

Ra covered a yawn with one hand before stretching in place. "How does reloading work? I've seen you do it in the shop but never during your grouping." 

QJ placed a standard clip of Springfield rounds on his workbench. "Each range weapon comes with a three-slot inventory just for ammo. I've only been using standard clips, but there are a wide variety of types, especially for shotguns."

"You put a clip in each slot?' Ra asked.

QJ shook his head. "One full clip of each type you wish to use. You can switch back and forth if you have more than one type in the ammo inventory." 

Ra picked up the ammo clip, feeling the cold weight of it in her hands. "What happens when it runs out?"

"It doesn't," QJ shrugged slightly. "A slinger weapon has six rounds; when they fire those, the weapon enters an automatic reload phase. During that phase, it's basically a paperweight. You can also manually trigger the reload phase if you've fired at least one round." 

Ra made a six-gun with her finger and thumb. "Like Six-Gun-Fan? Lotte used that a lot when we were grouping yesterday."

QJ nodded. "To utilize a specific type of ammunition, carry one full clip in the weapon's inventory, and you're set." 

"Do you switch back and forth with your Phoenix ammo?" 

QJ shook his head and displayed the weapon inventory for the loaner he had equipped; the standard clip had a flame icon above it. "I can turn it off, but why bother? It's not separate ammunition that does fire damage; it adds a fire damage modifier of twenty percent of the initial hit." 

"Does anyone make fire ammo?" Ra asked.

"Nope," QJ replied. "In GnG, there are fire-based weapons and fire damage modifiers. Special NPCs, like Gunner Phoenix, may have fire ammo."

Ra smiled, her brown eyes showing amusement. "Isn't this your fault?"

"Hmm? It's my fault there isn't more special ammo?"

"Aren't you the only non-npc Gunsmith?"

QJ tapped his chin... "Felix Soma did me a solid by giving me an NPC crafting skill." 

"So it is your fault." Ra leaned closer. "Were you surprised when I pulled you out of there last night?"

QJ shook his head. "Not really; everyone knows you're the best. Quit being a nuisance, and let me work."

"Going to take a nap on the couch," Ra decided. 

QJ watched without commenting as she snuggled up on the couch with the pillow and blanket left there by Robin. According to Serli Jol, NPC lockdowns and Summonings were nothing more than a tug-of-war. Night Rattler's ability to lock an area down had been completely overwhelmed by Ra. 

[OP: Ringo] Any luck yet, QJ?

[OP: QJ] I just started.

[OP: Lotte] He's probably still mourning [Oh Shit]. 

QJ frowned at the reminder that his Magnum Opus had been destroyed. He glanced at the pallet of dragon blood pushed up against the far corner; thanks to Dowen, his half-share was worth roughly one hundred and forty million credits. "Maybe I should lock the door when I leave..." 

"What if Remmy is wrong? Or at least, doesn't have all the data." QJ removed a beaker of dragon blood he had already treated with [Heavy Water]. "She said it increased the density of metals." 

QJ ordered a quick delivery of a dozen samples of geological materials. The test was basic: treat the material with dragon blood and then attempt to pierce it with his drill press. A simple comparison between treated and untreated would tell him what change occurred, if any. 

After an hour of testing, QJ jotted down the results. "Dragon blood affects more than just metals, although those have the best results..." 

(Change in Density)

[Shale] 130 percent.

[Marble] 165 percent.

[Agate] 166 percent.

[Wood] 320 percent.

[Coal] 112 percent.

[Glass] 188 percent.

[Sulfur] 122 percent.

[Steel] 623 percent.

[Aluminum] 524 percent.

[Flint] 551 percent.

[Gold] 411 percent.

[Clay] 333 percent. 

[OP: QJ] You around, Chainy?

[OP: Chainy] I'm in Maelstrom. Need something?

[OP: QJ] Your sniper rifle. 

[OP: Chainy] I'll bring it by. Please don't break it.

QJ chuckled. "Geez, break one weapon..." 

QJ rush-ordered a one-square-meter block of Flint and a hundred pounds of sulfuric stone. While he waited for his orders to arrive, he began modifying the Springfield rounds he had in his inventory. 

By the time Chainy arrived an hour later, Ra had left for Basara since the noise from QJ cutting up the block of Flint wasn't something that someone could sleep through.

Chainy watched while QJ operated his press on the opposite side of the shop. "You making bullets? Why are they red?"

"They've been treated with dragon blood," QJ replied while loading his handgun. 

"New weapon? Looks pretty sleek," Chainy observed.

"It's an old weapon, but pretty good. When I was level 21, it held a BR of 12. Now, I'm just using it to test ammo. 

[Tempest (Silenced)]

Extended Barrel with Sound Suppression.

Chamber modified to accept Springfield

Rifle bullets.

Special Effect: Three-Round Burst. +15 Perception.

+100 Range

Battle Rating: 1.1

"Sixth test," QJ aimed at the dummy placed before the reinforced wall. The firing was barely more than a whisper. The dummy moved slightly but was otherwise unaffected.

"It's quiet," Chain observed. 

"Another crap bullet... That was a modified Springfield round with a sulfur tip." QJ loaded a second clip and aimed again. 

Another whisper and the head of the targeting dummy suddenly erupted in flames. 

[System Message:] Lateral Achievement (Munitions). Do you wish to acknowledge? 

QJ smirked. "Of course... Only gunsmiths can make it; tell whoever you like." 

[Guns and Gore Announcement: All Servers] Sandhealer Faction Leader QJ has been awarded a Lateral Gunsmithing Achievement (Munitions). 

[System Message] Please name your munition. 

QJ grinned at Chainy, who was staring at him. "Oh Shit!" 

[Guns and Gore Announcement: All Servers] Sandhealer Faction Leader QJ has created a new munition.

[Oh Shit] (Munition: Fire-based damage)

Description: This specialized munition features a hollow point Flint-tipped construction, reinforced with Dragon Blood and infused with a sulfuric core. 

Chainy clapped in appreciation. "Oh shit, is back."

*Ding* 60.

[Phoenix Server Announcement] Sandhealer Faction Leader QJ is the first player to reach level 60.

[System Message] You have received the [First to Rise] title. +2 to all stats.

[System Message] You have been awarded Three Hundred Thousand Credits.

[System Message] Your World Reputation has increased by 50.

[OP: Ringo] That's what we needed! I'd say I was surprised, but I'm not. 

[OP: Breeze] Next stop, World Boss.

[OP: Lotte] Knew you would do it!

[OP: Robin] Great job, QJ!

[OP: Ra] That was very loud.

[Exodus System Announcement: All Platforms] Starting in 30 minutes, a patch will be applied to all Exodus Games. All players and LAIs must either log off or stand by at Exodus Grand Station. (Estimated patch time is 90 minutes.)

[OP: Sato] QJ! You broke Exodus!

[OP: Chainy] No, he didn't. This is the cosmetic patch they've been threatening us with for months. 

[OP: Ringo] We've been expecting it. OP is prepared; all members report to the Keep when we're back up. 

QJ tossed Chainy a clip of [Oh Shit] rounds for her Incisor. "Field test this for me? I'm interested in their range and damage."

Chainy gave him a thumbs up. "I'd love to. I watched the Night Rattler feed; any amount of fire damage resulted in him catching fire and his health plummeting."

QJ frowned at the memory. "Also, assume he is impervious to melee strikes since stabbing him destroyed [Oh Shit]. 

Chainy flashed a bright smile. "But now, Oh Shit is back for revenge!" 


Since it wasn't quite lunchtime, QJ opted for a hot shower to keep his blood flowing before perusing the mail he'd ignored for a few days. His desk hud buzzed, and Felix Soma's face appeared an instant later.

"QJ! Nice to see you are making the most out of Gunsmithing."

QJ frowned at the GnG developer. "You want it back?"

Felix shook his head. "No! I actually draw inspiration from all the work you have accomplished. I wanted to... Well, could you watch Cale for a few hours?"

QJ's mouth dropped open for a few seconds. "I'm sensing a story."

Felix nodded. "You know how busy Anna is. Multiply that by ten when you throw Cale into the picture. It's impossible to plan a proper date night." 

QJ held up his hand to stop further discussion. "No problem, give me a day's notice, and it's a done deal."

Felix grinned happily. "The munition development was perfect; keep it up."

QJ was about to cut comm when a thought occurred to him. "You following the Night Rattler saga?"

"Yes, but I can't give you any tips."

QJ chuckled. "Do I need tips?"

Felix shook his head. "Probably not. Why ask about Rattler?"

"My concern is that he'll develop into an LAI, especially if the other servers end up destroying the Tar Pit." 

"We developed World Bosses differently than NPCs. They don't share common resources or traits. They are independent entities with just enough allocated resources to be called virtual intelligence. Although even that is overstating, in laymen's terms, they're stupid."

"You purposefully developed stupid World Bosses?" QJ looked puzzled for a moment before considering something. "Never mind, I understand."

"Figured it out?" Felix asked.

QJ nodded. "A named NPC, even a Legendary figure, would require fifteen or twenty players of equal level to deal with. A WB like Night Rattler needs three or four times that. You make them dumb and give them glaring weaknesses, or no one would ever beat them. In fact, they'd probably follow you back to your guild hall and wipe you out." 

"World Bosses are meant to be zerged." Felix smiled when he said it. "Their levels aren't capped; you may face a WB fifty levels higher than you, but if you try to raid an LAI fifty levels higher, they'll retreat and follow you back to Exodus."

QJ chuckled. "And probably kill you every day, or extort you for credits... Or both." 

QJ sat down for a light lunch with his roommates a short while later. Most of the NPCs opted for the Songbird, including Ra and Robin. 

"No mayo?" Breeze noticed the empty jar in the fridge. "It's not on the list... Sato?"

Sato took a bite out of the Dagwood sandwich he made for himself and put on an innocent expression. "Why are you looking at me?"

QJ pelted him with a sliced pickle. "You and I are the only ones who use mayo. So basically, if you deny it, you're pointing the finger at me!"

Sato frowned for a moment before nodding. "Right... Sorry, I forgot to write it on the list."

Lotte nudged QJ. "What do you know about the patch?"

"It's a fluff patch," QJ replied. "It's for everyone who won't wear good armor because it's ugly.

Breeze and Nina shared a quiet glance, neither daring to jump in. 

"That's not fluff!" Lotte had no qualms about wading into the water. "I left an epic piece in my inventory because it makes my shoulders look huge." 

QJ rolled his eyes but decided to let the comment slide. "The patch allows you to save three display outfits. You can use your armor's appearance or one of the three you stored." 

"Lame," Sato replied. "What did Ringo mean when she said OP was prepared for this?"

"We have a guild uniform," QJ answered. "Our Freeborn Tailor, Din, designed and made the regular member uniform. My MajorDomo, Aji Sai, made the officer version." 

"Shit," Breeze took a long drink of her tea before sitting it down with a loud thunk. "We're all clones now?"

QJ shook his head. "It will only be mandatory for OP events. I was dreading this day."

Nina laughed at the face he made. "Damn straight. We'll see folks running around in mini-skirts, bikinis and leotards. It's a sad day for Exodus." 

"You're right," Breeze agreed. "I'd rather be a clone than see that."

Sato grinned at his roommates. "Fashion Kills... Let's do it." 

Wu began laughing, and it quickly carried to everyone else. "Dude, you wear socks with sandals." 

"My feet get cold!" Sato explained.

QJ opened his hud and began dictating a post on the Phoenix Server forums.

[Phoenix Server Agreement: Fashion Kill]

Let's all decide it will be okay to immediately gank someone on our server if they run around GnG in something that ruins everyone elses immersion. I'll make an exception for Bobo, the Guild Leader from Chupa Lupa. (Since she's awesome.)

OP will have a weekly contest with 10k credits going to the winner. Post a screenshot with the offensive corpse, along with the death announcement. (no fakes allowed) Make sure your subject heading contains the words Fashion Kill. Our Information Broker will run the poll for the best submissions and keep everyone updated. 

QJ, One Problem.

QJ posted to the forums and then closed his hud. "Any movement from the other servers in the Corridor?"

QJ's personal hud buzzed, interrupting their conversation. Since he was expecting to hear from Ra, he answered. 

A woman with short red hair and a tailored business suit smiled at him. "Mr. Riley?"

QJ smiled politely since he recognized the person. "As the old joke goes, that's my Dad's name. I'm QJ."

The woman flashed her mega-watt smile. "I'm Summer Taron from Exodus Today. Do you have a few minutes to answer questions?"

''Two minutes, but only because I had a crush on you when I was thirteen," QJ replied. 

"One Problem has uncovered a World Boss on the Phoenix server. Do you think OP will get the first kill?"

QJ nodded. "Yes. As far as I know, he currently only exists on our server. The other two guilds capable of making an honest attempt have no interest in doing so." 

"Did you know that Haven sectioned off the Corridor on Legends, and Righteous Hand has done the same on the rest of the servers?"

"I haven't followed their movements, but OP's Information Broker predicted it would happen." QJ ignored Wu's surprised expression and continued. "The Phoenix server has a spawning Tar Pit; the other servers have a dead mass of solid rock."

"I see," Summer began. "My sources say that RH plans on using dynamite to excavate."

QJ shrugged. "Maybe they'll find diamonds or something." 

Summer laughed suddenly. "But not, Night Rattler?"

"I'd say no," QJ admitted. "You're pressing me for information. Did RH put you up to this?"

"No, but I'm sure they are watching. One last question, QJ" 

"Is this where you ask a question with seven parts?" QJ grinned; he'd watched the show before. 

"Maybe?" Summer admitted.

"I'll make it easy for you," QJ decided. "Auger a hole one meter wide and three meters deep. Place one of these holes on every square meter of the Tar pit's surface. Then, fill those holes with mineral oil and wait for something to spawn. If you try to blow it up, odds are the creatures will never start respawning. In fact, your hands are probably tied until they do."

"Meaning what?" Summer asked. "It's not a spawning Tar Pit until the mobs start spawning again?"

QJ touched his nose. "Boom... It's just a big rock, blow it up, and you get a pile of smaller rocks." 

  "Is OP behind the sudden shortage of Mineral Oil?" 

"Summer... you said one question. I'll answer with the understanding that you owe me one."

Summer smiled. "Agreed, QJ. I'll owe you one."

"OP had nothing to do with the purchase; that was done by me and my business partner. My receipt is for 11,203 barrels at 1k/barrel."

"So you plan on holding them until OP can make an attempt on Night Rattler?"

QJ shook his head. "No, I plan on selling them all immediately."

"And the price?" Summer asked.

"Look it up yourself; it should post in about an hour." QJ tapped the counter with his finger. "Unless you want to owe me two?"

"I'm not sure I can afford it," Summer quipped. 

"Probably not," QJ admitted. 

"My producer is ordering me to do it." Summer shrugged at the person off-camera. "Two it is." 

"100k per barrel." QJ closed his hud before she could ask anything else.

The server came back online about two hours later; the roommates spent the time playing cards and giving QJ interview tips. 

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: One Problem Keep

Time: 1455 hours

Server Population: 117,008 Your current level is 60.

QJ entered the Guild Hall with all his roommates except Wu; even the branch members were there. Dessi and Ringo were near the podium with Engineer Trahern; a large stack of black uniforms was on a nearby table. 

QJ grabbed one of the officer uniforms and saved it to his display. "I like it." 

The uniform consisted of black pants with a long-sleeved buttoned black shirt topped off with a black leather vest and cowboy boots. On the right corner of the vest was a small gold patch that said [OP].

[OP: Ringo] QJ has volunteered to model our uniform. I won't make it mandatory except for raids, but I'd like to see us wearing it. 

[OP: QJ] I need a list of everyone's munition requirements, handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Going to hook everyone up with [Oh Shit].

[OP: Ringo] QJ will be crafting for the next day; come to me with any issues.

[OP: QJ] We'll be breaking ground on our new Trainyard next week; gate traffic will be bogged down with supply wagons, so be patient if you see a long line. 

[OP: Ringo] Welcome Engineer Trahern to OP; she'll be the Conductor on the Basara Rail Line. 

Engineer Trahern nodded politely to the crowd. She had already switched out her old Conductor uniform for an OP one but kept the black-brimmed hat. 

[OP: QJ] Our Legendary friend, Seamus Tully, will be the Engineer. 

[OP: Breeze] Hopefully, he doesn't carry a grudge. 

After finishing the short meeting, QJ returned to his workshop with the newest member of OP in tow. After searching through a large drawer, he found what he was looking for. "Filled this out earlier. What do you think?"

Engineer Trahern accepted the rolled parchment and quickly read the contents.

[Sam's Employment Contract] 

Engineer Samantha Trahern voluntarily enters into the employment of QJ. The contract terms are indefinite, and both sides reserve the right to cancel with thirty days' notice.

(Engineering Position/Conductor)

Engineer Trahern will serve as a Conductor on the Basara Rail Line. Compensation begins immediately, regardless of the Rail Line's status, at a rate of 100k credits/month. Accommodations include a private room at the Briar Rose Estate and meals. 

(Secondary Occupation)

Samantha "Sam" Trahern will practice her secondary occupation at her own discretion, and any compensation she receives will be negotiated between herself and the client. A workspace for her secondary occupation will be provided by the Briar Rose Estate. 


Any client of said occupation will be subject to the standard vetting procedures involving guests at Briar Rose Estate. (No vampires!)

"Looks great," she signed the contract and returned it to QJ. "Why haven't you asked for a massage yet, Boss? You're pretty much the last one. I offer a light, standard, and deep tissue massage."

QJ signed the contract and then scanned it with his hud.

[System Message] Engineer Trahern has officially entered into your employment. 

QJ returned the parchment to his drawer. "So many choices. Who have you had for clients?"

Sam tapped her chin. "Ringo, Robin, Aji, Chancellor Ivy, Jacob, and Ra....twice." 

QJ shook his head. "Jake? Really?"

Sam nodded. "I offered him and Aji the couples package."

QJ didn't comment; he knew that Aji occasionally made Jake dinner. "You'll have a lot of free time until the rail is up and running. Come to me if you have any questions or issues."

Engineer Trahern saluted crisply. "As you say. Thank you, Boss."

"Just call me QJ."

"Thank you, QJ."

"No worries, now go enjoy yourself. I have work to do." 

Thanks for reading.

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