

Jack smile wickedly. "Everyone deserves the right to freedom from fear. All of you almost even made me piss in my pants out of fear. Your conduct clearly violates human right declaration. You are all consciously, intentionally and planning, organizing and executing acts against human rights."

"This is unacceptable and should never be happened again. All of you must compensate for all my loss. I was almost getting burn, almost getting hit by rock stones, almost getting bite by wild dogs, and clearly almost die. I was getting shocked mentally. My safeties have been violated. Everyone deserves the right to be safety and his health being. But all your acts are disobeying the basic of human rights. You are clearly enemies of every living being on this planet."

"My perfect image in Iocyania will be destroyed mercilessly. I will demand all these moral and non-material losses, and all of you must pay very expensively. Including interest rate and any related taxes. "

"It's time to revenge. No, it is not revenge. It is for the sake of humanity. It is our holy war to strike the evildoers, we are absolute justice! Hail Beretta! God with us!"

It was unavoidable that Jack's hatred toward them grew in exponential scale up to irreconcilable level. He who always spent his time in peacetime and is respected by everyone around him was forced to endure such murder attempted. So be it, Jack though, if you want a war, I give you earth version of war. At least you still had to taste of gangster level war.

With all those words in his mind, Jack disappears into the darkness. The safest and fastest path to the target was memorized in his mind. Walking through shadows of the trees, crawling wherever required and sometimes climb the tree. While controlling his peaceful mind, his soft breath, and light step foot, he comes into his first target. His vision now fully changed into night vision to verify the target.

He is a man in his thirty, short hair and beard, big tall body and very muscular. He stands up under the shadow of a big tree and hugging big long ax. Jack has raw guess that that ax is also a magical wand. It is very dangerous.

Jack put down his body on the ground as if sleep on his stomach. He arranges his body until perfectly in weaver prone position, following the information broadcasted by his nanomachines' skill programs. Then he starts to aim his head.

Just before he holds his breath to pull the trigger, few men arrive and meet the target. His nanomachines inform him that they are also his target, number 29, 28, 27, 2 and 3. It makes them a six-person group, now. They seem to like to discuss something harshly.

It is ending soon after the number 1 plugin his battle ax into the ground and chant something. The rest of his comrades also doing the same he does. A moment later, a magical circle in red light appears, and two big head with a creepy face slowly come up.

This is bad, Jack thought. He decides to execute them all. It is dangerous to turn a mage into your enemy. So, the only way to deal with them is by killing them.


Six thunderous-roar around 160 decibels echoed to surrounding location.

Six bodies fall to the ground. The summoning process was canceled.

Jack quickly disappears into the darkness, heading to target number 4.


Meantime, back into Granny Nindya and Meyrlion

After the countless barrage of various magical assault, Granny Nindya found that their foes supposedly have reached their limit. By enduring for some periods of time, she finally already grasps enemies pattern and their level. She also has a deep understanding of how they move, how they react, which kind response will they gave. Therefore, she knows exactly, they are not at the same level as her son.

"Boy, I believe we are not dealing with ordinary mountain bandits. They are too smart, tactical and well trained. Their equipment is not at the miserable level, but very expensive ones. As if it was prepared specially for a specific duty. Their magical power and the diversity level of their skill are really focused. From their attack pattern, I could guess that their experience was not lacking either, the fruit from various battle. I believe we are dealing with a very experienced special force from an unknown country."

Meyrlion still busy organizing his breath and circulating his magical power throughout his bodies. He feels a little bit tired from the previous battle.

"Yes Mom, I believe they have some connection to our captive, those whom you just watch their interrogation."

"Well, I don't know my son has a hidden talent about interrogating people. You look too cool and it makes me a little bit proud."

Meyrlion laugh. "Jack told me many things about interrogation."

"He seems to know everything. What a knowledgeable child. Well, I do not have any idea related to his homeplace called Earth. I supposed it was far away from Vajya."

"By the way Mom, I believe those people are that forces that told by my captive, that Guymar Godfred person. He refers to them as Dracula Troops Unit under the leadership of Governor-General Cowan, a high-level officer from Nevernia, a country beyond the ocean."

"This is can be count as an attempt to invasion. A direct insult into our Kingdom's sovereignty. This can be interpreted as a war declaration. I wonder what our King would react ..."

Their small chitchat interrupted when six thunderous roars echoed and reach their place.


Both of them are shocked. Meyrlion face become grim. "That must be Jack's weapon. He seems separated from us in the previous attack, chased by enemies and forced to defend himself. We must hurry Mom."

"Boy, we should split up. I believe we are not too far from Tyas' actual location. You should track where are Tyas position first, pinpoint her location and find any possible method to come into her immediately. I believe your magical teleport has reached that level. Am I correct?"

"Leave that duty on me, Mom!" Meyrlion agrees solemnly.

"While I will step forward, perform a direct confrontation assault so their concentration could not disturb your mission. And your mission is, first, rescuing Tyas. Seconds, rescuing Kyra. Then Jack. Now, go!"
