
Crystal Cauldron (Part 1)

"Seriously?" Ryka asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"It's none of your-" Solus' words died in her mouth as she noticed Lith's worried look. In a fight, a mage out of shape would easily become out of life. It wasn't just a matter of daily health but also survival.

"I'll have just one slice. For the investigation's purposes."

Lith turned the Eyes of Menadion on and off for a moment, hoping to catch a glimpse of his mark but to no avail. There were too many powerful residual energy signatures inside the Association and they all vanished once out of the door.

Mages would rarely walk or use carriages. The weak ones would fly while the powerful ones would Warp to their destination. The Eyes picked up several energy trails going up but they were either too weak or going in the wrong direction.

The group had to reach the Crystal Cauldron by flight since none of them had ever visited Xaanx.
