
Gift Wrapped

The arid landscape of the Laredo foothills stretched out in all directions as far as the eye could see. Typical of starter towns in GnG, there was nothing around for dozens of miles. Scrub brush, cacti, and numerous ravines housed all manner of creatures, both large and small, vicious and docile.

The temperature climbed steadily as Scorch left Laredo in a streak of dust, his long, loping stride quickly putting distance between himself and the Wrangler starter town. QJ pulled up the local map while he rode. "The best spots are bound to be taken by now. I have to find someplace isolated where I won't have to share mobs."

To the far north of the map, there was a small mountain range. A small plateau butted up against the narrow canyon; it might be an excellent spot to start hunting if he could manage the climb.

Through the desert heat, the horse and rider maintained a steady pace toward their objective. Occasionally random mobs would chase after Scorch, but they were quickly left in the dust.

Nearly thirty minutes later, QJ stood at the base of the cliff, staring up at the steep incline.

Dismounting in a cloud of dust, QJ stored Scorch's bridle and studied his surroundings. He spotted a rock outcropping and pulled out his lariat. QJ had used the rope since childhood; only Jacob could top his skills.

It took three tries to secure the rope, and he continued upward there. The entire trip wasted another thirty minutes.

"Damn, four hours isn't much."

He finally climbed up the plateau. There were a few dozen mobs of different types. Three gray wolves rested under the sparse shade of a mesquite tree. They watched QJ with ears pricked forward and nose sniffing the air.


A timber wolf has been roped and is closing on your position.

QJ drew his pistol and carefully aimed.


A timber wolf has been slowed by 40 percent.

QJ ran in a circle away from the other wolves.


(Head-Shot Bonus)

A timber wolf has been hit for 230 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 46 damage.


A timber wolf has been hit for 60 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 12 damage.

A timber wolf has been slain. You have gained 100 XP and four credits.

"So... ten of those would have leveled me up." He trotted back toward the other two wolves.


A timber wolf has been roped and is closing on your position.


A timber wolf has been slowed by 40 percent.

QJ pulled his Shotgun and aimed from the hip.

*Point Blank*

A timber wolf has been hit for 120 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 24 damage.

He quickly retreated and pulled his pistol.


(Head-Shot Bonus)

A timber wolf has been hit for 250 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 50 damage.

A timber wolf has been slain. You have gained 100 XP and two credits.

QJ walked toward the last one; there was no sense in using lasso since it was by itself. He brought his pistol up slowly.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

A timber wolf has been hit for 365 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 73 damage.

A timber wolf has been slain. You have gained 100 XP and five credits.

QJ frowned at his Shotgun; somehow, it felt awkward in his hands. He envisioned something efficient. "Hmm, this shotgun needs to be modded." He reloaded his pistol while walking toward the next group of mobs.

"I've never actually seen you shoot before. You really are as good as everyone says."

A familiar voice caused him to look up. Angel dropped stealth and landed neatly next to him. "Ouch, where did you pick up that curse?"

QJ frowned at her. "I'm currently anonymous. So how can you even see it?"

Angel smiled; despite her petite frame, her pale skin radiated both danger and beauty. "I'm an NPC. Those rules don't apply."

"You on your way to challenge the Ant Queen?" QJ recalled that she was looking to muscle another NPC out.

"The current Queen won't die for a few more days; then the challenges will be held." She studied him with warm green eyes. "You need to get stronger, QJ; you're a tiny ant."

The ant in question nodded without argument. "Don't worry. This is how the heroes start. Even dad was pathetic and weak at one point." QJ reloaded his Shotgun and started toward the next group of mobs.

Angel grabbed his arm and stopped him. "The Spider Queen will show her benevolence by helping you." She patted his cheeks softly before gripping his face and pressing her lips to his. They were soft and sweet; QJ froze in the moment until Angel forced his mouth open and pushed something inside with her tongue. She leaned away and covered his mouth with a small hand.

"Wleem Te furc dd yyu pte na mrrrmp?"(Loosely translated: What the fuck did you put in my mouth.)

"Don't swallow, and don't chew... just wait." Angel easily held him in place; as the strongest NPC in TAP, only one player could handle her in a fair contest.

QJ felt the heat building in his mouth, there was a soft glow from Angel's hand, and then she let go. QJ immediately fell to his knees, coughing.

"Blech, Blech, God... that was disgusting. What the hell was that?"

Angel gave him a small smile, "just a few spiders. Don't be such a baby."

QJ felt a wave of nausea as his stomach clenched tightly. "Spiders?"

Angel nodded sweetly, "put your hand out and tell them to come out."

QJ spit the nasty taste out of his mouth and then stepped back. He held his hand out in front of him, palm up. "Come."

Three tiny spiders the size of pennies appeared.

[System Message] You have learned a new skill.

[Simple Summons]

Call your three Cider

Spiders to your side.

Cider Spider

Level 1

HP 3/3

Strength 1

Agility 1

Stamina 1

BR: 0

He felt the multitude of eyes watching him and a mildly comforting feeling of warmth before they scurried up his sleeve. He gave Angel a deadpan look, "they have 3 HP."

Angel shrugged off his words. "They are some sort of mutation and won't stay stored away with my minion army."

QJ shot her a concerned look, "you have a minion army?"

Angel nodded. "Doesn't everyone?"

QJ shook his head, "I don't think so. Oh, and don't ever kiss me again."

Angel smiled playfully, "oh, come on, QJ, just one more."

QJ placed a hand on his pistol, "I will shoot you in the face."

Angel laughed, her sweet face leaning closer. "With that tiny pea shooter?"

QJ glanced down at his six-gun and pursed his lips. "I see your point. Now go conquer the underworld or something; I need to level up."

Angel grabbed him and suddenly took to the air, flapping her wings while rapidly gaining altitude. QJ froze in place, aware that any drop would result in his first death. She quickly flew to the upper cliffs and entered a cave that would have been inaccessible to anyone without wings. She sat QJ down just inside.

QJ glanced into the darkness of the cave's interior. "Good hunting here?"

Angel nodded. "Only level fives and sixes, but they are elites." She bent quickly and gave him a peck on the lips. "Got ya!" She flew off laughing and then immediately stealthed.

QJ stared at the place she had disappeared for a moment and then turned back toward the cave. "Not sure I can handle elites, but I have to do something." Staying close to the wall as he moved deeper into the cave. There was no death penalty before level ten, so it would be worth a try.

A few meters in, he heard the skittering of insect feet. An ant, the size of a large dog, lay directly in his path. A smile split his face. The ant was utterly bound up in spider webbing.

"I'll accept your charity just this one time, with the understanding that I owe you one." QJ walked up to the Ant and aimed point blank with his pistol.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 205 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 41 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 188 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 37 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 322 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 64 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 244 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 48 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 188 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 48 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 311 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 62 damage.

"Damn... really?" He reloaded as the ant continued to click its pincers at him.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 154 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 30 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 288 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 57 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

An Elite Ant Soldier has been hit for 211 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 42 damage.

An Elite Ant Soldier has been slain. You have gained 600 XP and 50 credits.

QJ whistled softly. "Nice xp, but I have to move faster."

Over the next few hours, QJ would completely clear out the Caves; there would be 23 web-wrapped Elites, not including a Named Ant that dropped an unidentified ring. Finally, he returned to the cave entrance and took a seat overlooking the canyon.

With his hud timer down to ten minutes, he decided there wasn't enough time to hunt anything else. "Display current Stats and leveling progress."

QJ (Cursed)

Wrangler: Level 2

Agility 30

Perception 25

Stamina 12

Wisdom 9

Strength 10

Command 5



[Phoenix Bullets]

Pistol 65/100 Level 2

Shotgun 45/100 Level 2

[Show Stopper]

The amount of XP you

need to reach level 10

has been tripled.

[15,300/18,000 You need 2,700 XP to reach level 3.]

"My skills are improving quickly; it makes sense since I'm shooting three times more than I normally would." He opened his hud and examined the map of the cavern he'd been hunting in. There were several spots where he could set up traps. "I can make this cave work without Angel gift-wrapping it."

He held out his hand, palm up. "Come." Three little spiders scurried out.

Cider Spiders

Level 4

HP 12/12

Strength 5



Stamina 5


"Guess the curse doesn't affect you guys." Unlike TAP, GnG players had a return-to-town token, QJ opted not to use his. "I'll be back later with a better plan. Log-Out Guns and Gore."

Ringo clicked her polished nails on her desk while she watched her class. All three of the slingers in her group had made level four. Most of the rest were between levels two and three; a good afternoon of work.

"Shall we take a look?" She activated the leaderboard and walked to one side while studying it.

[Top Guild Level]

1) Old Skool-Lvl 4.4

2) Green Ghost 3.4

3) One Problem 3.3

[Class Leaderboard]

Range Rider: Sexy Dexy-Lvl 5

Gunfighter: Oldman Crane-Lvl 5

Brave: Laffy Taffy-Lvl-4

Tracker: Carlotti Hottie-Lvl 5

Shaman: Dead Mimi-Lvl 4

Field Medic: Suga Pie-Lvl 4

Wrangler: Highwater-Lvl 3

Scout: Cactus Flower Lvl 4

Commanchero: Boomer-Lvl 4

Cavalry: Iron Lou-Lvl 4

Raider: Devil Woman-Lvl 4

Gambler: Pinnacle-Lvl 4

[Top Five OverAll]

1) Oldman Crane

2) Sexy Dexy

3) Carlotti Hottie

4) Sunny Meadow

5) Lotte

"These are the leaderboards after the first few hours. As you can see, we are doing well, the third years haven't formed a guild, but I can tell you that their average level is 3.8." Ringo smiled at all the frowning faces.

QJ shook his head. "Don't let it bother you guys, of course; they are ahead of us. They have the experience of already leveling up a character." QJ reached over and high-fived Lotte. "We should be cheering on Lotte, who cracked the top five!"

Lotte blushed as her classmates cheered and clapped. "Thanks."

Ringo closed the leaderboard and walked down the center aisle. "Who can tell me what the forty percent rule is?"

A dark girl with long black hair raised her hand. Her name was Breeze; she was one of the few in class that made it to level four. "It's the expert rule. A real-life sharpshooter will be forty percent more effective in GnG than someone who has never fired a weapon. Even if they are the same level."

Ringo nodded, "not just shooting, but anything else also. In GnG, real-life talent trumps gaming talent when all other things are equal."

A tap at the door drew their attention; Freya opened it and leaned in. She was wearing GnG gear. "Grab some lunch?"

Ringo smiled at her friend, "yep, in a bit." Then, she walked back to the front of the classroom, "can anyone tell me what GnG class our visitor is just by looking?"

QJ was the only one with his hand raised. "Field Medic."

Freya nodded, "how did you guess?"

"Your pistol is on your right side, but you aren't right-handed. Therefore, you must keep your field bandages on your left."

QJ glanced at his teacher for confirmation.

Freya stepped into the classroom. "Are you sure I'm left-handed?"

QJ nodded. "At the Songbird, you ate your cake with your left hand."

The third-year teacher smiled at him. "I'm Dessi, level 4 Field Medic. From now on, please refer to me by my GnG name."

QJ stole a glance at Lotte, "Songbird for lunch?"

Lotte shook her head, "can't today."

"Okay, class, after lunch, report for your extra duties. Applied Engineering is right after that; don't be late."

Ringo walked to the door and held it open. "Have a good lunch."

For once, there wasn't a line outside the Songbird; as QJ got closer, he noticed the 'closed' sign had been turned on. He stepped inside, the slight scent of cooked meat and beer lingered in the air.

"Over here, QJ." Tal waved at him; she was sitting with Remmy, Anna, and Jezebelle.

"Hey, mom." He smiled at the group; they were waiting for him. Remmy had a big box of tools sitting in front of her.

"I'll take your armor. Give Remmy the weapons." Tal stood up and moved to a nearby table.

QJ couldn't stop from smiling, "now we are talking!" He quickly stacked his armor and weapons on the table.

"Woah, what crap." Remmy whistled as she picked up the Shotgun. "Going to cut this down; it's way too long. Want a back holster for it?"

QJ nodded, "whatever you think, Remmy."

"Not much to do with this armor. I can enhance it a bit." Tal grabbed the chest piece and started examining it.

Anna grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the two engineers. "Hit me, QJ; what can I look up for you?"

"Oh, okay. Find anything about Dixie Jones and the quest 'Something Special.' Also, any good hunting area's around Laredo."

Anna nodded and immediately opened her hud.

QJ felt Jezebelle's eyes on him. "Can you identify equipment?"

"Yes, for a price." Her shiny black hair hung down over one shoulder; intricate floral tattoos were visible on her bare arms. Her painted lips curved in a smile, "show me."

QJ nodded; she always said that but never really asked for anything. He handed her the ring that dropped off the named Ant in the caves.

"Oh... you're giving me a ring? Very sudden." Her dark eyes flashed at him before she held the silver band up to her eye. "So nice... it's a Fade Ring."

[Fade Ring]

Description: Escape most

people's notice for a few seconds.

QJ had never heard of a Fade Ring, but he did know that stealth items were virtually non-existent in GnG. Only the Scout class possessed stealth ability. "It's like a low-level temporary Camouflage?"

Jezebelle nodded. "Super rare drop; these are never sold in the marketplace because everyone wants them." She handed the ring back to him.

"Thanks, Jezi" He slipped the ring on and noticed she was still watching him.

She glanced over at Tal, who was busy working on his armor. "Come by the shop after school, QJ," her voice was soft and sultry.

QJ grinned and shook his head. That was way more trouble than he wanted.

Jezi bit her lip, her dark eyes staring. "You don't want a tattoo that enhances stealth items?"

"You have something like that?" QJ knew that her work was highly sought after by every gamer in Exodus.

She shook her head, "nothing yet, but I have a few ideas that could work. If nothing else, you'll end up with some nice ink."

QJ glanced at his hud, "damn, I have to get back already."

Jezi waved her slender hand, "I'll close early, so come by when you're done."

"Thanks, Jezi." QJ walked over to Remmy's table and kissed the top of her head. "I saw Angel this morning."

Remmy smiled at him, "you did? Was she being good?"

"Yep, very good. I have to head back to the academy." QJ glanced at the Shotgun; it had already been taken apart.

"Okay, QJ. I'll be done by the time school is over." Remmy pulled her goggles over her eyes and started taking his pistol apart.

"Gotta go, Mom." QJ bent down and gave Tal a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, hun, love you." Tal barely looked up before continuing her work.

"Love you too." QJ exited the Songbird and made his way back toward the Exodus Academy.
