
The Water and the River (Part 2)

"Don't worry, Dad. I've watched you use water magic for years and I know what you're capable of. Also, I'm not going to lecture you. You'll learn by experience. Put your hand above mine." Lith offered his hand open with the palm down.

"What now?" Raaz did as instructed.

"Now conjure water magic and I'll do the rest."

"Jorun!" Not trusting his limited talent, Raaz called upon the magic word and traced the hand sign.

As his mana core connected with the abundant water element of the lake, Lith activated Tiamat Fear and Domination. The former allowed him to tame the world energy and made it less resistant to Raaz's will while the latter hijacked part of the chore magic.

"I need you to relax, Dad." Lith said. "Don't think. Just follow the flow of mana and let me do the heavy lifting."

Raaz felt something taking over his mana and moving it toward the water. There, the chore spell found a big trout and surrounded it.
