
Second Phase (Part 2)

'Awakening Lith would be a terrible move since Night needs one hit to kill my Tiamat form. My best bet is to keep my human side on the back burner and bet everything on George's recovery abilities.

'I don't need to win, only to buy time until my friends arrive. The guards saw Meln and at least one of them is bound to have sounded the alarm. Here goes everything.'

The Voidfeather Dragon left the Void in charge and transferred his consciousness in front of the door to limit the influx of lost souls invading his body. With the threat of Frost Soul negating his magic and without Lith's military mind, there was only one possible path to survival.

The Voidfeather ignited a spark of his life force and threw it at the black goo seeping through the cracks in Lith's life force.

Blue flames erupted from his body, consuming the torrent of raging souls and burning the Void Demon Dragon's aura.
