

"Wait... You were serious?" QJ asked.

Ra nodded while snuggling closer; despite her willingness to participate in anything ending with 'ing,' QJ recognized that she was exhausted. "It's part of my duties as a Water Wielder."

QJ grinned at the sleepy cleric. "My moms are going to love this."

Ra smiled sleepily. "They offered me 10 million credits for a copy of the ceremony, the audacity of those three women." 

"Don't hold it against them; they've been pushing it for so long," QJ explained. 

Ra snuggled her head under QJ's chin. "Lowballing me like I'm some clueless goatherder. There's no way I'd sell it for less than forty million."

QJ laughed at the serious tone of her voice. "You fit in so nicely. Any plans for the day?" 

Ra nodded. "Lotte asked me to be a healer for something they're putting together in Basara with the branch guild. What about you?"

"Going to wrap up some loose ends at Lake Ghalt." QJ kissed her forehead before tucking her in. "Get some rest first."

Typically, QJ would have worked out and showered before logging in. But since they had stayed up late drinking, he decided to cheat his impending hangover by going virtual until it was more bearable.

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: One Problem Keep

Time: 0744 hours

Server Population: 107,828 Your current level is 58.

QJ checked the guild status, immediately noting that he was one of four members currently at OP Keep. 

[OP: QJ] Morning.

[OP: Ringo] Hey, QJ.

[OP: Dessi] Morning Ace.

[OP: Robin] We're in my office.

[OP: QJ] On my way.

When QJ arrived outside the Commandant's office a few minutes later, he found Larry and Dara attempting to converse. The tiny pickpocket was actually the same size as the ghost leader. 

[In Sign]

"QJ! Who is this tiny moron? He won't let me in to see Robin!" 

QJ turned his gaze to Larry, who seemed unphased by the aggressive ghost. "What's the issue?"

Larry shrugged slightly. "I can't understand what this crazy runt is saying. Robin is in a meeting."

QJ placed a hand on Dara's head, instantly calming further anger. "Dara isn't crazy, she's sweet. In fact, she said you are quite handsome and wants to be your friend."

Dara stared at QJ, her mouth open, while Larry slowly turned red. "Why don't you offer Larry some refreshments." QJ fixed the pickpocket with a cold stare. "You don't get to throw your weight around in my Keep. Make nice with Dara, or I won't be happy."

Robin's serious expression faded into a smile when QJ entered her office a moment later. "Were those two arguing again?"

QJ nodded. "Yes." 

Robin sat behind her desk while Dessi and Ringo claimed two of the three chairs facing the Commandant. "Want to sit with me?"

QJ nodded, but he took the last available seat instead of taking her up on the offer. "You three look serious."

Robin brought up her desk hud and displayed a long list of names. "The residence auction starts in a few hours. We have several thousand applicants, both hero and NPC." 

QJ studied the list, frowning for a moment before starting to make adjustments. Within a short period, it had shrunk to just over a thousand. "Piece of cake. Anything else?"

Dessi shook her head. "Did you even look at the list?"

"Partly," QJ admitted. "The NPCs aren't the problem; the players present the security risk."

Ringo tapped her nose. "You see the issue."

QJ leaned back in his chair. "RH and the other big guilds want to secure a foothold in our Keep. The remaining list is the applicants that have been on the server since day one. It's not perfect. Let's be realistic; they will find a way to purchase a few properties."

Robin nodded in agreement. "Our gate has a list of guilds not allowed entry into the Keep. We are still restricting portal access to OP members and NPCs who own shops in the city."

QJ shrugged. "They call us a City Fort, but commerce isn't our mission in the end."

"Well said," Ringo agreed. "An architect and some builders are waiting to meet with us. Any thoughts as to where we should place our trainyard?"

"Basara," QJ replied. "More specifically, Sahleto."

Ringo stared quietly while Dessi's head swiveled back and forth between the two OP leaders. 

"Ask yourself," QJ started. "What sort of impact will a railway have in Maelstrom? Nearly every town of notable size has a portal. The player base will remain primarily on this continent for at least the next year because it's easier to develop."

Robin's expression showed that she agreed. "We were able to transport a portal across the ocean because our TAP contingent is much stronger than the current NPCs and players in GnG. It will be quite a while before anyone is strong enough to do the same."

"Look at a railway's impact in Basara," QJ explained. "We could connect the seven tribes and the Palace. We wouldn't have to provide security; the Raja would do that for us." 

Ringo pursed her lips while she considered the idea. "What do you think, Dessi?"

"Basara comprises small villages and towns spread out along the known water sources," Dessi stated. "Their lack of unity and a steady supply chain hampers their growth. Until QJ said it, I wasn't thinking along these lines. But now..."

Ringo chuckled. "Now you think it's a great idea."

"Now I think it's a great idea," Dessi repeated. "We could rise up a half dozen medium-sized settlements before anyone was the wiser."

Ringo nodded. "Let's do it. As you said, the impact of a railway on Basara far exceeds what it would have on the Berg continent. I would love to have it here, but this makes sense in the long run."

After wrapping up a few leadership concerns, QJ remained behind when Dessi and Ringo started for the door. "I'm riding to Lake Ghalt as soon as I leave here," QJ said.

"I'll go too," Ringo decided. "Dessi can take the architect through the Basara gate and choose a suitable location for the trainyard."

"Meet at Briar Rose in twenty minutes," QJ waited until the door closed before turning his attention to the orange-haired Songbird. "You must have heard?"

Robin grinned suddenly. "If you knew how Nightingale felt... I dare say if Lara ever has a daughter, she will name her Sierra." 

"Dad never does anything he doesn't want to do despite the pressure from my Moms." QJ embraced the Songbird, pulling her close. "How did your new weapon perform at the range?"

Robin kissed his neck, letting her lips linger on his warm skin. "Fantastic! By the way... I like the way you handled that Fora job request. You could have easily used your influence to get the same thing."

After catching up with Robin for a few minutes, QJ returned to Briar Rose, where Ringo was waiting. They took the portal to Maelstrom and began the hour ride east to Lake Ghalt. 

"Feeling strong today?" QJ asked. "Remember what Tion said? We can have as much dragon blood as we can carry."

Ringo rubbed her hands together greedily. "Is that why we're visiting?"

QJ shook his head. "I want to see what changes Remmy and her people made. And then I want to carry out my fortune." 

Ringo and QJ discussed the guild's development, the Goodwill games, and the upcoming Leadership Summit during their ride to Lake Ghalt. They tied their horses within view of two Freeborn guards that stood outside the entrance that the Beast augered. 

"Greetings, Freeborn," QJ smiled politely. 

Both Freeborn bowed respectfully. One carried a sharp-looking halberd and the other a bow. A few meters away, a handful of liraptors were grazing. The archer spoke first. "Well met, Guild Leader Ringo and Vice Leader QJ." 

They stepped aside and gestured for them to enter. 

"Tion has been expecting you," the halberd wielder exclaimed. 

QJ whistled softly, running a hand over the smooth passage left behind by the Beast. The angle down was more than forty-five degrees, engineered into a perfect circle. "I want that Beast. Think of the possibilities."

"No doubt," Ringo agreed. 

The pair instinctfully slowed their approach when they heard the sound of voices raised in anger. 

"Is the lives of our women and children worth so little? Let them have that cursed stone! You offer a pittance to the ones who saved us!"

Ringo and QJ exchanged smug smiles.

[OP: Ringo] We are being discussed. 

[OP: QJ] Seems like it. That sounds like Dowen.

They entered the underground cavern in what usually would have been a narrow and barely used passage. That changed when Remmy made an entrance from the surface. The Gnome engineers widened the approach to the Freeborn city, giving them unimpeded access to the surface. 

Oil lamps were fixed to the walls every few meters, illuminating the corridors with enough light to read by. Tion frowned when he spotted the OP leader. Although QJ and Ringo had helped them in their darkest hour, that aide was causing discourse in the Freeborn community. 

Regardless of his personal thoughts, Tion didn't dare show anything other than friendship. "Ringo and QJ! Welcome back to Redstone."

QJ shook the offered hand and then stepped to one side while Ringo did the same. 

"We're pleased that Redstone is thriving once again," QJ paused long enough to shake Dowen's hand. "My request for some of the red stone wasn't meant to divide the Freeborn, so I've come to offer an alternative."

"I'm listening," Tion was tall for a Freeborn; his white hair was pulled back from his forehead in a topknot, making his face seem long. 

"Ringo and I own the land above. We will give you the deed for the Lake and surrounding property in exchange for three thousand of your Freeborn Guard and two hundred pounds of the red stone. Our only stipulation is that you build proper defenses around the entrance and enter into an Alliance with the One Problem guild." 

[OP: Ringo] I like the deal, and we could use the troops. Are you after something else?

[OP: QJ] An Outpost. 

"I cannot order Freeborn to leave their homes," Tion declared. "I could ask for volunteers, but I doubt you'd get that many."

QJ pursed his lips as if deep in thought. "No, that's no good. We need the Freeborn Guard, but perhaps..." He turned toward OP's Guild Leader. 

"We need them," Ringo declared. "We could allow them to garrison here, only to be called up in time of need. We'll give them proper wages and weapons, but your engineers must build an outpost."

Tion repeated the terms. "Under your command, Three thousand Freeborn Guard will be garrisoned here, providing we build an outpost. The deed to Lake Ghalt and surrounding properties goes to us. You receive two hundred pounds of the red stone, and we sign an Alliance between One Problem and the people of Redstone." 

[OP: Ringo] We're being generous.

[OP: QJ] Never bleed your allies. 

QJ extended his hand. "This is One Problem's offer to the City of Redstone."

Tion shook hands with QJ and then Ringo. "I accept your terms. You will immediately receive the red stone payment as a show of good faith while we begin construction on Redstone Outpost."

[System Message] One Problem has entered an Alliance with Redstone City.

[System Message] Lake Ghalt has been renamed Redstone Outpost.

*Ding* 59.

QJ grinned at the sudden glow enveloping himself and Ringo. He ignored the buzzing of his hud to bask in his good fortune. 

[OP: Ringo] You look very smug. 

[OP: QJ] Ditto. 

Tion motioned for the duo to follow him as he walked toward a large balance scale. Several stones had been placed on one side of the scale, causing the empty side to rise high into the air. "This is our treasury, Cadre Ming."

A Freeborn male dressed in brown robes and holding a simple framed device with black stones bowed politely. 

[OP: Ringo] That's one of those math things.

[OP: QJ] An abacus. It looks pretty cool. Maybe he'll give it to me. 

Tion gestured toward the scales. "Two hundred pounds of stone have been added to one side. You may verify the weight if you wish."

QJ shook his head. "We will trust our allies."

Tion looked pleased. "I must meet with our engineers; Cadre will settle the debt." 

Cadre nodded and waved to someone in the distance. 

[OP: Ringo] Is that a gnome?

[OP: QJ] Yes. Remmy mentioned that some of her people stayed behind to exchange ideas.

A small wagon, drawn by four liraptors, stopped before them. A male gnome QJ didn't know was sitting beside a familiar Freeborn driving the team. 

Dowen hopped down, his fanged smile threatening to eat his face. "Thank you, Yabo."

The gnome climbed down from his seat and offered QJ a deep bow before running back in the direction he came from. 

[OP: QJ] The Freeborn can't touch the red stone; Yabo must have loaded it for them.

Ringo tried not to show her greed, but a wagon heaped with dragon blood made that problematic. 

QJ glanced into the wagon; the red stone was cut into precise blocks of assorted sizes. "Looks like the gnomes have been busy." 

Cadre gestured to the scale apologetically. "If you would, sir?"

QJ nodded and picked up one of the larger red bricks; Ringo joined him, and after a few minutes of labor, the scales were nearly balanced. 

Dowen moved to the stone side of the scale and casually placed a foot on it, forcing it back to the ground. 

Cadre frowned at his fellow Freeborn. "Dowen?"

Dowen stretched his hands over his head before covering a yawn. "I don't know about you, but I've been working hard these past few days. Numi told me she was down to her last week of food before QJ and Ringo arrived. How much did your family have left, Cadre?" 

"Less than that," Cadre admitted. He gestured for Ringo and QJ to continue. "Not quite balanced." 

[OP: QJ] We'll put Dowen in charge of the Outpost.

[OP: Ringo] Agreed.

A short while later, Ringo and QJ started their journey back to OP Keep. They were followed closely by a covered wagon driven by two gnomes. 

QJ's hud buzzed just as Briar Rose came into view. He opened it without thinking. "Ced! Great to see you."

Ced smiled warmly. "Ringo and QJ, it must be my lucky day."

Ringo snorted. "No doubt. What can we do for you?"

"My cousin Tucker has been illegally detained," Ced declared. 

"Reason for detainment?" Ringo asked. 

"Supposedly, it was for debt, but I've paid the amount plus interest, and they haven't released him." 

"I'll take care of it, Ced. Is he at the prison?" QJ asked. 

Ced shook his head. "He's being held by a guild named Righteous Hand."

QJ muttered a curse under his breath. "Why would they want him?"

Ced hesitated to say more but continued after QJ nodded. "They think he's your guy." 

QJ scowled suddenly before glancing at Ringo. "He looked the other way when Robin smuggled me some gunsmithing supplies.

"I was wondering how you made [Oh Shit] while incarcerated," Ringo snapped her fingers. "Looks like RH is doing their homework." 

"Time for a life lesson," QJ decided.

Ringo nodded in agreement. "I'll join you." 

Thanks for reading.

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