
How powerful will the owner of that sword be?

In a place surrounded by an extensive forest were two people walking.

They had carefree expressions while walking quietly.

They were a man and a woman, the woman had long hair tied in a navy ponytail, a pretty face but with a cold expression...

She was wearing a tight black uniform that made her big breasts stand out.(Shinigami Suit)

On her left arm was tied a black dagger, it was clearly her battle weapon.

Obviously, this woman was Kalawarner, while at her side was Yukio.

This time he wore a white Yukata with golden lines, after all, he felt more comfortable with this type of clothes.

Kalawarner looked at her King carefully, before asking something that made her feel curious all this time.

Kalawarner: "Excuse me ... But what are we really looking for here?"

They had been walking in this place for a while, but even so, her King had not spoken during this entire time.

Yukio: "Oh ... Well, I heard that the Dragon of Chaos lives here, I want to have a talk with her, nothing else." He said that as if it did not matter much.

Kalawarner felt a little surprised but then shook her head.

'Danger? This man was the Fairy King, and possibly the strongest Dragon in the world.' She knew that Yukio was a Dragon.

But she did not know exactly where his power came from, but to have Ophis as a friend, it clearly said a lot about his strength.

Kalawarner: "Will you invite her to join us?"

Yukio: "No ... I don´t think she would want to join our cause, I just want to make sure of something."

Kalawarner nodded and said nothing, after all, she could not bother her King.

She just kept quiet, watching as some beings seemed to stealthily approach her, but Yukio extended a part of his magic energy to kill them on the spot.

She smiled when she noticed that she was being protected.


Sona: "Oh?! Is it really as you say?"

Guard: "Yes, we were informed about an hour ago, Leviathan-sama says she does not know the cause, but she wants us to take advantage of this opportunity before the others."

Sona remained silent and thought a little, she could not take unnecessary risks.

After a while of deliberating, she nodded.

Sona: "Tell her I'll take care of him then ..."

The Guard nodded and quickly left, the rest of the student council looked at their President curiously.

Saji: "President? What's going on?"

Sona: "... The ´Forest of familiars´ has suddenly opened ..."

Everyone was immediately confused by her words.

Tsubaki Shinra stepped forward while adjusting her glasses: "Isn´t the full moon necessary to open the ´Forest of familiars´?"

Sona nodded and began to explain to everyone.

Sona: "An hour ago, news came to the underworld that the ´Forest of familiars´ was opened by an external energy, we don´t really know what happened ..."

She paused watching the reactions of her allies and sighed.

Sona: "But ... Two groups have already entered and even then the ´Forest of familiars´ did not have any reaction, some think of taking advantage of this situation to acquire more familiars since it is letting in more than one group."

Everyone was surprised by every word they heard, they could not help but be surprised, that was obvious.

Saji: "Wait, does that mean we can go in? But that will cause problems because more people means more competition."

Tsubaki: "And competition, it only means war ... Are you asking us to act as an intermediary?"

Sona nodded solemnly: "The Maou doesn´t want to interfere, but have decided to send the Clan heirs to solve the problem."

The others agreed to her words, it was the best option.

Saji: "That means that Rias-san will also participate, that includes Issei-san eh!" He said with fighting spirit.

Sona made a strange expression while sighing: "No ... Nobody can really get in touch with Rias Gremory right now."

Saji: "Ah?! What happened?! Does that mean she's missing?!"

Sona: "No ..." The words did not come out of her mouth, she did not know if it was embarrassment or discomfort because her rival even had someone very strong supporting her. "She ... is on a date"



It was certainly as Sona Sitri said, in a normal forest a large open red portal could be noticed.

This was absolutely abnormal, but quickly a barrier was placed by which only demons could enter.

Many young or old demons were quickly entering the portal to get familiars

This was like a supermarket sale with low-cost prices, greed shining in the eyes of many.

There were even young Clan heirs, and although they came to act as intermediaries and calm the battles, they were planning to take something for themselves as well.

Soon the ´Forest of familiars´ was being visited by many demons, meanwhile, in a giant cave deep in the forest, there were three beings looking at each other.

Tiamat: "... Could you not have closed your entrance? Now there are many strangers coming to my resting place ..." Her voice sounded low.

Yukio did not respond immediately but looked at the giant figure inside the cave, the most notable were those big blue eyes with slits.

Yukio: "It doesn´t matter ... If they bother you, you can only eliminate them and that's it, it's not my problem, I just want to know something."

Tiamat was a little surprised by the attitude of this human in front of her.

She had to say that she did not know how someone like this came in so easily.

Besides, she felt that this guy was human, but he had a strange smell.

Yukio was suppressing his Dragon Aura, so clearly his aura looked like a human at a glance.

Tiamat: "And what do you want to know?"

Even though she was intrigued by this human, she was angry because many demons entered and are ruining their peace.

She even raised her aura, causing fluctuations in the air.

Yukio frowned and took Kalawarner's hand, he did not want her to get hurt by the aura of this dragon.

Yukio: "That's easy, do you like treasures? We make a deal ... I´ll give you a treasure and you'll tell me what I want."

Tiamat instantly became interested: "What kind of treasure?"

Yukio: "Let's see ... What do you think of a crystal sword?"

Tiamat was speechless, and suddenly her aura rose even more with some anger: "Are you trying to make fun of me?!"

Yukio: "Are you an idiot? A crystal sword is a treasure! Also, you have not even seen it to reject my deal."

Tiamat: "That's true, but what the hell would I do with a crystal sword ... I already have many things of that type!"

Yukio shook his head: "Lies ... Let's do something more interesting if you like my treasure, promise to answer me sincerely."

Tiamat thought a little, she nodded: "Well, show me the Treasure, but I swear if you're trying to make fun of me I'll eliminate you."

Kalawarner wrinkled her eyebrows, she was somewhat angered by Tiamat's attitude, but Yukio smiled at her and she calmed immediately.

Yukio: "I hope you keep your promise."

He stretched his arm in the air and with a smile said slowly: "Because you will have to answer each of my questions."


Tiamat wanted to refute, but her sight got bigger when the sword appeared ...

A sword ... Yes, a sword completely made of Crystal with many red lines similar to spell patterns.

It was absolutely beautiful and had a massive red orb on the handle that made it look gorgeous.

The sword seemed to measure a four-story building, it was absurdly large, but as it was said ... It was a Treasure.

As for why Yukio had such a thing ... He went into the vault of the ancient Fairy King.

Apparently the Former Fairy King, before Pegasus, was a Giant.

Tiamat was fascinated by the beautiful sword.

Meanwhile, Kalawarner looked at Tiamat's expression and showed an arrogant smile, this was her King.


All the demons that entered the forest of relatives now had varied expressions, confusion, fear, admiration, greed.

It was because of the huge sword that was floating in the air in the distance, Sona and her Peerage ran out of breath.

Each demon present had the same thought.

'How powerful will the owner of that sword be?'

Each demon thought the same, and suddenly a demon realized something.

"Hey, those guys are running there!" He had noticed that some were heading towards the giant sword.

"That relative belongs to our clan!"

There were many shouts and many ran to where the giant sword was.

Tsubaki made an uncomfortable expression and looked at her president.

Sona noticed her look: "... Let's see, we can´t allow for a battle to happen."

The others nodded and then headed towards the giant sword.

Editor: maave


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