she instantly stopped as James turned with a look that could kill.

Josie flew over the town and looked down on all the people who were now on their way to work, or school, or the shops. Little did they know that flying above them was a ghost. Little did they know that one day they wouldn't be going to work, or school, or the shops. Instead they'd be dead. Without warning they'd be swept away without a second thought and wouldn't even know what had happened. Josie found a tall building that was low enough for her to watch the people below but high enough so that they couldn't see her. She began to think.

She thought about when she first met James and how innocent and unknowing he was of the world beyond the horizon. She thought about when she first taught him how to use fire and how amazed and excited he was of what he was able to do. She thought about when she kissed him and felt an emotion she hadn't felt since she was ten. She thought about how she...loved him. A hardened warrior taught to not feel anything but pure hatred had had her heart opened by a single boy from another planet. Maybe one day she would confess her love to him and they'd be happy together...maybe.

Josie spent another hour watching couples young and old walk the streets, thinking of her past and her future, and finally here present. She'd made up her mind, she and James were going to go straight to the weapon and destroy it. She flew back the way she came and floated down into the room the ship was in. James was there, waiting for her.

"Shall we get going? We don't have long."

The next two weeks consisted of three primary things. Repair the ship, think of a plan, and train James to control blitz. By the end of the first week, they'd nearly finished the repairs and Josie had finished programming the ship. As well as that, James and Josie had nearly perfected their, as they called it, fusion and used it to allow Josie easy access to James' mind to induce blitz. James was now able to hold it for thirty minutes and control of it was better than ever. When the end of the second week came, the ship had been completed, the fusion technique was mastered, blitz was now able to be held for one hour at most and the plan thrown out the window on the first day. The day had come for James and Josie to set out to the weapon.

Josie was already in the pilot seat flicking switches, turning dials, and typing things into the main console. James was about to board when he heard a familiar voice.

"James Kendrickson, you get your ass over here this instant." shouted his mother in a furious tone. Turning around, James saw his mother standing with the general who was scared of James's mother himself.

"Are you really going to leave without saying goodbye?" she continued and James ran at her and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and slipped something into his pocket. She then kissed him on the cheek and stepped back.

"We'll wipe her memories. She'll believe that you are off on a school trip with your friends in Australia. Good luck" said the general. James went to get the thing his mum had put in his pocket.

"Open it when you finish your mission." said his mum and she was guided away round the corner.

"You ready James!" shouted Josie.

"Ready as I'll ever be." replied James as he turned and got into the ship. The door closed and James sat in a seat at the back. A countdown began. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, the ship vibrated as the engines kicked in, 4, 3, 2, Josie turned and gave a smile that said 'get ready to be blown away', 1, 0. The engines fired and the ship began to rise. James was about to set off on a whole new - BANG! The engine cut out and the ship smacked into the ground. Josie tapped a dial and realised they forgot to fill up the fuel. One refuel later the count down began again. 10, 9 8, 7, 6, 5, the engine started again, 4, 3, 2, Josie turned and smiled again this one said 'this time, get ready to be blown away', 1, 0. The engines fired once again and the ship rose. It gathered speed quickly and was soon in the stratosphere. It didn't take long before they reached mesosphere and the thermosphere before finally breaking free and began their new journey into a new adventure, in a new world.
